This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1013 Theoretical team battle picturesque lineup

Wanwan's three consecutive denials made the audience laugh.

She quickly explained: "I don't have any inside information! I won't pretend that I don't know about it beforehand because I have inside information. This is all based on Brother Chengzi's character. We won't talk about these things when we chat."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"We usually chat..."

As she was talking, Wanwan suddenly felt something was wrong and suddenly changed the subject: "Well~~~ Everyone should just concentrate on watching the game."

Huya barrage exploded.

"Go on! What on earth are you talking about? Who cares about the game!"

"According to Brother Cheng's character, it's hard not to suspect that they are flirting. (Funny)"

"Shocked! The contents of Brother Chengzi's private chat with the female commentator actually made it difficult for the female commentator to talk about it."

"If you come to UC tomorrow to report, I will give you double the salary in the industry."

"It's so funny! Why are Wanwan so stupid?"

"The senior colonel is outrageous, fishing, right? Bullying Wanwan for her innocence."

"Sister Yi Yi came over and we talked about it all. Wan Wan still has no sister Yi Yi."

"Wanwan is cute, and Sister Yiyi is pure fool. Every time the senior colonel fishes, Sister Yiyi immediately takes the bait."

Seeing that Wan Wan was not wearing a condom, the group "Control Lao Er" was already laughing out loud on the stage.

Zeyuan: "Ahem... Audiences who are curious about what Wanwan and Brother Chengzi talked about privately can come down and pay attention to Wanwan's live broadcast room. We won't talk about this today."

Remember: "In this way, Brother Chengzi still used Qinggang Ying the most in his career in the match point game, and he played it with Crocodile + Leopard Girl. His confidence in Qinggang Ying really impressed me. It’s to the point of shock.”

Zeyuan: "This is what makes Brother Chengzi different from others. Other professional players say Crocodile Counter Qinggangying, but Chengzi's Qinggangying Counter Crocodile."

Wanwan: "Pure ID suppression! I've never seen Brother Chengzi's Qinggang Shadow be at a disadvantage against a crocodile."

Remember to interject: "Then whose crocodile do you think can suppress Brother Orange's Qinggangying?"

Wanwan blurted out: "Only Brother Chengzi's crocodile can suppress Brother Chengzi's green steel shadow."

The Huya barrage exploded again.

"There is no doubt that Wanwan truly loves Brother Chengzi."

"You remember that you also started fishing, right? These two Yin and Yang families are kind of useless female commentators."

"Let's go to the dining hall tonight. I want to watch the three Onmyojis bond and fish together."

"Wanwan Dinner: This wave of Chengzi brothers are here to kill them all!"

Seeing KT's first three choices, DK chose the Bull Head as the third hero.

Second round of BAN people.

The red side DK disabled Titan first.

KT first banned the small cannon.

The last BAN position of DK on the backhand was given to the Japanese girl, still targeting the support.

The blue side finally sent Ryze to the BAN position.

The people at DK realized something was wrong.

"It seems like the other side is going to take Silas?"

"Silas can't give it! Let's take it."

In fact, DK's crocodile was originally intended to swing in the middle and up. Xu Xiu also had a crocodile in the mid lane to cooperate with the leopard girl. Originally, DK planned to let Hanzi brother decide whether to let the crocodile go on the last counter.

However, as soon as KT banned Ryze, it was obvious that they wanted to take Silas.

And it just so happens that DK has a hero like Niutou.

If they want to snatch Silas, they can only shake the crocodile onto the road.

"What did Brother Donghe say? Can Renekton check in with Mi'er?"

If an ordinary person asked this, Brother Khan would immediately slap him.

Are you asking if Mr. Jin Dongha’s Renekton can play Mier?

This is an iron counter!

But Camille's ID on the other side happened to be Lin Cheng.

His crocodile has been blown up by Lin Cheng Qinggangying's forehand and backhand, and it would be a bit embarrassing to say that he is not a counter.

Brother Khan hesitated for a second and gritted his teeth: "You can fight! Silas must not be given to the opponent."

His expression was a bit decisive, and those who didn't know better thought he was being asked to use the Qinggang Shadow to fight crocodiles.

Starting to select players, the red side DK locked Silas on the fourth floor.

Zeyuan: "DK reacted! When they found out that KT banned Ryze, they knew that their opponent had the intention to take Sylas, and they directly used the BAN to take away Sylas."

Remember: "After all, DK has a bull head here. If KT Silas is given a team fight, it will be too powerful. The man Qinggangying plus Silas who steals the bull head's ultimate move, these three brothers will be invincible if they rush in."

Wanwan: "But the problem is that forcing DK to steal Sylas may not be very effective. Although there are people who can steal the ultimate move, their hands are too short."

The blue square KT locked the clockwork on the fourth floor first and struggled with the last auxiliary position for a long time.

Both sides have banned too many supports, and the regular hard supports that can cooperate with Kai'Sa are gone. Riel, Titan, Japanese girl, and even Thresh are all in the ban position. KT's support is really good when the bull head is taken away by the opponent. Hard to choose.

Effort showed Pike first.

Lin Cheng: "Wow! Is Xiang Hao ready to get Pike?"

"May I?"

Little Death asked his teammates for their opinions and was a little eager to apply.

Everyone knows about Keria's Pike, but they forget that the first person in the LCK to play an auxiliary Pike was Effort.

He is the number one Pike in the Korean server.

His teammates all agreed. Just when Effort was about to lock down, Lin Cheng suddenly came up with a game:

"If you lose this round, the one with the worst performance should remember to take Zhaocai to be neutered."

Effort is silent.

I almost forgot about this one.

"Forget it! Pike is too risky! I'd better switch to an assistant."

"Are you really not going to think about it? Assisting Pike can be C."

"No, try another one. I don't really want to use Pike that much."

Lin Cheng felt as if he had just extinguished a young man's dream.

In the end, Effort locked Shen.

This hero is very rare in the support position, but KT's performance in the support position of Shen in training games is not bad.

Zeyuan: "Hey! In the end, Effort took out Shen as support! This choice is very unpopular. Shen is really not strong in the bottom lane. I haven't seen Shen as support for a long time."

Wanwan: "But as long as the line is not blown, KT's lineup will look great together. When Qinggangying and Renma are playing in a team, one will bring Shen into the field, and the other will bring the clockwork ball into the field. The team battle will feel very strong. "

Remember: "However, this kind of seemingly beautiful coordination is often not easy to achieve on the field. We have seen too many picturesque lineups on the field but failed to achieve the theoretical effect."

Seeing the opponent's lineup selected, DK picked Xayah with his last move.

Faced with so many rushing heroes, Xayah is indeed the best AD choice.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top road: Cheng (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Peanut (Shadow of War, Hecarim)

Mid laner: Chovy (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Deft (Daughter of the Void, Kai’Sa)

Support: Effort (Eye of Twilight, Shen)

Red Square DWG:

Top lane: Khan (Desert Butcher, Renekton)

Jungler: Canyon (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Mid lane: Showmaker (Freeman, Sylas)

Bottom lane: Gohst (Niyu, Xia)

Support: Beryl (Tauren Chieftain, Alistar)

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