This endless world

Chapter 235 This is cultivation!

Damn it! Sent!

This was the first thought that popped into Yang Yun's mind when he saw this dazzling array of techniques and moves...

Sent! This time it really happened! This is fucking cultivation! Redeeming it with the Lord God requires at least a B-level branch plot cultivation!

Cultivation, cultivation to be true, the great path created by Human Emperor Fuxi has endless potential.

In the original infinite terror, the only cultivator in the main god space was Luo Yinglong, and all his abilities, including cultivation techniques and the innate spiritual treasure Qingsuo Sword, all came from the plot world of Shushan, and the cultivator from the Demon Team At best, it's just pseudo-cultivation using high-tech equipment... It can be said that Luo Yinglong is the only cultivator in the main god space, the only type of scorpion daddy.

...You mean Zheng Zha? If Magic Cave Cannon foundation building can be regarded as cultivation, it would be too insulting to the profession of cultivator.

Yang Yun could hardly hold back the excitement in his heart. You must know that even in the original work, the Zhongzhou team also obtained some cultivation materials in the Hanging Pavilion, but those not only had a large number of encryption methods, but also required the translation and translation of Chu Xuan and Qi Tengyi. After identification, it depends on whether it is suitable for the members of the Central Continent team to use... Don't you see that even though Chu Xuan held an artifact like the Jade Disc of Good Fortune, he finally gave Zheng Zha a simple and crude method of building a magic cannon. ? Moreover, the raw materials used were the eight small flags seized from Luo Yinglong during the Lord of the Rings. It can be said that the replicability is basically zero.

But the data Liuli had just transmitted was different. Not only were there so many types that Yang Yun was dazzled by picking them up, but they also took into account all aspects, attributes, and types. It even specifically marks the people who are suitable for practicing, as well as the advantages and disadvantages, so you don’t have to worry about translation problems or getting carried away due to lack of information during practice... This is simply what the Zhongzhou team lacks the most today!

"These are all the information I can give you."

Yang Yun was still overjoyed, while Liuli on the side still seemed dissatisfied: "Since when we left the Human City, we were on a combat mission rather than a missionary mission, Captain Xin Bi'an said that he was a Jindan-level cultivator. In fact, I don’t like the extraordinary path of cultivation... so the core of Nese doesn’t carry too much information on the techniques. Most of the techniques can only be practiced to the foundation level, and a small number of techniques can be practiced. The kind that reaches the golden elixir level.”


It is said that the origin of family education is pride. Yang Yun was a little frightened when he heard it. Forget about the "basic skills", it is still the kind that can "only" be practiced to the foundation building level... The foundation building level, that is nothing Dabaicai, regardless of how much trouble Zheng Zha suffered in successfully building the foundation, even the exchange price of the foundation building pill from the Lord God only states that people can have the physique to quickly achieve the foundation building. Even after ordinary people take it, they can Increase your life span by more than three hundred years and protect you from all diseases.

Physique is a constitution, and skills are skills. These are two completely different things. The A-level skill Hunyuan Yiqigong exchanged by Zheng Zha requires more than two hundred years of practice to achieve perfection, and then give birth to a golden elixir...

That’s two hundred years! How can the life span of ordinary human beings be two hundred years? In other words, if an ordinary person is born, even if he practices Hunyuan Yi Qigong day and night, coupled with the improvement of his life essence brought by this exercise, he will only have a slight chance of succeeding after practicing until he grows old and dies. , cultivate the golden elixir... If you want to cultivate successfully, I am afraid that only the genius among geniuses can do it.

Let’s take a look at these exercises transmitted by Liuli... Shangqing Martial Arts, it is explained that they are health-preserving exercises similar to Tai Chi or radio gymnastics. The special explanation is that this exercise is superior to Zhongzheng and peaceful, and the progress is the slowest.

But according to what is said in the exercise, no matter how slow you are, you can do it once every morning and evening. Even if you have mediocre qualifications and do not know any cultivation knowledge, as long as you have an energy circulation system in your body and are not a complete invalid, you can continue to strengthen your body and improve your health. Lifespan, the foundation must be established within fifty years, and the lifespan is limited to about three hundred years...

——Damn it, it’s indeed a technique developed by Master Tongtian among the Three Purities Taoist Masters. It’s just outrageous.

Yang Yun was horrified to see that if he performed a set of radio gymnastics in the morning and evening, he would be able to build a foundation within fifty years. This technique alone was as effective as the foundation building pill. There is even room to continue to specialize in higher-level techniques, but Liuli has no follow-up for the time being.

Of course, Shangqing Martial Arts is only a basic cultivation technique. Although it has a great name, its advantage is actually its universality, which is also in line with the legendary "teaching without discrimination" principle. In comparison, Taiqing Martial Arts and Yuqing Martial Arts both have certain requirements for qualifications. Yuqing Martial Arts requires the highest qualifications, while Taiqing Martial Arts values ​​the character of the mind the most. This is also in line with the original emphasis on calculation power and Laozi's requirements for the character of the mind.

Excluding these three well-known cultivation techniques, the second category consists of various attribute cultivation techniques, such as the five elements cultivation techniques. Some people are born with special constitutions, or are particularly sensitive to certain elements, such as Xin Bi'an. In addition to practicing Shangqing Martial Arts, she also made great progress in practicing Purple Thunder Kung Fu, but she finally chose the Shangqing Immortal Killing Technique with a higher upper limit.

The third category is those with huge side effects, or simply belong to the demonic cultivation techniques. For example, a set of skills called Blood Demon Technique seems to have something in common with the Blood Demon Ancestor in Shu Mountain. They are also techniques for killing people and refining souls, but without the four most powerful ones. There are only eight thousand Blood God Sons... The technique also specifically states that anyone who practices negative energy can practice it, but it is very suitable for replicating Zheng Zha.

In addition, there are actually two sets of skills called Ji Du Jue and Luo Hu Gong. These two sets of skills are both sword techniques and cultivation techniques. It means that the body is transformed into a demon, the sword embryo is sacrificed, and the body is used. Transformed into a sword, the human sword becomes one. After both techniques have been practiced to the foundation-building stage, you can even combine them into one to create your own Jidu Luohu Instant Prison Sword... This is one of the few techniques that can directly reach the Golden Core level. .

——Why do you feel that this is very suitable for the clone Zhao Zukong? After all, that guy has some symptoms of schizophrenia... No, why is it always suitable for the Demon Team's skills? I came here to help them purchase goods, right?

Yang Yun shook his head and forced himself not to look at these vast and powerful cultivation techniques. After taking back the core of the Lord Nether into his body, he looked at Liuli again and solemnly said: "I can't thank you enough... This is exactly what we need at the moment. stuff, it’s been a big help.”

Liuli nodded and said: "As long as you are satisfied, then we can discuss the rest of the things later. The most important thing next..."

“It needs to be done in the river of life.”

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