This endless world

Chapter 526 Piracy harms people

Red Alert 2 is a national game that can be said to be a household name in China.

In the early 21st century, when home computers were becoming more and more popular, Red Alert 2 was inevitably installed on the computers in every Internet cafe, and countless people were addicted to it. They wielded keyboards and mice, commanding the torrent of steel to tear the enemy into pieces on one map after another, and win...

"Red Alert 2, I'm so familiar with this!"

Seeing the mixed expressions of surprise and nostalgia on the faces of many members of the Zhongzhou team, Zheng Zha immediately chuckled: "When I was in school, the most popular game in the nearby Internet cafe was Red Alert 2, apart from CS. "

"I think back then, I was the invincible enemy in the world who cooperated with tanks, sea, land and air, and beat those novices who only knew how to use high-tech light tanks and talk about the Eight Thousand Apocalypse Blitz until they cried. Mom. After defeating them dozens of times in a row, I was recognized as the 'Little Prince of Red Alerts' in the class, and there was no single enemy under my command..."

"Stop, stop, stop."

Yang Yun had no choice but to interrupt Zheng Zha's self-bragging and bring the topic back on track: "For now, I won't complain about the title of 'Little Red Alert Prince' which is similar to 'Prince of Fishing'. First of all, the word is pronounced Guang Leng ( leng) tank, not Guang Ling (ling) tank... Before you brag next time, at least pronounce it correctly."

Zheng Zha, who read the typo, immediately blushed. Fortunately, Qi Tengyi was there to help him out: "Is this normal? Just like I often read the Soviet anti-aircraft ship as 'conch' instead of The correct 'sea scorpion' is a very common mistake."

"Yes, it's just a pronunciation, you don't need to be so serious." Zheng Zha, who was illiterate for an operation, quickly tried to save his reputation: "Don't worry about such details, let's discuss matters related to Red Alert 2... …I remember that the game is divided into two camps, the Soviet Army and the Allied Forces. Each country has its own unique units, and both camps have their own corresponding super weapons.”

"The Soviets have an Iron Curtain device that makes units invincible for a certain period of time and a nuclear bomb silo that launches devastating attacks, while the Allies have a hypertime converter that can teleport units to any corner of the map, and launch lightning storms. Destroy the enemy's weather weapon weather controller. These super weapons are powerful and can change the situation of the war with one blow, but each country can only build two at most. Only China can build a hyperspace converter, a nuclear bomb silo and Weather controller…”

With a snap, Yang Yun covered his face, and Qi Tengyi, who also played Red Alert 2 in college, shook his head with black lines on his head, and Cheng Xiao burst out laughing next to him. .

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

The reactions of the three people made Zheng Zha feel guilty. He knew that he must have made a mistake somewhere. But when the man recalled the content of the game he had played and confirmed that there was no problem with his memory, his voice became louder again: "China is stronger than other countries, whether it is basic troops, tanks, or even mines. The car can also float on water..."

"Brother Zheng Zha..."

Luo Gandao, who really couldn't bear to listen, sighed and pointed out the error in Zheng Zha's words: "Even a young man like me knows that in the game Red Alert 2, China does not exist as an optional country."

"Ah? How is this possible?"

After hearing the shocking facts revealed by Luo Gandao, Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment and his first reaction was to deny it: "It is obvious that the page at the beginning of the game says Red Alert 2 - Glory of the Republic? How is it possible that he cannot control the Celestial Empire?"

"Because the one you are playing is the original MOD version. The original game name is called Red Alert 2. There is no suffix similar to 'Glory of the Republic' at all."

Yang Yun said helplessly that the previous typos were just fine, but Zheng Zha's current words represented his understanding of this game, which was not as deep as he had boasted before: "Due to some well-known reasons, you are in the Internet cafe." The games I play are basically cracked pirated versions, and based on the pirated versions, various modified versions have been developed. Glory of the Republic is one of the most well-known Red Alert II MODs... Zheng Zha Don’t you really think that the Celestial Empire in the game is a bit too strong?”

"Although it is true that a large number of players think that this version is the original game, and its popularity in China even exceeds the original version, but it is based on destroying the balance of the game... If you think about it, you will know that the two Can basic units that can fight Rhino tanks for just a hundred yuan, as well as mining vehicles that can run like flying and even walk on water, really exist in a player-versus-player RTS game?"

"Indeed." Although he has never played games, Overlord still nodded seriously: "If there is such a fundamentally unbalanced battle game, the game company will be scolded to death."

"So it does turns out that what I have been playing is not the original version?"

Only then did Zheng Zha realize that he seemed to have a fundamental error in his understanding of the game Red Alert 2: "So what is the original version like? In addition to playing online games with other people in Internet cafes, I In addition, I also played the mission mode and cleared both the Soviet and Allied mission lines. Are those mission lines also mods made by others?"

"That's not true. The mission mode of Glory of the Republic is the same as the original version."

Seeing that Zheng Zha realized his mistakes all along, Yang Yun did not continue to undermine his self-confidence. Anyway, having played the game, fought against other players, and passed the mission mode, at least it means that Zheng Zha has a certain understanding of the world view, but...

"I'd better confirm...Zheng Zha, how much do you know about the plot and story of Red Alert 2?"

Facts have proved that Yang Yun's question is on point. Because Zheng Zha's answer was: "Ah? Does Red Alert 2 have a storyline? Isn't it just a matter of annihilating all the enemies according to the mission objectives in the upper left corner of the screen?"

"I knew it……"

Yang Yun covered his cheek in pain. Although he had heard it before, it was easier to teach children who knew nothing about it than to teach them from the beginning than to adults who knew only a little about certain knowledge but firmly believed that they were right. many. Because children can only learn knowledge, while adults will argue with you with fallacious reasoning: "I understand, Zheng Zha, you must have never seen the corresponding cutscenes, not understood the plot of Red Alert 2, and do not understand this world view. In the background, I just want to make all the enemies shine..."

Regarding Zheng Zha, who had doubts written all over his face, Yang Yun slowly exhaled and expressed the most sincere emotion from the bottom of his heart——

"Piracy hurts people."

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