This endless world

Chapter 340 The Trap of Words


While Yang Yun was thinking about the truth behind this horror movie, Zheng Zha was thinking about his opponent in this team battle.

Zheng Zha understands that from the information provided to him by the Lord God, as long as you show a strong desire to survive, or the opening speed of the gene lock reaches the standard set by the Lord God, you will be copied into the Demon Team... It can be said that All the members of the Demon Team are the most promising among the other fifteen ordinary reincarnation teams. And if these copied potentials all grow up, no one can imagine how strong this reincarnation team will be.

Zhang Jie once told Zheng Zha that he was very likely to be copied into the Devils team, and Zheng Zha also knew his potential very well, and he had a place even in the Devils team... This is not that he boasted, two games and one game Level 3, level 2 in three games, level 3 in four games, and in the fifth game Death is Coming, he directly unlocked the gene lock of the fourth level by taking advantage of the captain's certification.

Everyone who can survive several difficult horror movies and reach this point is a strong person. The strong naturally have strong self-confidence. If not, they would not be able to unlock the fourth-level gene lock.

Confidence does not mean arrogance. Even if Zheng Zha thinks that he will not lose to anyone on the Devils team, he has to admit that the Devils team, which has the strongest potential in the main god space, is by no means an easy opponent to deal with this time. Entering after the Central Continent team is the best proof... and even if the Central Continent team can win this team battle, it is likely to pay an extremely heavy price.

This second team battle for the Zhongzhou team is destined to be a difficult and difficult battle.

At this time, all the members of the Zhongzhou Team had woken up, and Zheng Zha exhaled. The man's eyes were completely serious: "We will talk about the Devil Team later, we need to do what we should do... Zhan Lan, scan the topographic map of Raccoon City and the location of the checkpoints, and try to find a smooth road."

"I don't know how many satellites and surveillance facilities are watching this city right now. If it's not necessary, try to use regular movement methods... I don't want to attract Umbrella's attention and cause subsequent chain reactions. Flying broomsticks and the like Magical means are best used as trump cards."

Zhan Lan nodded, her expression was calm, and she did not show too much surprise that the enemy of the Central Continent Team was the Demon Team. She just closed her eyes and started a mental scan. Ten seconds later, a map was shared in the minds of all the Central Continent team members. However, the map was a bit exaggerated. It was not the size of an ordinary city at all. The two white stars represented the positions of everyone and the checkpoints. The light spots and the distance in between are even more distant.

Just as everyone was confused, Zhan Lan's explanation sounded in the spiritual link: "Sorry, it took some time. The Lord God changed the plot of this horror movie again. It deliberately increased the area of ​​​​Raccoon City. This city There are actually tens of thousands of square kilometers...and the location of the checkpoint is about three hundred kilometers away from us in a straight line."

As soon as he finished speaking, a curved line appeared on the two white light spots: "I have marked the roads with fewer obstacles. If we simply use cars to move, I'm afraid we will reach the checkpoint. , it will take at least six or seven hours.”

"Three hundred kilometers?"

Zheng Zha silently calculated it in his mind. This was really an exaggerated distance. Even if he took a broomstick, he wouldn't be able to fly out for a while, let alone the current situation in Raccoon City.

Moreover, Angela Ashford must be found within forty-eight hours...

"Angela Ashford, the key figure in the mission, we haven't had contact with the target yet, so Zhan Lan can't use mental scanning to find her for the time being. According to this point in time, she should still be in school. , and once we come into contact with her, the demon team will come..."

The more Zheng Zha thought about it, the more irritated he became. He didn't really want to just unlock the third-level gene lock and continue to imitate Chu Xuan's thinking. Although Chu Xuan's IQ is indeed very high, the dark thinking he simulated last time is still fresh in his memory, so...

"Yang Yun, let's analyze it. How should we complete the mission of the main god now, and how should we deal with the demon team that is coming next."

After listening to Zheng Zha's words, Yang Yun thought for a moment, and then said: "First of all, Zheng Zha, you should understand that the Lord God deliberately expanded the area of ​​Raccoon City, and specially sealed the space transfer props and enhanced skills exchanged from it. means. This big light ball is determined to let us have a battle with the Demon Team, and will never allow us to escape Raccoon City directly with the plot characters... Because this is what 'he' wants, let Zhongzhou The team and the Devils fight to the death.”

Zheng Zha did not hear the difference between "him" and "it" in Yang Yun's words. He only thought that the main god asked the two teams to kill each other to achieve the effect of continuous evolution: "I understand that the purpose of this restriction is In order to prevent us from escaping. I am afraid that when we find Angela Ashford, the Demons will inevitably descend on the only way to the checkpoint. That is the enemy we cannot avoid... So how to use us These forty-eight hours of coming in advance are a very critical thing."

Yang Yun smiled and said: "That's a good idea. It seems that Zheng Zha, you haven't turned all the IQ and vampire energy in your brain into muscles...keep it up."

"What does it mean to build muscles in the brain? No matter how hard you practice, you can't build muscles in the brain, right?"

"No, maybe, maybe it's your words that can really be done?"

"You kid..."

Seeing Zheng Zha pinching his knuckles, Yang Yun quickly changed the topic: "...But Zheng Zha, you still overlooked one point. There may be a text trap set by the Lord God in this task. The Lord God's mission description , it’s when we find Angela Ashford that the Devils come straight to her.”

"Then do you think finding her through mental scanning counts as 'finding'?"

Zheng Zha was stunned at first, but when he understood what Yang Yun meant, cold sweat broke out immediately. The man cursed directly: "Damn, there is such a trap... I will destroy you, Lord God!"

What Yang Yun said is very reasonable. If the Zhongzhou team really uses mental scanning to scan schools one by one to find Angela Ashford, then it is very likely that the moment they find her, the Devil team will directly Arrival... At that time, the Central Continent team will face the double pressure of protecting the plot characters and the attack of the Demon Team!

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