This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1019 3:0! Two incredible records!

A wave of lane changes expanded the economic advantage, and KT players looked for opportunities to return to the city to make up for their losses.

Canyon found every opportunity to win the second dragon in the game.

But this little dragon no longer matters to KT.

Although players cannot see the economy panel, the gap in the equipment column is real.

In less than 15 minutes, everyone is ahead by at least a small piece. If this opponent can still hold on to the Dragon Soul, isn't it a slap in our face?

KT is very good at taking advantage of the collapse of the opponent's tower. In this wave of return to the city, everyone has two control guards placed on them. Soon DK found that his high ground was almost completely dark.

Only the two second towers still stand alone on the side road, supporting a small field of vision.

But obviously, the two outer towers cannot last long.

KT chose to let the flexible Qinggangying lead the tower. The duo was placed in the middle to clear the lane, and Clockwork led the road.

Of course, pressing all three lines at this time is a somewhat risky move, because the opponent's support will be quick after being compressed.

Therefore, after the KT duo cleared the lane in the middle, they kept moving toward the upper half to cover Clockwork, which was relatively more dangerous with the lane.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow didn't really need cover.

The opponent's space for movement is greatly compressed. Lin Cheng is unlikely to be caught if he has key vision at terrain intersections in the wild area. After all, Qinggang Shadow is too flexible.

Qinggang Shadow God has greedy nine points in hand, and it is difficult for Crocodile to hold the line with its huge equipment lead. However, Lin Cheng can only find opportunities to use Q and W skills to top the tower to consume some health, and then use minions and wild monsters. He sucked blood and didn't hand over E to fight to the end.

Because the Leopard Girl and the Bull Head were well hidden, Lin Cheng mostly looked for opportunities to consume the defense tower's health.

After taking Qinggangying's two real-damage Q skills in a row, the second tower on the red side's bottom lane lost health very quickly.

As for DK's top two towers, their health drops faster.

Once the KT jungler and duo disappear in the middle, Clockwork will be able to find opportunities to touch the defense tower.

Because DK has to keep someone in the middle to defend the line on the high ground, he definitely doesn't dare to force the clockwork without losing KT's position in the jungle.

On the contrary, seeing that the second tower on the top lane was only half-healthy, KT's trio suddenly turned up and forced Silas away, easily taking out the second tower on the top lane.

At this time, Leopard Girl and Niutou showed up on the upper road, and Lin Cheng decisively attacked the crocodile under the second tower on the lower road.

Crocodile, who had been suppressed by Qinggangying, was not very angry and his blood volume was not full. Once Lin Cheng determined the location of the remaining DK personnel, he became murderous.

Qinggangying EW starts.

The tactical sweep in the air hit the perfect outside edge, and then Qinggangying took advantage of the second E to knock out the opponent, and AQ created an adaptive shield.

The crocodile got up and opened up, and AQ got red and angry.

But Qinggangying's second stage precise etiquette with real damage has already kicked the crocodile to pieces.

Before the Crocodile's Red Fury W could be released, Lin Cheng made a big move.

Hex's ultimatum loomed over him, and the Qinggang Shadow landed on the ground and directly took the crocodile away with his kick.

"Solo kill! The 60th solo kill! Brother Chengzi did it so well! Can I say this is a miracle?"

The happiness in Wanwan's tone almost spilled out of the screen.

"Before him, no player in any division could exceed 40 single kills in a single season! And he directly raised this record to an unattainable height!"

"For a long, long time, maybe longer than we think, no one will break this record."

Zeyuan: "Congratulations to Brother Chengzi! Another terrifying record was born! Congratulations to Brother Chengzi's fans, I believe you are as happy as Wanwan at this moment, and you should have been happy in the past year as well."

"Perhaps, becoming a fan of such a player is destined to be a happy thing."

Wanwan smiled: "I'm very lucky! I met the best Brother Chengzi at the best time! And I have a hunch that he will continue to bring happiness to the fans with his wonderful performance."

The barrage has exploded.

The screen is filled with congratulations and orange emoticons.

"Brother Chengzi is awesome!!! (broken sound)"

"This is a small step for Brother Chengzi, but it is a chasm for other players to despair."

"I have a hunch that even if Riot Games goes bankrupt, no one will be able to break Cheng's record."

"Wanwan is really happy! This kind of pure happiness has been experienced by top fans before."

"The colonel's envy is beyond words, but it's a pity that people's joys and sorrows are not the same."

"Ze Yuan: I'm so envious of Wan Wan! When will GEN·G also make me happy?"


Lin Cheng didn't notice the special significance of this solo kill. After killing the crocodile, he calmly took down the second tower in the bottom lane.

At this point, the outer tower of DK was completely destroyed, and within 20 minutes all members were in jail on the high ground.

KT's discipline was very strong. At 19 and a half minutes, the entire team returned to the city to replenish their equipment and real eyes.

Although DK took the opportunity to regain some vision of the jungle, the map on the red side soon became dark again after the blue side personnel went out again.

The dragon refreshes.

The blue side still asked Qinggangying to lead the bottom lane to put pressure, and the rest relied on the upper half of the jungle to put pressure on vision.

At this time, the pressure from Baron forced DK to come out and do vision.

Seeing Leopard Girl lining up in the F6 bushes alone, Little Peanut's people started sprinting and swung their hooves to touch the grass opposite the red buff.

"Look at me, look at me! I'll go around the back."

As a result, as soon as the men and horses got into the grass opposite the red BUFF, Little Peanut suddenly found that Niu Tou and Silas entered the grass from the other side.

"Fuck... trough!"

In desperation, Little Peanut burst out in Chinese.

The men and horses quickly turned around, turned around and ran away.

At this time, the teammates were waiting for the team to circle back, and the little peanut's position was out of touch.

But the other side obviously couldn't figure out the truth.

The men and horses were sprinting over too fast, and the DK men were not too wary of someone in the grass when they scanned the grass and did not see the outline of the figure in advance.

Moreover, the men and horses rushed over in a menacing manner, and the blue side thought that the little peanut was followed by a group of people.

"Forget it!"

The DK people were startled and did not dare to open fire. The two sides just faced each other and pulled away.

Zeyuan: "Hey! The little peanut is looking into the grass with his face... Wow! It seems like these two people didn't react?"

I remember: "With such a big disadvantage, I didn't dare to move when I saw the men and horses sprinting towards me. What if he was followed by three people? DK has no vision."

The director was obviously shocked by this scene. He didn't know what it meant to retreat after the two parties met, and he even gave a first-person perspective playback.

Hearing Xiaohuahua's eloquent sentence "f*ck", Huya's barrage couldn't hold back.

"Hahaha! What is this?"

“Did he say shit or What’s up?”

"Absolutely the quintessence of China! The little peanut microphone doesn't speak English."

“I actually understand Korean???”

"Who did Little Peanut learn this from? Xiye or Langxing?"

"I bet it's Brother Orange!"

"Brother Cheng spoiled the little peanut (funny)"

Lin Cheng didn't know that his Feng Ping had been killed. After discovering the location information of the other party's personnel, he became aggressive again.

Qinggangying suddenly rushed to the high ground and kicked the crocodile under the tower.

Shen gave it directly to Da.

Although Brother Han stood up and tried to run away with two E moves, he was still held back by Shen's flash E as he was slowed down by the tactical sweep.

The two climbed higher and killed the crocodile.

"Big dragon, big dragon! Leave us alone."

Lin Cheng did not retreat with Shen, and the two of them turned back to press on the high ground.

Qinggangying demolishes the tower very quickly, so the opponent must defend, and at least two people must defend.

KT's front staff took advantage of the situation to activate Baron.

Qinggang Ying and Shen turned around and retreated after seeing the people on the red side. Niutou tried to flash the second company to keep Qinggang Ying behind.

However, Lin Cheng happened to use the forced displacement of the hook lock to take over Niutou's control, and the two successfully separated.

On the other side, the dragon's health dropped quickly.

The red side's vision transformation has discovered the dragon pit situation, and Canyon tried to come over to find an opportunity to fight for punishment.

However, the jungle area was full of KT's eyes. Lin Cheng came over from the bottom lane to TP and knocked out Leopard Girl with his E skill. Kai'Sa flew over and instantly cooperated with Qinggang Shadow to kill Leopard Girl in seconds.

There were no twists and turns, and Baron was captured by KT.

DK itself lost all its outer towers, and KT, the big dragon BUFF, easily reached the high ground.

The economy was crushed, and the KT with life-saving equipment per capita launched a forced attack directly in front of the incisor tower.

DK breaks when touched.

The blue team destroyed the opponent and leveled the base in one wave.


KT achieved a 100% winning rate in small games in the Spring Split.

Plus Lin Cheng's 60 solo kills.

This game produced two extremely incredible records.

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