This endless world

Chapter 252: Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Tao, Basic Martial Arts, and

Chapter 252 The Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Tao, Basic Martial Arts, and...


What a desirable word, even for people of Zheng Zha's generation, it is more desirable than martial arts... At least among the young people of the same age as Zheng Zha, who has not watched Shushan and Journey to the West on TV? , have you played the game Legend of Sword and Fairy?

Compared with martial arts knights who can fly over the walls, cultivators who can ascend to the underworld with a flying sword are obviously more likely to satisfy the pursuit of fantasy among teenagers in middle school. After all, in that special era, many primary school students and even middle school students should have tried to put long-handled umbrellas behind their backs, fantasizing about being a sword fairy... and the Internet novels that quietly emerged in that era gave everyone unlimited reverie.

Even during the Resident Evil crisis, in order to let Zheng Zha and others know the magic of the Lord God, when he introduced the top exchange to people who had just entered the Lord God's space for the first time, one of the examples he gave was that he needed an S Level branch plot, and a divine bloodline of 50,000 reward points... This top bloodline not only allows the redeemer's six-dimensional attributes to reach the sky in one step, making them completely otherworldly, but also allows them to possess a special energy called "divine power."

...Supernatural power, it’s awesome just thinking about it. Put together with internal power, vampire energy, life energy, and elf energy, it doesn't sound like they are on the same level.

God's bloodline is already so awesome, but the second example Zhang Jie gave at that time, the price of "Cultivation Cultivation Method" was actually higher than that of God's bloodline. While it required an S-level branch plot, the required reward points were even more It reached an exaggerated 70,000 points. Although this exchange does not improve the six-dimensional attributes as much as the improvement of divine blood, it has a special skill "cultivation" that allows the exchanger to step by step become an immortal who lives with the world and shines with the sun and the moon.

That is an immortal immortal, the ultimate goal of almost all living things!

When he heard Zhang Jie's introduction, Zheng Zha just took it as a joke. But after seeing the Lord God with his own eyes and understanding how powerful this big ball of light was, Zheng Zha only dared to think about how to pass "cultivation" while dreaming. "This skill makes him an immortal... An S-level side plot and 70,000 reward points are not enough even if you sell him twice!"

You get what you pay for, this is the principle of the Lord God, and Zheng Zha knows it all too well. Therefore, he did not dare to exchange for any cultivation methods. He could only exchange himself for a Najie that was said to be made by cultivation technology, and then humbly held on to his inner strength and bloodline, and worked hard to strengthen it step by step.

At the very least, life is gradually getting better. Although the two horror movies Alien and The Grudge were a bit poor, after a team battle, Zheng Zha still managed to strengthen both of his bloodlines to B level. Then the next step is to buy yourself a suit of armor or a handy weapon...

However, today, Yang Yun, who borrowed a C-level subplot from him, gave him a big surprise, or surprise. Three books that are suspected to be cultivation techniques and secrets... those are three books! Three books!

Could it be that pie will really fall from the sky?

Looking at the three golden and jade volumes of secret books in front of him, Zheng Zha's hands were trembling. Even if it was his first time to kill a zombie, his first close encounter with an alien, or his first time to kill a young monk, his hands did not shake so badly... This was not only for his yearning for cultivation, but also for himself. The pursuit of a dream that is about to be realized is a manifestation of being overwhelmed by the overlord's lust and arrogance!

"Damn it, three books, three books, am I really going to live the life of my dreams? Three cultivation secret books, one to practice, one to throw away, and one to put under the pillow as a family heirloom..."

Seeing that Zheng Zha had started talking nonsense, Zhan Lan couldn't help but lightly kicked the man. As a woman, even if she could understand some, it was difficult for her to empathize with Zheng Zha's kind of cultivation thoughts: "Serious Is that okay? It’s not necessarily related to cultivation, so you should first take a look at what the names of these three secret books are.”

"No matter what it is, as long as it is cultivation, it must be a good thing..."

In Zheng Zha's mind, he was already imagining that he was stepping on a flying sword, turning into sword light and flying through the air. The sword energy spanned 30,000 miles, and the light of one sword chilled nineteen continents, severing mountains and clouds, splitting seas and earth... and so on. The scene of waiting. It wasn't until Zhan Lan kicked him hard on the calf bone that this man who was quite easy to understand smiled stupidly and opened one of the books. The words in the book immediately entered his mind. ,Then……

"The Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Path? This name..."

Zheng Zha was in a daze as he read the contents of this secret book. After reading it over, he realized that it was a book on how to cultivate the blood in his body. The general meaning is to cultivate energy from the blood, then compress and refine this energy, and explode it with greater power. At the same time, this process can also improve your physical strength. It is a kind of internal and external cultivation method.

"It's good, but is it a little bit different from the cultivation technique I imagined?"

Zheng Zha scratched his head. This was indeed a book on cultivation techniques. After all, normal martial arts secret books would not have such a cool and outrageous name, nor would they teach you how to cultivate energy from blood. From this point of view, there is a fundamental gap between it and ordinary martial arts... But is there something wrong with the painting style? This kind of technique looks like a demonic technique, right? Where is my flying sword dream?

"Isn't it pretty good? I think it's very suitable for your bloodline." Zhan Lan saw the significance of Yang Yun's selection of this technique: "Your bloodline energy can essentially pass through this technique. Refining and improving?"

"That's what I said...forget it, there are still two copies anyway."

Although the dream of flying swords in his heart collapsed, Zheng Zha still looked at the next secret book, but this one shocked him even more: "Basic martial arts? What is this?"

The second secret book is not so much a cultivation technique as it is a complete collection of martial arts from scratch. Not only does it include boxing, footwork, light skills, and practice skills, but it also has enemy moves, situation descriptions, and actual combat scene simulations. It is also thoughtfully accompanied by animations, as well as a boxing method called basic combat boxing, and even "Cultivation" An appendix like "10,000 Problems You May Encounter in the Process"...

...Isn’t it that the style of painting is a bit wrong?

Zheng Zha scratched his head again. Although this second cheat book was indeed quite practical and could even be said to have supplemented his most scarce basic knowledge, what the hell was this sense of déjà vu like a textbook written for first grade primary school students... ... Zheng Zha even had a feeling that this exercise book was a textbook specifically for literacy.

And he was the one who was swept away.

"Isn't it pretty good? It's a foundation-specific technique. You don't really think that you can start practicing directly after you get the cultivation technique, do you?"

Zhan Lan made the following comment after reading it: "I don't think there's anything bad about it. It's easy to understand and has no barriers to entry. It's also an advantage... hehe."

...Then don't laugh out loud, otherwise I will suspect that you are questioning my IQ.

Zheng Zha shook his head speechlessly and turned to open the third secret book. The name of this third skill made him stunned, and then a complicated and incomprehensible feeling came to his heart. Because the name of the third skill...

It’s called the Yi Jin Jing.

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