This endless world

Chapter 285 Touching the Power of Destruction

"Look at how pathetic you are now, Zheng Zha, like an insect frozen in amber, unable to even move."

Zhang Jie slowly raised his steps and got closer to Zheng Zha: "Oh, I forgot, your name seems to be Zheng Zha, which is homophonic to struggle... So maybe I should make your struggle uglier?"

As he spoke, Zhang Jie blinked, and Zheng Zha suddenly found that he could move freely above his neck. He wanted to directly open his mouth and curse Zhang Jie, but he didn't expect that before the words came out, a large mouthful of blood spurted out, which seemed to be mixed with some internal organ fragments.

"...It's really disgusting."

Despite what he said, there was not even a hint of disgust or disgust on Zhang Jie's face. He just made a casual move and used his telekinesis to wrap up the blood spurted by Zheng Zha, and then threw it aside. This prevented the splattered blood from staining his clothes.

At this time, Zheng Zha was shocked to find that even though he had used such a powerful force and experienced such a huge battle, he was shocked. Zhang Jie didn't even sweat at all, and his clothes weren't even stained at all.

"Oh? Can you see the difference between you and me? Sure enough, you are not an idiot... Let's talk about the people who can reach your level, who is an idiot?"

Zhang Jie noticed Zheng Zha's shocked gaze. He looked down at his clothes, then raised his head and said, "But I don't quite understand. Since you are not an idiot, why would you dare to challenge me without any intention?"

"...If choosing to protect teammates and insisting on your own beliefs is an idiot, then I would rather stay like this idiot for the rest of my life."

Zheng Zha spat out several mouthfuls of blood before coldly answering Zhang Jie's question: "This is my choice, my belief, my path... As the leader of the main god's lackey, you, What else do you know?”

"Well said, but at least I understand that only by living can I have everything."

Zhang Jie was not angry at being scolded as a lackey of the Lord God. Instead, he gently clapped his hands twice: "The current situation is that you who persisted in your beliefs were defeated by me. You failed to pass the test of the Lord God, and you will soon." He was killed by me; but as a lackey of the Lord God, I gave up my beliefs, but I was able to survive as before."

Zheng Zha was angry again when he heard this, but there was really not much energy left in his body. Even if he turned on the "explosion" state again, he could not escape Zhang Jie's telekinesis. He could only wait for the opportunity to make further calculations... Thinking of this, Zheng Zha also kept silent, trying his best to squeeze out the little computing power he had left, hoping to use his subtle power to break free again.

But before Zheng Zha could find the power hidden in his body, he heard Zhang Jie say: "Oh... I almost forgot, after killing you, I still have to complete the corresponding 'work'."

Hearing these words, Zheng Zha was immediately shocked, and a bad premonition arose in his heart: "What do you mean, Zhang Jie!"

"I said, in this horror movie, the Zhongzhou team must have a captain. Since you, as the first pick, chose to challenge me, then I will use the same question to test the Zhongzhou team. of all people.”

Zhang Jie said expressionlessly the words that sent shivers down Zheng Zha's spine: "As a leader, I actually have some selfish motives. I don't want to obediently give up my position as captain and then die in obscurity, but I I can’t go against the Lord God’s will. Fortunately, your choice gave me a chance, a chance that allows me to go back to before..."

"Asshole! What the hell are you going to do!"

Zhang Jie wasn't talking to Zheng Zha, he was just talking to himself, and Zheng Zha clearly smelled something bad. He broke free frantically and roared: "What do you mean by that! What do you mean by using the same question to test everyone in the Zhongzhou team?"

Hearing Zheng Zha's roar, Zhang Jie looked at him again and said: "What are you doing? I'm just completing my work and continuing the choice you made... Kill all the Zhongzhou team members in this horror movie, Let the Zhongzhou team restart again."

"As long as I take this opportunity of captain certification to clear out all the reincarnators in the current Central Continent team, then I can survive in the Central Continent team again after the team is destroyed, waiting for a new round of newcomers to enter."

"Then he's our fucking partner! We've been partners since the time of Resident Evil!"

Zheng Zha's eyes were about to burst, not to mention the blood spurting from his mouth. He even spurted blood from his eye sockets, and the telekinesis that had frozen him began to shake slightly, but he himself did not notice it: "You want to go now?" Kill them? Are you still human?"

"No, I'm not originally. I'm just a guide, a guide with Zhang Jie's memory."

Zhang Jie smiled slightly. He slowly took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket and took a long drag. The voice was still so cold, but Zheng Zha seemed to be able to hear a slightly proud emotion in it. : "Speaking of which, the last time the Central Continent team was wiped out, it seems that it was also when Death came... I have to say that this is a reincarnation of history. It's just the same mistake, and I won't make it a second time."

——This is the first time Zhang Jie has expressed his emotions in his words after appearing.

Zheng Zha, who was under the third-level gene lock, grasped this subtle key in an instant, and a possibility instantly appeared in his mind.

"I'll kill you first, then Yang Yun, then Zhan Lan...wait, why do I smoke?"

Zhang Jie was still talking about his order of killing, but after taking a puff of the cigarette, he suddenly froze and murmured to himself: "It shouldn't be? Why do I still keep this habit?"

At this moment, the telekinetic restraints that had been as strong as fine steel suddenly relaxed for a moment.

Zheng Zha would not give up this opportunity, this opportunity that suddenly appeared. He instinctively put his own life and death aside, without reservation, completely mixed the remaining internal energy and blood energy in his body, and then...


The power of destruction surged through the body, directly exploding several large holes in Zheng Zha's body, and he also entered a wonderful state, just like the "super sense" that Yang Yun once said State, time all around has slowed down...

Can feel it.

Zheng Zha blinked. He could feel that Zhang Jie was actually using telekinesis to solidify the air and trap him. All he had to do was burst out the power in his body, and the telekinesis restraints around him would shatter like glass.

But it's not enough.

Zheng Zha could also feel that the telekinesis surrounding Zhang Jie's body was layered on top of his body, forming countless layers of protective shields to protect his body.

I only have one chance, and I only have the power of one blow.

Zheng Zha understood that even if he took this opportunity to escape from the restraints, if he could not kill Zhang Jie with one blow, the leader who reacted would backhand him and suppress him again. By then, everything will be irreversible.

So, I need a weapon.

Looking away, he didn't know whether it was a coincidence or the last gift from "Zhang Jie" who was standing side by side with Zheng Zha. The purple thunder knife stuck sideways on the ground happened to be within his reach.

In a daze, Zheng Zha seemed to hear a voice. The voice came from the bottom of his heart, gentle and strange.

——Come on, Zheng Zha.

——To put an end to this.

Draw the sword, and then pour the power of destruction into the sword——!

"Drink aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

There was a flash of thunder in the night sky.

Just at the moment when his mind was running, the Purple Thunder Sword, full of destructive power, broke through the telekinesis defense between the two people with a devastating force, slashed Zhang Jie's body, and cut it in two!

Through the gushing blood, Zheng Zha could even clearly see the expression on Zhang Jie's face, which changed from pride, to shock, to relief in a thousandth of a second.

Finally, there is a silent embouchure.

——Well done, Zheng Zha.

Then, the man's body separated diagonally and fell into the dust.

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