This endless world

Chapter 356 Initiative and Response

What kind of things can a full-strength punch do?

For the members of the Samsara Team, the bloodline and skills exchanged from the Lord God can allow them to have three to five times the physical fitness of ordinary people, or higher, and the power of the second-level gene lock allows them to withstand dozens of Hundred tons of power.

Such a body, such physical strength, allows them to easily penetrate steel with one punch, allowing them to easily demolish buildings and throw cars as projectiles. They don't even need to attack at full strength to produce exaggerated special effects like those in the movie.

And now, what power does Yang Yun's punch with all his strength have?

Overload plus super sense, coupled with the bloodline exchanged from the Lord God, the effect of the River of Life, the incomplete and subtle realm obtained through hard training, and the power after building the foundation, the power of Yang Yun's punch is no less than An ordinary fourth-level gene lock opener.

It is no exaggeration to say that he can blow up objects within a range of more than 100 meters with one blow, and can even reproduce an exaggerated setting that only comics dare to use - stopping earthquakes with a punch.


There is no sound, because the sound can no longer keep up with the speed of the punch.

No matter whether it was the protective props redeemed by the Lord God or the technological items developed by the clone Chu Xuan, they could not withstand the power of this punch. Several rays of light of different colors lit up on Amiya's body, but she was devastated. breakthrough.

And the effect of this punch on Amiya is——

There were no wounds, no splashing blood, no broken limbs or fallen pieces of flesh, not even incomplete debris. There was just a piece of red mist floating in the air... Yang Yun's punch. , directly beating Amiya into a blood mist that filled the sky!

And in the next moment, the blood mist was completely dispersed by the aftermath of the fist, turning into particles invisible to the naked eye.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye eliminated the air in an entire area, forming a cylindrical vacuum zone.

The violent punches, smelling of blood, hit another taller building a few hundred meters away on the opposite side, and then blasted through three consecutive buildings behind without losing force. At the end of the last building, In the center, a huge fist seal was printed!

Countless pieces of dust were lifted into the sky, and then fell one after another, representing the loss of a life, and also representing the terrifying power of Yang Yun's blow... With one blow, he was blasted several kilometers away!

"One member of the opponent's team has been killed. The Central Continent team has accumulated one positive point and currently has two thousand reward points. At the end of the horror movie, those with negative reward points will be directly wiped out..."

"One of our team members has been killed, and the Devil Team's points will be negative one point. The current reward points are negative two thousand points. At the end of the horror movie, those with negative reward points will be directly wiped out..."

The main god's prompt sounded at the next moment, proving that Yang Yun's assassination was indeed successful this time.

He took advantage of the opportunity of a hundred armed helicopters to mobilize the clone Zheng Zha, and used Avalon's space jumping function to kill the Demon team's second mental controller besides Tom, Amy Ya, successfully blinded one of the Devils' eyes.

He achieved satisfactory results and completed his mission perfectly, so the next step was to return.

Yang Yun had no intention of leaving himself here to meet the wrath of the clone Zheng Zha. A surprise attack is all about surprise. Yang Yun's role this time is that of an assassin, not a dead soldier who wants to forcibly exchange one with the enemy, regardless of life or death... In fact, his extremely keen perception after establishing the foundation, and the dangerous premonition of the gene lock, have already noticed the danger in the sky. The deadly threat is approaching rapidly.

It was the resentment of revenge, it was the violent black flames, and it might also contain a little bit of regret for losing Jingzhou, and the determination to keep the assassin in front of him.

Although there is still a long distance between the two sides, Yang Yun can still understand how terrifying the power of the clone Zheng Zha's spiritual light "violent inflammation" is. Although he had tried his best to overestimate the power of Zhu Yan, after the space transfer and facing the clone Zheng Zha, the extremely high temperature still completely exceeded Yang Yun's imagination...

The clone Zheng Zha is far more terrifying than Yang Yun expected. If the newly revived personality Zhao Yingkong faced him head-on, he might not even be able to last a minute... The gap between the two is no longer the same level at all.

——But, I’m running away.

As early as the moment he heard the Lord God's prompt, Yang Yun activated Avalon's space jump function again, and his body turned into an illusion at an extremely fast speed. When arriving, Zhan Lan needed to break through the opponent's mental shield to calculate the spatial coordinates, but now that the mental shield has been broken, he does not need to be subject to this restriction when returning. When the clone Zheng Zha couldn't catch up and Zhao Zukong was still hesitating because of those words, Yang Yun could just as easily embark on the road back, rejoin his teammates, and prepare for the next round again. s attack.

——It’s a pity that I won the first hand this time. Chu Xuan...or the clone Chu Xuan. Even you probably couldn’t have thought that I could use this method to carry out a surprise attack and kill your Demon Team. After becoming the mental power controller, you can still retreat safely, right?

——I did it, so what will you do, copy Chu Xuan?

A good start is half the success, and after successfully completing his plan, Yang Yun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. With his extremely fast reaction in the super-sensory state, he turned his head and looked at the clone Chu Xuan. direction.

...Then what Yang Yun saw was the clone Chu Xuan who was almost twenty years older.

If the original clone Chu Xuan was a young man in his twenties, then he is now a middle-aged man in his forties. Many wrinkles appeared on this man's face out of thin air, and his hair became half-length. The flowers were not white, but the only thing that had not changed was the cold and calm look on his face.

That is the power of belief, a power that can only be used by consuming life force. It is also the law of cause and effect skill that Chu Xuan and the clone Chu Xuan exchanged in the original world line... and the appearance of the clone Chu Xuan now proves that he has consumed his own two After ten years of life, he made his own counterattack.

At the same time, it was also a response to Yang Yun's first move.

Yang Yun's heart suddenly tightened, but now his whole body had almost turned into an illusion, and he was unable to make any unnecessary movements while jumping in space. And just behind what he couldn't see, there was a gray aura that was invisible to the naked eye, quietly blending into the fluctuations of the space.

The next moment, accompanied by a huge vibration like thunder, Yang Yun's figure disappeared from the place. And the black flames falling from the sky covered the entire place where he was before...

Let’s finish this paragraph at once... I just wrote it in the afternoon. I have been extremely busy these past few days, and I have to be busy outside tomorrow.

Forget it, we’ll figure it out later.

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