This endless world

Chapter 553 Jianmu, Gaia, the Will of the World

"Then... let's talk about the light of the soul."

Being praised so straightforwardly by Chu Xuan, even Yang Yun felt a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the topic and brought the topic back to the discussion of the light of the soul: "When I named the light of the soul' When we built the building, we actually had corresponding plans for the future.”

Jianmu is not just a simple name, it symbolizes Yang Yun’s commitment to the future, desire for growth, and re-understanding of self-worth. His determination is as solid and profound as the roots of a building.

In the Zhongzhou team, Yang Yun has always played a "main supporting role". He is like the powerful root system supporting the giant tree, silently playing a role. However, as his strength grew, the fire within him longed for more, unwilling to be just a part of the background.

Chu Xuan gave him a chance, and in this special period, when the eyes of the positive people were no longer watching the Zhongzhou team as closely as usual, Yang Yun wanted to use his own power in this gap with the weakest influence. Strength and determination, to fight for the position of captain of the Zhongzhou team.

This is not only a pursuit of personal glory, but also Yang Yun's spiritual clarity. He knows that this is a road full of challenges, but he believes that just as Jianmu can withstand the baptism of wind and rain and become stronger, he can also win this challenge and become the person who can truly support the Zhongzhou team.

"My initial plan is to exchange some seeds of extraordinary plants for research after returning to the main god's space."

Since Chu Xuan mentioned it, Yang Yun took the initiative to explain: "The exchange price in this aspect should not be too expensive in the main god space. Let's not talk about A-level exchanges such as golden tree seeds for the time being. Those in "Plants vs. Zombies" Plants also have considerable fighting power, and their functions are even more diverse.”

"But for now, I haven't developed the light of the soul enough. As a result, there is still a certain difference between the role of 'Jianmu' and the light of the soul I expected... It's like I can only Achieving 'generation' and 'change' is not the same as true 'creation'."

"It's a smooth transition, but in my vision, you should be able to do more and have better choices."

Chu Xuan first confirmed Yang Yun's idea, but then he went on to say: "The definitions of 'life' and 'tree' are very broad, and it is not just Jianmu. There are similar legends in myths around the world."

As he said that, Chu Xuan put several pictures on the big screen: "The tree of the world in Nordic mythology, Yectrasil. The branches of the giant tree constitute nine entire worlds. The tree is the passage connecting the worlds. , and is the existence that carries the world; the Kabbalah tree of life in Hebrew mythology symbolizes the entire universe as the "tree of life" growing in heaven, and itself foreshadows the way God creates the world from nothing."

"...Even if it's just a hypothesis, you don't think that the light of my soul can grow to be comparable to these things in the future, right?" Yang Yun couldn't help showing an expression of "Are you kidding me?" "You know how to do it? What kind of power is needed for such a thing?"

Is he a high-level saint who has penetrated the secrets of earth, fire, water, and wind, or is he an imperial-level saint who restores the light of the soul to its source? Yang Yun didn't know the details, but he knew that junior saints would definitely not be able to do this.

"A goal, or your future direction, because in my opinion, simple 'life' is too broad. It would be better if there is a clear direction to work towards."

Chu Xuan didn't care about Yang Yun's resistance at all, or he was just such a person. When it comes to theory, Chu Xuan talks to himself most of the time: "The tree symbolizes the origin and law of life, and is a symbol of God's rules for the world and the world. Since it is a law, what is constrained is not Individuals rather than groups, just like a single life cannot survive forever on its own, but if countless lives including producers, consumers, decomposers, and inorganic environments such as the atmosphere, oceans, and polar ice caps are maintained together, it constitutes a complete biosphere.

"Individuals will continue to experience natural selection and survival of the fittest, but the life system they constitute will continue to exist and evolve like a huge life. This is the law of nature... and your soul Light, to a certain extent, is like the will of Gaia, providing rules for countless lives, coordinating and planning all lives, and prospering together with them."

"Gaia Hypothesis... Do you really plan to cultivate me as the will of the world?"

First there is the World Tree and the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and then there is the scientific hypothesis of Gaia’s consciousness. If Yang Yun still doesn’t know what Chu Xuan is thinking, then his IQ is really on the same level as Zheng Zha... But right now Because he knew Chu Xuan's intentions, Yang Yun was almost fooled by Chu Xuan: "I haven't even reached the fourth-level intermediate level yet, and you want me to consider such a thing?"

The road must be walked step by step, and the meal must be eaten one bite at a time. Maybe the light of Yang Yun's soul is indeed life, but it is simply a joke to fast forward to the overall planning of all lives as soon as he awakens... This is different from a person After knowing that the light of one's soul is a flame, what is the difference between wanting to burn out time, space, material energy?

"Just when I informed you before, Qi Tengyi came with good news."

Facing Yang Yun's words, Chu Xuan continued as if he hadn't heard him: "Through the mother box's ability, he single-handedly re-opened the way to the Pioneer Planet, and he also knew that the world had not yet been completely destroyed."

"...Qi Tengyi's progress astounds me."

Yang Yun hesitated for half a second, and finally replied: "But there is nothing we need on that planet. Didn't you already ask Zheng Zha to bring back all the heritage of the pioneer civilization?"

"Because I learned a lot of information from their database, I understand why they destroyed their planet so much."

Chu Xuan took out the compass that had absorbed the souls and memories of the pioneers and handed it to Yang Yun: "They are foreign invaders and are naturally incompatible with the rules of the plane, so they chose to destroy the environment and forcibly transform the plane. To make it suitable for them to live. It is not harmonious symbiosis, but rough blood-sucking... The truth about these can be found in this compass."

"So what do you mean?"

"It's very simple, go to that planet, and then use your skills to contact the consciousness of the world again."

Chu Xuan said calmly: "Although the planet was already on the verge of collapse, and it was even more dying after being affected by the battle between you and Zheng Zha, its core part should still be preserved."

"Why do you always make it as easy as going to the wet market to buy vegetables?" Yang Yun almost laughed out loud at Chu Xuan's fanciful plan again: "Let's put aside the danger of this kind of thing, I How to communicate with the will of the world..."

"Use the light of your soul." Chu Xuan interrupted Yang Yun's words: "Jianmu."


The so-called Jianmu is a tree that connects heaven and earth and connects gods and humans in Chinese mythology.

Yang Yun was stunned, but at this moment, Chu Xuan had already continued: "In the Cursed Plane, you once had the experience of facing the will of the world, and in the world of Resident Evil 2, you also have I was once exiled from the world by my clone, and then returned again. So this third experience should be familiar to you."

"Getting close contact with the will of the world is an excellent opportunity. It will be of no harm to your future development or the improvement of your strength... To say the least, even if you gain nothing in the end, You should also be able to extract some usable genes from the ruined planet of the pioneers to speed up your progress in improving the environment."

At this point, Chu Xuan turned around and said, "The choice is yours. So, what is your choice?"

"...Chu Xuan, you are really good at making offers that others cannot refuse."

So, the itinerary was decided.

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