This endless world

Chapter 266 Betrayal and Tips

When everyone opened their eyes again, they were already in a dark grove. It was already dark, and not far from them was an open-air venue... But no one paid attention to it. From the position he was in, he looked at Zhang Jie with a surprised look on his face, because even now, he was still holding the hand of the classical beauty tightly.

"...Zhang Jie, what do you mean? Why did you bring your sister-in-law in?"

Zheng Zha's first angry question was directed at Zhang Jie. The more he spoke, the louder he said: "Didn't you hint to me before that this horror movie will be more difficult than ever before? And Death Comes is still the most difficult one. It’s an inexplicable horror movie. There is no real enemy for us to defeat... Zhang Jie, what on earth are you doing? Are you going to kill the person you love most?"

Zhang Jie did not answer. He just looked at each other and smiled with the classical beauty, then looked at Zheng Zha and said: "Actually, don't you understand the truth very well? The Zhongzhou team must have a captain. And this horror movie is me It’s time you choose for yourself.”

"Don't be the fucking Riddler! What the hell do you mean?"

Zheng Zha roared at Zhang Jie almost like a roar: "I know that you are the leader of the Zhongzhou team, and I also know that this horror film will have to decide a captain... But this is the same as you bringing your sister-in-law into the horror film. What does it have to do with it?"

"Want to know? Then defeat me..."

Zhang Jie didn't answer Zheng Zha's question directly. He turned around and walked towards the darkness. What shocked Zheng Zha was that Zhao Yingkong, Ling Dian, Zhang Heng, and Qi Teng actually followed Zhang Jie without saying a word, leaving only a message transmitted from the spiritual chain: "I have been hypnotized. The four of them will continue to attack you secretly. You can choose to kill them or knock them unconscious. As long as you do this, the hypnosis I imposed on them will be lifted..."

"This horror film is Death Comes Four, a horror film that once destroyed the Central Continent team. It is one of the most difficult worlds that the Samsara Team can experience. If you want to survive, you can only avoid Death as much as possible. Chase, then come and see me, when you see me, that’s when everything will end..."

"Come on, defeat me, you will be the captain of the Zhongzhou team, otherwise you will die!"

"Zhang Jie, you bastard!"

Zhang Jie's speed seemed extremely slow, but it was also extremely fast. In just a second or two when Zheng Zha was shocked, he was about to disappear into the dark woods. But Zheng Zha couldn't bear it any longer, so he rushed towards Zhang Jie's back, but...


Zheng Zha's whole body was stuck to an invisible protective shield. Under his full force attack, although this protective shield did not hurt him, it still made Zheng Zha feel as if he was stuck in cotton and felt extremely uncomfortable.

——Is this the Lord God’s protective shield?

Zheng Zha touched the invisible barrier in front of him unbelievingly. As expected, it was soft but indestructible. Just like what he had experienced in the previous horror movies, it was a sign that the horror movie had not yet begun... It could not only protect reincarnation. The team members will not be noticed by the outside world, and it can also prevent them from entering the world of horror movies too early.

"But if this is the case, why can Zhang Jie and the others be in contact with this world in advance? Zhan Lan, Yang..."

Zheng Zha punched the protective shield hard again, but this kind of venting behavior obviously had no effect, and he had no choice but to turn around and call his teammates, because Zhang Jie brought him before Only Zhao Yingkong and four others left, not Zhan Lan and Yang Yun, so that's okay...

But when Zheng Zha turned around, all he saw were the twelve newcomers lying on the ground and Zhan Lan with a wry smile. Yang Yun was nowhere to be seen. Seeing that Zheng Zha finally noticed this fact, Zhan Lan also smiled bitterly and pointed outside the protective shield with his finger.

Seeing Zhan Lan's actions, Zheng Zha suddenly had an extremely bad premonition in his heart. When he turned around again and looked in the direction Zhan Lan pointed, he saw Yang Yun standing quietly on that floor as well. Outside the protective cover...

"Yang Yun, you...!"

Zheng Zha looked at Yang Yun with a shocked expression, unable to speak any more words, and Yang Yun also smiled slightly and said: "It seems that this is the battlefield Zhang Jie has chosen for us, Zheng Zha. "

Hearing Yang Yun's words, Zheng Zha suddenly had a terrible suspicion in his heart. He walked slowly to the protective shield, stared at Yang Yun with both eyes and said: "Yang Yun, you were not hypnotized by Zhang Jie, right?" Bar?"

"Yes, I was not hypnotized." Yang Yun replied.

"Then since you are standing outside the protective shield, it means that you have known about Zhang Jie for a long time?"

Zheng Zha felt the invisible and qualityless protective shield, and punched the protective shield with all his strength. This venting attack actually caused the protective shield to have a trace of ripples, and he said word by word : "Why are you doing this? How many things are you and Zhang Jie hiding from me? And you..."

"a chance."

Yang Yun raised his finger and cut off Zheng Zha's words. He stood outside the protective shield and said quietly: "Zhang Jie gave me a chance, a chance to fight with you, a chance to decide in this horror movie." The chance to find out who will be the final captain of the Central-Continent team... He showed me his power and gave me a chance, and I made my choice accordingly."

"...Just for this?" Zheng Zha gritted his teeth tighter and tighter, almost bleeding: "Just for the position of captain, you chose to betray?"

"No, this is not betrayal. If I really want to describe it in one sentence, it is that those who understand the current affairs are heroes."

Yang Yun shook his finger gently: "I know too many secrets about Zhang Jie, so I can only stand on his side and play some one-two-three wooden games with you. And he can give me a fair one with you." The opportunity to fight is the reward for my help in concealing it... But it's you, Zheng Zha, in order to survive, what are you willing to pay? What are you willing to sacrifice? "

Looking into Yang Yun's eyes, Zheng Zha seemed to understand something. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "I don't believe what you say, and don't try to confuse me with words. You wise men have too many calculations. I only trust you." What I see before my eyes..."

"For the sake of the cultivation techniques you gave us, I will not kill you in this horror movie, but I will defeat you and beat you half to death, and then face Zhang Jie... If we have a fair fight with me If this is your wish, then I will definitely beat you up and let you know the consequences of lying to me!"

"Very good, this is the Zheng Zha I know."

Yang Yun smiled and clapped, as if he didn't take Zheng Zha's words to beat him to death at all: "In that case, let me give you another reminder... Zhang Jie once experienced a death attack. You can think about it, how did he survive that horror movie, and why did he leave Zhan Lan by your side?"

"If you understand what I'm saying, you can win a chance to survive for yourself and everyone around you..."

"Otherwise, annihilation will be the only fate for the Zhongzhou team!"

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