This endless world

Chapter 497 Reach the sky in one step

——Why should I give all the glory of victory to my teammates?

The cursed world was saved and escaped the fate of destruction; Zhang Jie, under the watchful eyes of the pros and cons, successfully escaped from the main god space; the ending of Resident Evil 2 was rewritten, and everyone's fate was deviated Known orbits.

While this is all a huge undertaking with my teammates, my role is crucial. For me, my friends in the Central Continent Team are my courage to defeat the enemy again and again, and they are indispensable; and from their perspective, is my existence not the same?

Without me entering the main god space, the Zhongzhou team would never have achieved today's results. They would once again embark on the old road and move towards the ending that originally belonged to them.

It is not wrong to be modest, but it is wrong to be overly modest. There is no problem in thinking that defeating a strong enemy depends on the strength of your partners, but it is also unreasonable to blame all the reasons for victory on your partners.

"...You mean you haven't touched the fourth-level gene lock, and you haven't even seen the shadow of killing consciousness."

Feeling the contradiction in thinking that he just discovered, Yang Yun smiled bitterly to himself: "Now it seems that I have long fallen into the so-called inner demons, doesn't it?"

Inner demons are not just murderous consciousness. Bloodthirsty and violent rage is just the most obvious way to express it. Everyone has psychological barriers that they cannot break, and they are not even aware of it until others remind them or they discover it themselves.

It wasn't until this moment that Yang Yun realized that he had fallen into the wrong thinking, but he didn't even know it. He obviously didn't have any fear when facing the fourth-level junior Ashiya Michitsu in the curse. When the god of death came to fight Zheng Zha, he thought he could overwhelm him... but then, he changed again. Are you so timid?

——My inner demon is the belief that I am not strong enough and need to rely on my teammates. But I never thought that even Zheng Zha, who valued feelings the most, often needed to carry the team alone, fight at the front, and try to handle everything by himself.

——If Zheng Zha’s inner demon is freedom, then my inner demon is lack of freedom. I believed in my teammates too much, but unconsciously ignored my own strength. I valued the strength of my teammates too much, but took my own strength too lightly.

The moment Yang Yun realized this, his slowly entering power began to rise rapidly, as if a switch inside the body was turned on, and the cells began to spontaneously absorb energy from the outside world; and for the understanding of "into the subtle", At this moment, I stepped onto a new level.

"...I thought my own inner demons were the fear of the future and the fear of the 'unknown'."

With a casual blow, the monster in front of him was destroyed. Yang Yun listened to the instructions from the Lord God and smiled to himself: "I didn't expect that my inner demon would be this... But the reason for all this is still Is it to be blamed on my 'lack of confidence', or is this the so-called 'unavailability'?"

——There is a bright future ahead of me. After crossing the Devils, there should not be any existence that can become a difficulty in front of me. It is my own heart and my own inherent thinking that have set up so-called obstacles for myself, trapping myself.

——Chu Xuan He gave me a reason, the best reason, a reason that won’t end if I don’t break through the limits and solve all the things here alone; a reason that I don’t have to worry about my partners and make a big fuss. reason.

If you break through, you will live; if you don't, you will die. It's simple and clear, straight to the point.

Since Chu Xuan asked me to follow my heart, this time, it was time for me to choose to put aside those complicated preparations, put aside those thoughts about my teammates and the future, and do something freely without considering other people's feelings.

Yang Yun took a step forward, as if stepping on invisible steps, and walked into the air. He looked at the other monster that rushed out from the bottom of the sea, but looked for the figure of the previous monster in a daze. He had no idea why his companion suddenly disappeared. He felt that every moment he became more powerful than the previous moment. , stretched out his right hand.

Make a fist, release it, exhale, then open your fingers and palms facing downwards.

Green light gathered in Yang Yun's hand again.

The moment he stretched out his five fingers and pointed downwards, Yang Yun sank his consciousness deep into his heart. As his vision moved, the next moment, he appeared in front of a tall and vigorous giant tree.

This is a giant tree that is difficult to describe in words. It is towering, majestic, and reaches the sky and the earth. The thick trunk reaches straight into the sky, and the leaves are immeasurable, covering the entire sky.

Everyone has something similar deep in their hearts. At a small level, it is the embodiment of their subconscious mind, and at a large level, it is the prototype of the light of the soul. Just like Zhan Lan's heart is a simulated universe of stars, and the heart of the clone Zheng Zha is probably a sea of ​​fire composed of black flames, and Chu Xuan... no one knows what is in this man's heart.

Maybe, it's an indescribable laboratory?

Or, was it the starry sky that his father took him to see when he was a child?

Yang Yun looked up at this giant tree with no end in sight. He gently placed his palms on the trunk, and suddenly the endless leaves made a noisy sound like the wind, like an ancient song.

It was an invitation and a test of sorts.


A voice sounded, this voice was ethereal, it seemed to come from deep inside, but also seemed to come from the outside world: "Up, keep going up, and you will keep getting stronger."

How big the heart is, how powerful the soul is. Think of the light of the soul as a little spiritual light at the highest point in the heart. If a mortal wants to ascend from the ground to heaven and become a god, he must climb. The ladder to the sky is the giant tree in front of you, and it also represents the only way to ascend to the powerful. To break through the inner demons, is to keep going up, and up again.

The voice is not false, climb up, work hard, and then you will become stronger. This is a test of your own soul and a torture of the path you have walked. Firmly follow your own path, forge your beliefs into steel, and finally turn them into your own Tao and the light of your soul... This is the process that every strong person who reaches this step must go through.

However, Yang Yun was different, because he had reached the end of the road early before today.

"It's similar to the trial of climbing the Kalin Tower... If it were me before, I would definitely climb up without any doubts."

A smile appeared on Yang Yun's lips and he said softly: "But now I don't have to go to such trouble."

The young man who said this took a step forward with his right foot.

Then, he reached the sky in one step. (End of chapter)

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