This endless world

Chapter 495 Id, Ego, Superego

The current situation of the Zhongzhou Team is quite bad.

Since Chu Xuan's plan to trigger the main plot of the second part of Pacific Rim in advance this time was not expected by Chu Xuan, it means that he is not fully prepared yet. The A-level difficulty side plot casts an ominous shadow on the future of the Zhongzhou team.

In the main god's task difficulty classification, if the B-level difficulty team branch plot is life-threatening, then the double B-level mission difficulty is a high probability of group destruction. As for the A-level difficulty team branch plot, it is in the original world. It has never appeared in the lane... Even if the Central Continent team has just experienced a team annihilation and has a low evaluation from the main god, it is not an easy task to destroy two rifts in three hours.

——No matter how strong Zheng Zha is, there is only one person. As Chu Xuan said, he has no skills at all.

"You just said that you have collected the corresponding data, right? Tell me all the analysis results now."

The moment the words came out, Yang Yun's feet started to move. He stepped on the turbulent waves and ran towards the crack: "We don't have much time."

"Just when I was describing the causes and consequences, the relevant analysis results of the data have come out."

Yang Yun's attitude was not very polite, but Chu Xuan didn't care. He continued in a calm tone: "The rift has a corresponding defensive stance. On this side of the earth, whether it is using nuclear bombs to attack or other methods, It’s very difficult to break it.”

"That means you need to go through the wormhole and destroy the crack from the other side of the passage?" Yang Yun asked.

"That's right, but the rift has an access control system that requires a specific frequency or code to pass through." Chu Xuan replied: "It is through this method that the aliens named 'Pioneers' send a steady stream of Monsters transported to Earth.”

"You'd better tell me the corresponding solution quickly, instead of being here now... I'm not in the mood, and I'm not interested in hearing about the aliens' logistics and transportation methods."

Facing Chu Xuan's calm face until now, Yang Yun felt an unknown fire rising in his heart. Although he knew that this was the influence of the reverse flow of time and space and could not be blamed on any one person, there was always a feeling of depression in his chest that was condensed and had nowhere to vent, especially now that Chu Xuan still had an unhurried attitude: "Still Say, do you want to see us all wiped out here for such a ridiculous reason?"

"In fact, I was about to tell you, if you didn't interrupt me."

Even though there was a rare emotion in Yang Yun's tone, Chu Xuan still spoke as usual: "Do you remember my research? These monsters have the same genetic source, and their genetic sequences are basically the same."

"So, you must kill a monster, read its genetic sequence, and convert and disguise your own genetic sequence before you can deceive the access control system and go to the other side of the rift..."

"Are you kidding me? Where do you want me to kill a monster in this place?"

Before Chu Xuan finished speaking, Yang Yun involuntarily opened his eyes, interrupted the words coming from the communicator, and his footsteps stopped instantly: "And, disguise the genetic sequence? Are you too much? Do you think highly of me?"

"Zheng Zha, who is able to do such a thing, is already preparing to close the rift on this side."

Listening to the dirty words blurted out by Yang Yun, Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses and hid his eyes behind the reflective lenses: "But there is only one Zheng Zha, and it is impossible to close the rift on Hong Kong Island within three hours. , and rushed to the Pacific Rim area non-stop to close the first crack deep in the seabed... Therefore, I can only rely on you on that side."

"But that damn thing can only be done by unlocking the fourth-level gene lock!"

Yang Yun could no longer hold back his emotions and roared angrily at Chu Xuan on the other end of the communicator. His spittle even splashed all over the screen, making Chu Xuan's face wet: "And now, I can't even connect with him for the first time." I haven’t even touched the edge of the fourth level yet!”

"That's your problem. Everything now is not what I expected, whether it's this A-level difficulty side plot or Xie Luyin's sudden rebellion."

Chu Xuan on the screen seemed to be talking to himself, like an automatic answering robot, unable to realize that the Zhongzhou team was now on the verge of being wiped out: "The layout of the wise men always depends on the information they have. I didn't expect it. The reverse flow of time and space will lead to this, so the situation finally evolved to this point."

At this moment, Yang Yun finally felt Zheng Zha's feelings. If Chu Xuan was by his side at this moment, he would have wanted to punch this man without any reservations in the face, causing his face to be disfigured along with the unsightly pair of glasses.

——But that is not the way to solve the problem, nor is it Yang Yun's style. In fact, roaring at Chu Xuan now is considered an "out of line" thing for Yang Yun, who often takes care of other people's feelings.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Yang Yun continued to hold his breath and said: "So, the problem now is very simple. If I can't break through to the fourth level, simulate the monster's genetic sequence and go to the other side of the wormhole If we destroy the rift, our entire team will be wiped out in this that right?"

"That's right. You understood what I meant perfectly. Don't you often say that my layout is a 'bet'? So now I can only place my bet on you, just like I have always done."

Chu Xuan's words were without any emotion: "Yang Yun, in my opinion, you have the potential to unlock the fourth-level gene lock, but your 'superego' is too strong and your 'self' is too rational. As for suppressing your 'self'. The opening of the fourth-level gene lock is directly related to the most essential desires deep in the human heart..."

Yang Yun was stunned. He had also heard Chu Xuan's statement. It was a well-known psychological theory. "Id" represents the most essential desire of human beings; "self" is the existence and awakening of human consciousness, responsible for acting rationally and in accordance with the principles of reality; "superego" is conscience or inner moral judgment.

——So, what Chu Xuan means is...

Midway through Chu Xuan's words, the voice from the communicator suddenly became a little noisy, and he also realized this phenomenon, and quickly speeded up his speech: "According to the reading of the wormhole alarm, it will be over in thirty seconds." Two monsters will appear from the wormhole, and that is your chance to obtain the genetic sequence of the monsters. Although the high-energy particle storm coming out at that time will cut off the communication between us, I have already informed you of the corresponding information. Coming down is your stage..."

"Follow your own heart, Yang Yun. Explode the power beyond your own will to cross the boundary that you once thought was insurmountable."

"In this case, you..."

Along with Chu Xuan's unfinished words, countless high-energy particles poured out of the wormhole, completely cutting off the already unstable communication.

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