This endless world

Chapter 544 It’s too early

Even without Chu Xuan’s reminder, everyone realized something was wrong.

The surname Zhang is very common in China, and although the name Heng is not particularly common, it is not unusual either. Therefore, there should be many people named Zhang Heng. At least in a country with a population of more than one billion, there should be thousands of people with this name. But what is unbelievable is that after Cheng Xiao's in-depth investigation, he made a shocking discovery-in this vast world, there is only one person named Zhang Heng.


Regarding Cheng Xiao's report, Chu Xuan just replied with two words flatly, as if nothing about it was beyond his expectations: "This confirms one of my guesses."

"Colonel Chu Xuan, what's going on?"

In the previous Zhongzhou team, the one who had the best relationship with Zhang Heng was actually Cheng Xiao. This familiar young man would often pull Zhang Heng into making jokes, and their relationship in private was quite good. But because of this, Cheng Xiaocai, who followed Chu Xuan's instructions and personally investigated Zhang Heng and discovered something was wrong, was even more puzzled: "Could it be that Zhang Heng is actually a very important person? Or does he have something?" An extremely special background?”

"A person's name naturally has its own important meaning."

Chu Xuan's words seemed to guide Cheng Xiao and other members of the Zhongzhou Team to think about a more profound concept. He did not answer the question directly, but led the topic to ancient people's understanding of language and things.

"In ancient times, people could not clearly distinguish between language and things. They often thought that the connection between names and the people or things they represented was not only a conceptual connection in people's minds, but also a real physical connection. The original curse and witchcraft This is where the technique comes from..."

Chu Xuan's voice contains insights into ancient cultures, and he talks about the ancient belief that there is a mysterious and substantial connection between names and entities. In this belief, changing or using a certain name can have an impact on the corresponding person or object. This is also the foundation of ancient curses and witchcraft: "Witches and poisons do not separate families. I believe you should be very clear about that."

"I know it very well." Cheng Xiao nodded and said: "There are similar methods in Journey to the West, such as shouting out the opponent's real name, and the gourd that can suck the enemy in as long as he agrees..."

"Yes, a person's name is more than a simple label or title. It is the definition of individual identity and can also be a kind of power."

Chu Xuan explained calmly: "In the widely spread Western fantasy world, there is a saying of True Name. The true name of a powerful individual is its weakness. There is even a theory that knowing the true name of a demon can control it. s legend."

"Speaking of it this way, it's a bit like the principle of opening a box." Yang Yun touched his chin, thoughtfully.

"What is unboxing?" Zheng Zha next to him cast a confused look.

"...It's just human flesh search."

"Oh, I understand when you say this..."

Not to mention the mixed conversations between the two about the times, because he knew more about witchcraft than others, Cheng Xiao raised a new question: "But I have never seen this kind of situation with Zhang Heng, and no one has ever talked with him. He has the same name and surname, which is a bit..."

In witchcraft culture, the uniqueness or repetition of names may be related to the potency of some kind of witchcraft or curse, but Zhang Heng did not share the name with others, which seemed inconsistent with the rules known to Cheng Xiao. Is it involving a more secret level, or is there other changes?

“Have you ever heard of taboo?”

Chu Xuan asked back: "It is taboo for the venerable, taboo for the relatives, and taboo for the sages. The name can also represent the corresponding personality, as well as some deeper important things. Whether it is Eastern Taoism, Buddhism, or Western The major sects all have legends about calling the name of the gods to gain power."

"Is it possible that the name 'Zhang Heng' is some great power that has been lost in history? Or whose reincarnation is he?" Cheng Xiao made a joke, but when he saw Chu Xuan's expression and Yang Yun's When he and Zheng Zha both had serious expressions, he could no longer laugh: "...No way? You can't really be guessed by me, right?"

"Actually, in the world of Pacific Rim, I took the first step to verify my conjecture."

Chu Xuan did not directly answer the questions raised by Cheng Xiao. Instead, he shared his new discovery, which was obviously closely related to the topic they were currently discussing.

Chu Xuan's tone revealed a researcher's expectation of the secret that was about to be revealed. He continued: "There are billions of humans in that world, but through the search and filtering of the Nether Core, I found countless names. There is still no existence named 'Zhang Heng' in it... Not only that, even the names of Gong Changheng and Zhang Yugen are also not recorded."

"The same goes for the Harry Potter world and the Grudge world. This is by no means a simple coincidence."

Chu Xuan's words revealed a puzzling phenomenon. Although there are huge populations in these worlds, the name Zhang Heng seems to have never appeared before. Neither the pronunciation nor the related names can be found: "It's interesting, isn't it? Voldemort in the Harry Potter world has a corresponding magic in his name, so much so that people in that world only dare to call him 'You-Know-Who'."

Chu Xuan's words revealed his desire to delve into the unknown and pursue the truth. He compared Zhang Heng's situation with Voldemort in the Harry Potter world, as if he had found a clue in this abnormal reality. He continued to reason: "And it was in this world that Zhang Heng entered the main god's space and became a new member of the Zhongzhou team... Don't you think that this is the main god who is consciously hinting at something to us and is deliberately guiding us?" Are you asking us to explore?"

"Chu Xuan, even if we know this, we can't do anything. There may be some secret in Zhang Heng's name, but this secret is not something we can know now."

Yang Yun, who knew the most about the hidden meaning behind the word "Zhang Heng", spoke, and he heard the hint of enthusiasm in Chu Xuan's words. But because of this, he could not let this guy with a strong desire for research reveal the window paper prematurely: "You should be aware of the danger behind this."

"Yes, I understand, it's all too early for us."

In response to Yang Yun's warning gaze, Chu Xuan nodded slowly: "At least for now..."

"It's too early." (End of chapter)

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