This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1054 Pre-match data of each team

The start date of SI in May.

In order to take care of the Asian audience, the opening game of the schedule is at 9 pm BJ time, which is exactly 1 pm Iceland time.

As last year's world champion, the organizer specially arranged for KT to play in this opening match. At 12 noon, the whole team got on the bus to the competition venue early.

The venue for this MSI is Laugardalur Sports Center, which is also the National Stadium of Iceland.

The stadium consists of two venues. Hall A is a large open-air stadium, and Hall B, which hosts MSI this time, is an indoor arena.

Of course, this event is not open to the public, and there will be no spectators entering the venue.

Everyone had already come to familiarize themselves with the venue when KT was filming a promotional video. The scene they shot with RNG was on the side of the sports field outside the venue.

After arriving at the venue, the KT team entered the lounge and waited for the game to start.

During this time, the team members each have their own way of relaxing.

Chaowei and Little Death were playing backgammon, while Mr. Dai and Little Peanut, two elderly people, were sitting on chairs chatting.

Lin Cheng was playing with his mobile phone.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening Korean time, and the three girls and Xiao Enxi gathered together to wait for Lin Cheng's first game.

The little girl sat on the floor, staring at the screen eagerly.

"When will uncle come out? Enxi misses uncle."

Han Shuyan touched her little head: "It's going to be soon. Uncle will be very happy to know that Enxi is cheering for him."

The little girl grinned innocently, hugged the Baolulu doll tightly in her arms, blinked and continued to look at the screen.

Zheng Shiyan looked at Eunxi's cute and focused look and couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

"Yeah! If you're sleepy, just tell me and mom will take you to bed."

"Enxi is not sleepy!"

The little girl quickly straightened her body and said, "Enxi wants to watch uncle play. Mom promised Enxi, no cheating."

"I got it! Go to bed after watching the game."


A message alert sounds.

Zheng Shiyan looked down at her phone.

Sister Shiyan! Are you watching the game? Remember to bring us Eunxi to cheer me on. (kiss)

Zheng Shiyan turned off her phone screen and pretended not to see Lin Cheng’s message.

She calmly raised her head and glanced at the two girls next to her.

Han Shuyan was responding to the message with a smile, her eyes extremely gentle.

Xiao Tong pouted and wanted to throw away the phone, but quickly took it back with some hesitation and started editing the news carefully.

Chinese streaming broadcast has entered the warm-up stage.

As per the old rules, there was a lengthy commercial broadcast before the official start, and then the two analysis desk hosts, Wa Wa and Huainan, began the analysis and discussion of this MSI.

The game has not yet started, and the key points of this MSI version have obviously become the most talked about topic.

Three versions have passed since the playoffs, and everyone is curious about what the tone of this MSI will be.

Just looking at the hero choices of RANK players this time, it can be said that there are many kinds of heroes, especially in the jungle position. Peanut plays Morgana in the queue, and Wei uses Rambo a lot.

However, this kind of hero does not feel particularly reliable when playing jungle. The outside world is curious about the format of the official game.

According to today's schedule, the director began to release the statistics of all teams in their respective divisions in order.

The first KT data posted shocked all Chinese streaming viewers.

Spring split record: 42-0, winning rate 100%.

15-minute economic lead winning rate: 100%.

Economic lead winning rate in 20 minutes: 100%.

First blood rate: 88%.

One tower rate: 93%.

One dragon rate: 90%

One-pioneer rate: 95%

Baron control rate: 86%

Gore level: 0.95

Later, KT's average economic curve continued to rise. Every five minutes, KT's average economic difference was widening, without any signs of falling back.

Wawa: "What is this? KT's statistics are too exaggerated... But when I think about KT's 100% winning rate this season, it doesn't seem so hard to accept."

Huainan: "From this data, I only see one word, dominance! There is a reason why this team is invincible in the LCK."

"The blood level exceeding 0.9 shows that this team is playing very aggressively. Relatively speaking, the Baron control rate of 86% seems to be the lowest data, but in fact, KT ended the game many times without winning the Baron. Those data It’s not counted.”

Wawa: "What I care about most is their economic curve. The upward trend shows that this team's snowballing ability is very exaggerated. If RNG encounters this later, we must be careful. We must not give our opponents a chance to gain an early advantage."

"Damn it! What kind of data is this?"

"KT is frying fish in the LCK, right? That's outrageous!"

"I think of KZ in S8, which also had incredible statistics, but in the end it couldn't beat RNG."

"It's useless to look at the data. Look at the data and UOL can compete with KT."

"Just wait and wait for RNG to beat us up."

"KT's 42-game winning streak in the fish pond can hardly hide its label of parallel import. RNG's tenacious breakthrough in the lower bracket shows the true nature of a strong team!"

Compared with KT's outrageous data, the opening game opponent C9's North American spring split data is much more normal.

Spring split record: 22-8, winning rate 73%.

15-minute economic lead winning rate: 60%.

Economic lead winning rate in 20 minutes: 70%.

First blood rate: 73%.

One tower rate: 56%.

One dragon rate: 47%.

One-pioneer rate: 56%.

Baron control rate: 60%.

Gore level: 0.79.

The contrast is too strong. C9 is also a division champion, but the data clearly shows that their dominance over the LCS is far inferior to KT.

The data of the other two teams in the same group as KT are even worse than C9. INF's data are close to 50%, while DFM's data in the Japanese division is pretty good.

But the most obvious thing about these three teams compared to KT is that there is a gap in snowballing ability.

The three teams are both division champions. The average economic lead of these three teams is on the rise from 15 to 25 minutes. However, after the thirty-minute point, the economic leads of these three teams all fall off a cliff.

After showing the data of the four teams in Group C, the director gave the data of RNG who will appear later.

Spring split record: 38-16, winning rate 70%.

15-minute economic lead winning rate: 70%.

First blood rate: 55.6%.

One-pioneer rate: 53.7%.

Hit the road and get a tower: 17.

Baron control rate: 72.2.

Obviously, the director also knew that RNG's top lane was the core, and he ingeniously gave top lane to obtain the data of the first tower.

RNG's economic curve is somewhat similar to that of KT. It also rises all the way, and its lead becomes more and more in the later stages, but its leading value is still far behind KT.

The average economic difference in 10 minutes is 58, the average economic difference in 15 minutes is 346, the average economic difference in 20 minutes is 809, the average economic difference in 25 minutes is 1554, and the average economic difference in 30 minutes is 2812.

Wawa: "Although RNG's data seems not as exaggerated as KT's, it is after all in our fiercely competitive LPL region, and this economic curve illustrates the biggest problem."

“What RNG is most proud of this season is their teamfights and decision-making in the middle and late stages. Although it seems less exaggerated than KT’s average lead of several thousand, RNG is also stable and becomes more powerful in the later stage. "

Huainan: "Yes! RNG has actually lost very few games in the late stages of this season. They can defeat their opponents by just relying on a little bit of decision-making to take the lead."

Wawa: "Although we won't meet them in the group stage, but when we do meet them in the later matches, I think as long as RNG can be stable in the early stage, there is a good chance that we can compete with KT through the later team battles."

Analyzing RNG data is inseparable from KT. Indeed, everyone from the LPL host to the audience regards KT as the biggest opponent of this event.

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