This endless world

Chapter 546: Mechanical Sense Resonance, Tyrant


Luo Gandao opened his eyes in the driving seat of the AHSMB aircraft, and it took him a long time to escape from the feeling of reality and illusion. The young man pinched his temples, moved his hands and feet slightly, and showed a wry smile: "It failed again."

As the Central Continent team returned to the Pacific Rim World as a whole, Chu Xuan completely ignored other matters and returned directly to the depths of the Broken Dome Base. This young man not only occupied other people's space without hesitation, expanded his laboratory tenfold, but also entered an excessively peaceful state. He closed himself in the laboratory, focused on the research work he loved, and transformed into a nerd scientist who was almost isolated from the world.

For Chu Xuan, he had too many topics to study and too many conjectures to verify, so the laboratory became his paradise. Chu Xuan was immersed in data and experiments there, looking for new breakthroughs and answers, as if the whole world's noise had nothing to do with him.

At this time, Luo Gandao was located underground in the Broken Dome Base, and directly under Chu Xuan's laboratory. This was the place where he saw the shocking ASHMB machine for the first time. It has been completely renovated and transformed into a high-tech hangar, surrounded by walls made of steel and glass, with a variety of dazzling instruments and training facilities everywhere.

This hangar is not only a hangar for storing and maintaining ASHMB, but also a large space is divided into a training ground so that Luo Gandao can better become familiar with and master his aircraft. The ground is marked with complex markings and patterns to assist training and simulate combat scenarios. Large lamps suspended from the ceiling emit bright light, illuminating the entire space, making the interior of the hangar as bright as day.

Here, Luo Gandao can feel that the connection between himself and the machine is closer, and every operation is like a silent dialogue with the machine. In this modified hangar, he can not only carry out daily training, but also gradually improve his driving skills with the assistance of the Julia system... The only problem is that actual combat cannot be carried out here, and he cannot Go use those weapons of destruction on ASHMB.

However, ten days later, Chu Xuan handed over a set of head-mounted equipment called "Virtual Reality Synchronization" to Luo Gandao, and this only problem was solved. This technology is said to have been disassembled by Chu Xuan from a simulated universe device. It can simulate the real world with extremely high accuracy, and its immersive experience is quite similar to the virtual games described in online novels.

While VR Sync devices can provide an extremely realistic training experience, they are not without their drawbacks. Using this kind of equipment requires a lot of mental energy and places extremely high demands on the operator's mental state. Prolonged use can cause users to experience severe headaches, a sequelae of overloading the brain and nervous system.

Aside from these discomforts, however, the device has no other significant side effects. Precisely because this side effect is relatively controllable, Luo Gandao is able to use this set of equipment to continuously hone his mecha control skills in a fictional environment. He can repeatedly practice various complex combat actions and tactics without actual risks, making his performance on the virtual battlefield increasingly better. In this way, Luo Gandao not only improved his synchronization rate with the mecha, but also greatly enhanced his combat intuition and adaptability.

After obtaining this set of equipment, Luo Gandao devoted almost all his time to the cockpit of the aircraft. He was with the aircraft almost twenty-four hours a day, constantly controlling it in the virtual world and conducting various simulated battles. In virtual reality, he can try a variety of tactics and techniques without limit, without worrying about the damage or consequences that may occur in the real world.

This intensive training allowed his driving skills to improve rapidly. As time went by, the coordination between Luo Gandao and the machine became more and more smooth, his control and operation became more precise, and his reactions and actions became more instinctive. , and some difficult actions that were impossible to perform before can gradually be performed in the virtual world.

While conducting mecha combat training in the virtual world, Luo Gandao did not neglect his own training. The technique that Yang Yun gave him before was called "Mechanical Sense Resonance Method". It is a technique that highly focuses on the spiritual level. It can be said to be completely opposite to the Overlord Technique of the physical training school, but it is different from Zhan Lan's " "The Chart of the Changes of Stars" has many things in common.

According to the description in the database, the "Mechanical Sense Resonance Method" is a technique specialized in warriors who drive soul weapons in human cities and has a long history. This technique can not only enhance the affinity between the practitioner and the machine, but also achieve resonance with the driving body, thus awakening a special ability called "mechanical sense", which can deepen the relationship between humans and machines. The mysterious power of connection.

This "mechanical sense" varies from person to person, and the ability awakened by each cultivator is different. Some can increase the maximum output firepower of the machine, some can enhance the body's defense, some can increase the speed and explosive power, and some can temporarily repair the damaged soul weapons and restore combat effectiveness... But there are no exceptions. What is surprising is that cultivators who can awaken the "mechanical sense" are all gifted geniuses. The tacit understanding between them and the machine has reached such a high level that it is not an exaggeration to describe them as "human-machine integration".

As the person who handed this technique to Luo Gandao, although Yang Yun did not fully understand the principle of the "mechanical sense" technique and could only temporarily regard it as the initial manifestation of the light of the soul, he still clearly understood , the importance of this ability to a pilot... and he also has great confidence in Luo Gandao's talent and potential, and firmly believes that the "Mechanical Sense Resonance Method" will be the most suitable training method for him.

Facts have proved that, as an important supporting role who was only copied to the Demon Team after the Transformers, but had already unlocked the fourth-level gene lock at the end of the war, Luo Gandao did have this potential. As he continued to practice the "Mechanical Sense Resonance Method", he not only became more and more proficient in mastering this method, but also gained a deeper understanding of its deep-seated connections.

Every operation of the exercise is an exercise of one's own will and mental strength. During the practice, Luo Gandao could clearly feel the connection between himself and the machine being strengthened, as if an invisible bridge had been established between the two, making his reaction when controlling the mecha in virtual reality even more intense. Swift and more precise movements.

This feeling of fusion with the body's spirit is a completely new experience for Luo Gandao. He enjoyed every moment of communication with the body's soul, the feeling as if the body had become an extension of him and could execute his will at will. Although this progress is not measured by specific numerical indicators like in the game, Luo Gandao can clearly feel his progress and changes.

After each day's training, Luo Gandao can feel the higher synchronization rate between himself and his body on the mental level. This not only makes his fighting in virtual reality smoother, but also makes him full of enthusiasm for future battles. expectations. Although this feeling cannot be measured by data, the confidence and satisfaction it brings to Luo Gandao is real. He knew that as long as he continued to practice, the "Mechanical Sense Resonance Method" would eventually make him stronger on the battlefield.

"You lasted five more seconds today."

Chu Xuan's voice was clearly conveyed to Luo Gandao through the communicator. Even in his busy daily life, he still insists on taking at least five minutes every day to pay attention to Rogandao's training progress.

Before Luo Gandao moved into the hangar, Yang Yun had privately reminded this young man who did not yet understand the horror of Chu Xuan, telling him to be extra careful when receiving individual guidance from Chu Xuan to prevent him from unknowingly becoming a victim of Chu Xuan's experiments. One ring, or he was inexplicably cheated in the set game and his face was bloody. Yang Yun's advice made Luo Gandao wary, but at least for now, he did not find that Chu Xuan's behavior was harmful to him in any way.

However, at least so far, Luo Gandao has not noticed any signs of disadvantage to him in Chu Xuan's behavior. On the contrary, as the training deepened, Luo Gandao became more and more convinced of Chu Xuan.

In Chu Xuan's short daily guidance, he could always get to the core of the problem with concise words, accurately point out Luo Gandao's shortcomings in practice and combat, and provide him with practical improvement plans. Chu Xuan's guidance was not only accurate and effective, but every communication and feedback made Luo Gandao's skills significantly improve. Especially in the cultivation of combat consciousness, Luo Gandao felt that his understanding and reaction were improving rapidly, which also made him He devoted himself more firmly to every training session.

With Chu Xuan's help, Luo Gandao's confidence in controlling the machine has been greatly enhanced, and his mechanical resonance with the machine has become increasingly sophisticated. This young man who usually gave people a calm and ruthless impression unexpectedly showed a patient side in cultivating Luo Gan Dao... This kind of completely unexpected guidance made Luo Gan Dao feel grateful to Chu Xuan. His love grew day by day, making him full of infinite expectations and longing for his future.

"I understand that I still need more practice."

Luo Gandao has a very clear understanding of himself. He knows that although the ASHMB aircraft has excellent performance, the key to whether the aircraft's potential can be fully utilized lies in the driver himself. He is well aware of his shortcomings as a driver, and he also knows that he must make up for these shortcomings through continuous hard work and the accumulation of combat experience.

Nervous response ability is the top priority. In combat, quick and accurate reaction is the key to survival. Every tiny hesitation may lead to fatal consequences. Improving the synchronization rate with the body is also the focus of Luo Gandao's attention. The synchronization rate The level of the machine directly affects the smoothness and accuracy of body control; close combat skills are an area that Luo Gandao needs to strengthen. He needs to continuously practice various fighting skills in simulation training...

"Well, according to the data analysis sent back by the Julia system, the benefits of continuing simulation training are not great."

Chu Xuan, who was sitting in the laboratory, held an apple in his hand, biting it until the juice overflowed. His eyes were fixed on the large amount of analysis data displayed on the screen: "So it's time to enter the second stage."

"……second stage?"

Luo Gandao felt the seat under his butt slowly retract, and the cockpit door gradually opened. He understood that this was the next training plan that Chu Xuan had set for him, so he followed the instructions and moved his body, and walked out. Inside the body: "Ah, I understand, it is to train my physical abilities, right? That's right, virtual training is not reality after all, I have to transform this accumulation into reality..."

"Yes, that's the truth. But in addition, you must maximize the desire to survive deep in your heart, so that the oracle cell bloodline you redeem can evolve accordingly and unlock it as quickly as possible. The second level of genetic lock.”

Behind Luo Gandao, the hatch of ASHMB closed with a click, and walking towards Luo Gandao from the darkness was a huge humanoid creature with a height of three meters and pale skin.

——A tyrant, and a tyrant transformed by Chu Xuan.

The facial features of this tyrant are obviously more distorted. Not only are its eyes shining with an ominous light, its teeth are as sharp as wild beasts, but its arms have been transformed into hook-like blades, full of killing aura. And every step it took towards Luo Gan Dao was extremely heavy, as if it could shake the ground... At the same time, it also stepped on Luo Gan Dao's heart.

"...Brother Chu Xuan, you must be kidding me."

Seeing this classic terrifying monster, Luo Gandao's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, he finally remembered Yang Yun's warning and what happened to him before he boarded AHSMB last time: "Don't you You want me to fight this tyrant, right? I am a pilot!"

"When Zheng Zha only had C-level blood, he could kill the alien in hand-to-hand combat when he unlocked the first-level gene lock for the first time. Since your desire to survive is comparable to Zheng Zha, then show some courage to prove yourself."

Chu Xuan said indifferently. Although his tone did not change at all, Luo Gandao seemed to hear the indifference hidden behind: "Your oracle cells are A-level exchanges, a tyrant without heavy weapons, as your first battle The opponent is just right.”

"Wait, wait, then at least give me a weapon-"

Seeing Luo Gandao trying to reopen the cockpit of ASHMB, but the door did not move at all, and the tyrant was gradually approaching, Chu Xuan turned off the monitor expressionlessly and reinvested in his experiment, leaving only one sentence in the air echoing——

"If you don't want to die, then transcend yourself and keep evolving." (End of Chapter)

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