This endless world

Chapter 220 Not a God

"So, do you understand why I want to destroy this plane?"

After the explanation, No. 10032 looked at the silent Xin Bi'an and continued: "Now that the jump process is started, we can directly activate Lungominiad's full liberation mode outside the planet and fully activate the holy spear bombardment spirit. The damaged veins will trigger a chain reaction within the planet and directly destroy this plane."

"But that is a plane, the lives that are still alive, and the countless souls that exist in the river of life..."

Xin Bi'an murmured to herself that although she basically failed every subject in the literary test at Sanqing University, she still put in a lot of hard work as plane studies was the focus of the compulsory courses, and she could understand the seriousness of the current situation. Xing: "Don't we have other options? For example, do everything we can to rescue the people and take them out of this plane?"

"We don't have a lot of resources and we don't have the time."

No. 10032's fingers pressed a few more times on the virtual screen: "We were about to return to the human city for supplies, and accidentally discovered this deeply eroded plane, Lungomini. Yade’s reserve energy is running low.”

"And to carry out a large-scale transfer of humans in this world is itself an extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming matter. And what we lack most at the moment is time."

"But our mission is to redeem the plane and save the people who have been eroded by Dark Gaia from the water and fire... This is obviously our responsibility!" Xin Bi'an said in an unbelievable tone: "Even if it is a life, there is Its redeeming value...isn’t this the creed we uphold?”

"Yes, we are saviors, but we are not the saviors of everyone. We have saved some worlds and many ordinary people, but this does not mean that we can save everyone."

No. 10032 looked directly at Xin Bi'an. There was no emotion in her eyes. What she had was just a look that was so rational and scary after judgment and analysis: "This is a choice. We can never do what we want to do. We can only Do what you can do.”

"We have no right to decide how many people must die, but we can do our best to ensure how many people can live! Do you want us to watch them turn into dust together with this planet, and watch them be abandoned by our own hands? ?”

"Especially, we have the ability to save them! We are not powerless!"

Xin Bi'an's voice also became louder, and she said angrily: "I'll say it again, we are not here to destroy them! Now you want to wipe out Ashiya Daoman, ordinary people and this plane together. This approach is definitely not the right way! "

"But this is the most efficient way to save the world. When the cost is not proportional to the benefits, we can only do this. This is the best choice based on my rational judgment and data analysis."

The words of No. 10032 were a bit cold and scary at this time. She said calmly: "The ordinary people in this plane are almost hopeless. It is impossible for us to save them. And what we can do is to take the best measures under the current situation. The best option we can choose is to release the Holy Spear with all our strength, once and for all..."

"Why can you say such cold words so lightly?" Xin Bi'an shook his head. Although he knew that No. 10032's way of thinking was quite different from that of others, the words spoken by the deputy leader today were so cold that it was shocking. Hard to accept: "They are all human beings! Innocent human beings living in the positive universe, what right do we have to decide their life and death?"

"Because this is the choice, I chose to abandon this plane to preserve the vitality of our fourth group. In this multiverse, there may be many others who have been corroded by the power of Dark Gaia just like this plane. plane."

"We can indeed save some human beings, but how much resources will it cost us and how many sacrifices will be made by the soldiers? Right now, there may be another plane eroded by the power of darkness, waiting for our rescue ."

No. 10032 replied without giving up: "We are the Tenth Legion of the Emperor of Humanity, the front line against the erosion of darkness, the ones who set foot in the abyss, and the saviors of the world...Darkness is coming, death is just the beginning, we are alive. Living in the darkness, not wearing glory, not striving for favor, just to protect a corner of the human race."

"And for the sake of the future, and for the power of Dark Gaia not to continue to grow and develop, any sacrifice, any abandonment, even if it can be called a massacre, is an extraordinary policy in extraordinary times and a last resort... even if you go back Later, I will report this matter to the two deputy commanders, and they will also identify these ordinary people who have been corrupted as 'evil', and thus agree with my opinion and my choice."


When No. 10032 mentioned the two deputy commanders Leng Jian and Saru, Xin Bian was speechless for a moment. She also knew very well what type of people those two were... They were extremely extreme in the early days of Human City. ists.

It is said that in order to completely exterminate the elves among the hundreds of ancient tribes, the two deputy army commanders would rather degenerate into demons and be entangled in karma than to eliminate evil... And if they faced such a situation here, I am afraid they would not be able to continue. Without a second of hesitation, he will directly adopt plan No. 10032 and completely destroy this plane.

——But, how can you just give an order like this... Can such behavior really be called "correct"?

Feeling the unwillingness and confusion coming from the memory, Yang Yun seemed to be immersed in the scene... He understood that this was the time for Xin Bi'an to face his true heart when he was unable to make a choice.

Just like in the infinite horror, Zheng Zha chose to kill all the hundreds of human soldiers who airborne with him in order not to expose his identity in Starship Troopers; just like in Transformers, facing the overwhelming robots Army, in order to complete the mission required by the Lord God for the Central Continent Team to obtain the source of fire, Chu Xuan deployed nuclear weapons, turning hundreds of thousands of beautiful soldiers and more Transformers into fly ash, opening the way to victory. The same... choice, this is also a choice!

——It’s just that in order to survive and to survive with the friends around you, is it okay to dirty your hands and your heart?

——Just like now, for the "overall situation" and for the "future", can all sacrifices and all massacres be forgiven?

Xin Bi'an was silent for a long time, but just by seeing the expression on her face, No. 10032 knew what this extremely easy-to-understand leader was thinking. This cold wise man used the same cold words to express Yang Yun's impression. That profound sentence...

"We are saviors, but we are not omnipotent gods. Wanting to do it and being able to do it are two completely different things."

"Because we can never save everyone."

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