This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1016 Lin Cheng is acquainted

Except for players who know these two heroes very well, most people don't know the mechanism of Qinggangying's passive blocking of Crocodile's Red Fury W, and even the commentators are no exception.

In the replay, we saw that Qinggangying was stunned by Red Fury W and a shield appeared. Neither Zeyuan nor Remembering reacted immediately.

Still, Wanwan provided additional explanations of this mechanism and showed off his understanding of the game.

Of course, knowing this mechanism is one thing, being able to operate it is another.

The crocodile's AW is relatively easy to block. It's very fast to flash forward and raise his hand directly with W. Qinggangying must raise his hand at this moment to hit Q out.

"Although Wanwan has explained the mechanism clearly, is this person really not a monster? The red angry W that flashed out from the crocodile hiding next to it was reacted by Qinggangying!"

Even though he had been shocked by Lin Cheng's reaction countless times, Zeyuan still couldn't help being surprised, "It's very common for crocodiles to flash to take the lead on the field. It can be said that most professional players can't even flash in this situation. He He can actually activate the Q skill and go out with A, how fast is this person's reaction?"

"It doesn't matter once or twice. The key is that there have been countless scenes like this in his career... I can only say that Qinggang Ying, who is worthy of Brother Chengzi, is operating for him again."

"And you may not believe it, but the crocodile struck first this time."

I can't help but sigh when I remember: "You know, Qinggang Shadow TPed down to support a wave of support in two minutes! A Qinggang Shadow TPed down early to help his teammates, and he was able to return to the top lane to kill the Crocodile alone. This already shows that there is a problem with the Crocodile's lane on the top lane. ”

Zeyuan: "The main reason is that Brother Khan wants to kill alone! As the saying goes, as long as he doesn't take action, there will be no flaws, but he just can't hold it back... But actually it's understandable, every time After being beaten violently, when Brother Chengzi's residual blood was dangled in front of him, Brother Khanzi might also be thinking about whether this would be his only chance in this life."

Wanwan chuckled: "Please note that this is Brother Chengzi's 59th solo kill this season! Did Brother Hanzi also notice this information? He really wants to be part of the record!"

Wanwan's sudden teasing made the two onmyojis couldn't help laughing.

The barrage couldn't hold up any longer.

"Wanwan has learned so badly! I'm getting weird and angry."

"He wants to be a record so much! Brother Khan, I cry to death."

"I can't create a record, so I become part of the record, 23333."

"Yue Lun calls him an expert."

"Wanwan was infected by Onmyoji, right?"

"Let me tell you, Brother Cheng's reaction is truly incredible. I have never seen anyone react faster than him."

"The Fish Man's reaction is not as fast as his seventeen-year-old counterpart. The key is that his reaction is outrageous every time."

"Recommend a urine test, the reaction is no longer like a human being."

"No more urine tests! Brother Cheng doesn't have a drop left."


The wave of solo kills on the road immediately reminded Brother Khan of his fear of being dominated by Lin Cheng. Crocodile, who originally planned to make a small part of the Bloodthirsty Tomahawk, went back and bought cloth armor to prepare for iron boots first.

Qinggangying also successfully pushed the line back to the city, and the early equipment began to show advantages.

After being passively exchanged for a wave of blood by Qinggangying using Yao Guang online, Brother Khan began to consciously release the line a little.

With his anger under control, Brother Han knew that he would have to wait until level 6 before he could make a comeback in 1V1. After all, Qinggang Shadow's ultimate move did not directly improve combat effectiveness. After level 6, Crocodile would be a little behind before Qinggang Shadow God was separated. The economy also has a chance to rebound.

At 6 minutes, a battle broke out in the middle of both sides.

The clockwork was pressing the line, and Canyon Leopard Girl hid in the grass in the lower river.

But Little Peanut was actually squatting in the grass on the upper river, preparing to cover Chaowei's troops and send them into the tower.

Clockwork's pressing position was close to the top, never giving the opponent a good chance.

If neither party takes the initiative, there will be no story.

Xu Xiu stole Clockwork's ultimate move and finally couldn't help but find an opportunity to use E. The Q skill forced Clockwork to move. The second stage of E accurately hit the Clockwork next to the minion, passively attacking and launching a shock wave at the same time.

Leopard Girl emerged from the grass below and fired her Q skill from a distance.

Almost at the same time, the men and horses also flew out of the upper grass using the E skill Destroying Charge.


The super power cross dodges Silas's shock wave, and uses his backhand QW to launch his ultimate move.


Xu Xiu did not hesitate to dodge, fearing that he would be kicked back after taking the big move and would not have a chance to dodge.

The mid laners of both sides exchanged skills, and Leopard Girl and Centaur also lost their skills.

Little Peanut simply came up and directly helped Chaowei push the line.

Canyon's Leopard Girl walked around to her own defense tower and casually threw her Q skill.

Chaowei stood behind his own soldier and took a step back without deliberately moving laterally to avoid the target.


The leopard girl immediately switched to leopard form after throwing the javelin. After seeing Clockwork's position, Canyon decisively flashed forward.

The soldier in front of Chaowei was suddenly punished by Leopard Girl, exposing Clockwork who had no time to move.

The javelin hit from a long distance, leaving less than a third of Clockwork's health.

Leopard Girl W pounced forward and took away the clockwork instantly with a set of combos.

The Centaur had just surrendered because of the E skill. At this time, there was no level 6, and there was no way to restrict the Leopard Girl's close approach. He could only throw a Q and watch the clockwork fall down.

Zeyuan: "Wow! Canyon! This is such a show! He flashed to punish the minions, let his long-range Q hit, and then took him away in one set. His super power was defeated by Xiu Ma!"

Remember: "Who is not a weird operator? Let you, Brother Chengzi, show off, right? This game is great."

This wave of super power was caught off guard by Canyon's operation in the middle, and he couldn't help but say: "Hey! I made a mistake."

In fact, this wave is not a mistake at all, it can only be said that the opponent played too well.

"Don't panic! I'll help you later! I'm familiar with killing Xu Xiu."

If Showmaker heard Lin Cheng's comfort, he would probably want to hit him.

Since last year, every time Lin Cheng took out the Qinggang Shadow, he would hold Xu Xiu down and kill him. His skill was not bragging.

Because Clockwork still had TP, this wave of leopard girls did not directly touch Xiaolong.

And just after Chaowei returned to the lane, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow pushed the lane towards the middle.

Lin Cheng didn't know if the opponent had eyes on the river, so he deliberately moved from his jungle area to the middle, then bypassed the intersection behind the blue buff and reached into the grass in the river.

Little Peanut was squatting here just now, but the opponent obviously didn't have an eye position nearby.

"Zhixun, I'm here to avenge you! Silas didn't wait to get him."

Clockwork was clearing the line next to him. Lin Cheng squatted in the grass in the river for a few seconds before Silas came online.

Xu Xiu went home this time to patch up his eyes, and he happened to come over from the wall next to F6 to insert the control guard and discovered the Qinggang Ying inside.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was really fast. When he saw the control guard appear, he directly pressed against the wall.

Although there was no view of the wall, the dash indicator of Qinggangying's E skill would show the direction of doubling the dash distance. Lin Cheng decisively kicked out slightly to the right of the arrow.

Having seen Qinggang Ying's vision, Xu Xiuselas subconsciously changed the position of E.

However, Silas subconsciously turned E in the direction of his own defense tower, which was predicted by Lin Cheng.

Qinggang Shadow's second section E kicked Silas down while he was moving!

AQ played an adaptive shield. Lin Cheng knew that his opponent didn't have to dodge and didn't even need to use his ultimate move. He retreated and stepped back with a W tactical sweep to slow down his opponent.

Clockwork comes to make up for the damage.

At this time, the red side's F6 was gone, and Silas had no chance to use the wild monsters to escape, so he could only pull the Qinggangying with the second E.

But this way you can gain a little more damage at most, and think too much about counter-killing.

Lin Cheng's second stage Q easily won the kill.

At the same time, Thelasby's expression of disapproval lit up on Qinggang Shadow's head.

Are you just going to kill someone in my family?

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