This endless world

Chapter 568 Changed Team Fight Opponents

Degree of good and evil.

A hidden value that actually exists in the Lord God has been mentioned several times in Infinite Horror. Rather than saying it is a great hidden value, it is better to say it is some kind of invisible judgment, because the Samsara Team's operating style is quite flexible, and it is common to jump left and right at both ends of morality... Even in the original world The Central Continent team in the line has also killed three hundred innocent soldiers in Starship Troopers, buried hundreds of thousands of lives at once in Transformers, and used the name of "experimental weapons" and "establishing prestige". Flag, he did not hesitate to use the magic cannon to sink the corresponding deeds in the 11th district.

The main god will not simply judge the good and evil of the team based on the narrow sense of good and evil. This is something Yang Yun has known for a long time. For the main god, it is just a rigid advanced computer. Good and evil are just different camps. There is no absolute good and evil at all. Nor will reincarnation be given to the team in the mission world because of the good or evil of the team. Different treatments... But this is the first time that it has been directly written into the Lord God's prompts in this world.

There is only one reason that Yang Yun can think of, and that is the act of "saving the world."

Although this is not the first time for Yang Yun, it is a brand new experience for any Samsara team, including the current Zhongzhou team.

The Samsara Team is a group of pragmatists, even refined egoists. The primary goal of most people is to complete the tasks assigned by the Lord God and ensure their own survival, and only then will they pursue their own interests... And if they want to complete the goal called "saving the world", no matter how hard it is, they will be able to crush The dark force, the vision to see through the fog, and the intelligence to come up with a corresponding plan are all indispensable.

After completing the corresponding goals, it will naturally lead to a large deviation in the team's good and evil tendencies, and two or even three salvations finally anchored the Zhongzhou team's stance.

"If we use the nine-square grid of DND's alignments, then we should be considered lawful good...or neutral good?"

Yang Yun, who roughly understood the key, expressed his guess in a joking tone: "With this restriction, it seems that our team will have to pay attention to our own style in future tasks. "

"Isn't it pretty good? How can any idiot think about killing and killing every day?"

After Yang Yun and Chu Xuan jointly explained, Zheng Zha, who understood, did not care about the division of camps, but raised his watch: "It doesn't matter, anyway, you two are here, I believe this kind of thing will not happen to us There will always be a way to overcome the obstacles...Rather than this, I am more curious about where the Lord God has sent us this time. Is this an island in the sea?"

The questions Zheng Zha raised were out of confusion about the current situation. Normally, when the reincarnation team enters a new world, their landing location is designated by the Lord God in advance and is a location associated with the upcoming mission. For example, the train that entered the hive, the spaceship where the aliens were, and even the cursed house where the curse broke out... However, this time the Central Continent team found themselves in a completely different environment than before, on the beach.

Above them was a clear sky dotted with white clouds; around them was the endless ocean, with the waves lapping at the beach, making gentle sounds; and the fresh sea breeze, with a bit of saltiness and moisture, gently blowing over the skin. This scene makes people feel peaceful and relaxed, which is in sharp contrast to the dangerous missions that the Zhongzhou team has experienced in the past.

"An island somewhere in the Pacific."

Regarding Zheng Zha's question, Chu Xuan almost didn't even think about it. He just glanced at the sky and directly gave the corresponding answer: "The fifth level of the Soviet battle is to break away from gravity. The key to this battle is Destroy Yuri's naval force on an island somewhere in the Pacific."

"……How did you know?"

Zheng Zha did not expect that Chu Xuan would give the answer so quickly. He looked at the young man next to him with a strange look, and his heart was full of doubts: "The protective shield of the main god has not been lifted yet, and the mental power scan cannot be done yet." Use...have you developed any other means to ignore the protective shield?"

"You only need to know the time, latitude and longitude, and the corresponding angle, and it is not difficult to get the answer."

Chu Xuan glanced at Zheng Zha with an expression that looked like a fool: "And the geographical environment and plant species on this island further support my judgment. Since the world of Red Alert also happens on the earth, then the corresponding geographical knowledge is There won’t be too many deviations.”

"Okay, I'm illiterate..."

"Let's take a look at the situation of this team battle."

Yang Yun coughed, helped Zheng Zha out of the siege, and read the words on the main god's watch about the team battle: "The Nanyanzhou team entered the random location of the Red Alert II world sixty days ago, and the Beibingzhou team has entered the Red Alert 2 world randomly. Entered a random location forty-five days ago.”

"Killing members of the opposing team who have not activated the gene lock will get 2,000 reward points. One C-level branch plot. Killing members of the opposing team who have activated the gene lock will get 7,000 reward points. One B-level plot will involve the death of one of your own team members. One person will count negative one point, and killing the opponent's member will get positive one point. The final number multiplied by two thousand will be the reward points received by the remaining members of both teams..."

Sixty days, forty-five days, compared with the time difference of only two days in the previous two team battles, this is enough to show that the gap between the Central Continent team and the other two reincarnation teams is unimaginable.

"Did we become so strong?"

Zheng Zha, who has experienced two team battles, looked at the main god's explanation about the team battle in a daze, scratched his head and said: "One and a half months, and two months of time difference, does this mean the other two reincarnations?" The team has gained the corresponding 'potential' and even joined forces to deal with us?"

"This is obvious from the timeline. There are seven levels in the campaign, and it is currently the fifth level. This is enough to prove that Yuri's revenge story has progressed to the second half, and the other two reincarnation teams have accumulated enough." The situation'... There is a high chance that we will face a situation of one versus two."

Chu Xuan gave his analysis calmly, and then he looked at Yang Yun, his intention was self-evident.

——Now, you are the captain of the Zhongzhou team.

"The opponents in team fights have changed."

But this is not the issue that Yang Yun is concerned about. He has long known that in terms of hard power of the current Zhongzhou team, only the Gods and Demons can compare with it. He stared closely at the team name displayed by the main god. After a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's not the Senzhou team, but Nan Yan and Bei Bing, two completely opposite teams..."


Regarding the method used by Chu Xuan, you can Baidu "Starry Sky Box Opening Technique", above. (End of chapter)

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