This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1057 Long hand beats short hand

After Lin Cheng and Chaowei swapped heroes, not only were all the commentators confused, Chaowei and Lin Cheng in the camera couldn't help laughing.

In fact, this exchange was really impromptu.

Because there are more AP jungler options in this version, Chaowei used mid laner Varus as a substitute in the training match without Lucian.

Mid laner Poke flow Varus is actually better than many traditional mages in the middle lane in pushing the lane. After level 6, combined with Morgana, his control and damage are good, and the competition for resources in the early stage is very fierce.

So originally Chaowei was going to take Verus.

However, in this game, after seeing the opponent's last move, Lin Cheng suddenly proposed his idea of ​​using top laner Verus.

After all, Seti's legs are short, so it would be unrealistic for Lin Cheng to step forward and try to penetrate Gnar, and Varus wouldn't be able to take advantage of Clockwork if he stepped forward.

It seems that there is no obvious advantage between the two lanes, but it is different when the middle and upper lanes change.

Varus's hands are longer than Nar's, and his early burst is higher than Nar's. The long hand beats the short hand.

All elements are complete!

Lin Cheng felt that he could defeat his opponent.

Moreover, Seti switches to the middle lane and although it is difficult to pose a threat to Clockwork in the lane, there is nothing he can do to clear the lane and run away.

Chaowei is the old Seti. Last year, he used Seti in the middle to keep up with the mid laners and he was still able to run.

Theoretically, it was possible. Chaowei and Lin Cheng had a brief exchange and chose to swap heroes.

And although Varus has no displacement and is on the road, the risk factor is very high, but the jungler on the opposite side happens to be Kindred, and it is difficult to catch people with Gnar.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Arrow of Punishment, Varus)

Jungler: Peanut (Fallen Angel, Morgana)

Middle: Chovy (Wrist, Seti)

Bottom lane: Deft (Ice Archer, Ashe)

Support: Effort (Barrel, Gragas)

Red square C9:

Top lane: Fudge (Lost Fang, Gnar)

Jungler: Blaber (Eternal Hunter Twins, Kindred)

Mid lane: Perkz (Clockwork Demon, Orianna)

Bottom lane: Zven (Merlin Gunner, Tristana)

Support: Vulcan (Revelator, Karma)

Wawa: "Come on! This game is interesting! As the opening game of this MSI, last year's world champion KT has been in trouble. Let's see what the top laner Verus, Orange Brother, has to say."

Huainan: "To be honest, I'm really not optimistic about KT after covering up the team name, but considering the ID bonus, what if KT beats C9 during the laning phase?"

Wawa: "But there is one thing we must pay attention to! C9's team-building ability is insufficient, and the five people on KT's side have relatively stable control. It really can't be said that KT's lineup is not good."

"It can only be said that their understanding is different from what we usually see. Let's go into the game and see the effect."

The game started to load, and the coaches from both sides greeted each other and then exited the stage.

"What did Lin Cheng say? I'm going to win this game, so I'll cover your early push."

"I want to press harder. I don't need to switch directly to Scan at level one. Help me make a ward in the early stage. I can easily defeat Gnar alone."

In fact, neither jungler nor the top laner has much ganking ability. The 1V1 advantage of having good vision and top lane lies with Lin Cheng.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main system of domination: Cluster Blade, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collector, Ultimate Hunter, and the secondary system of enlightenment: Magic Shoes, Cookie Delivery.

In fact, Lin Cheng hesitated for a long time when choosing the runes.

The one with the strongest suppression in the early stage is definitely Poke-style Varus, but in this game, Morgana is the jungler. Lin Cheng feels that the limit of team battles for critical-hit Varus will be much higher.

Varus on the field today usually doesn't use the crit style because it's easy to die suddenly if he goes A All five come with controls.

In addition, C9's lineup only has an extremely unstable team starting point in Da Gnar, and both Han Bing and Varus have room to go A.

Moreover, Varus's equipment is very flexible. Lin Cheng felt that he could also use AP Varus in this round. With his teammates having so many stable controls, it would be too easy for AP Varus to kill him in seconds.

So in the end, Lin Cheng brought the talent of Cluster Blade, which can be used as Poke or AP, and even if he insists on using crit style, it will be no problem.

Please check the specific equipment in the game.

Entering the game, Effort took a look at the grass on the side road at the first level, making Lin Cheng more comfortable in the lane.

The two sides started peacefully.

Probably because Morgana's jungle routine is very novel, the director opened the scene by focusing on Morgana who was preparing to enter the jungle.

And just when the camera shifted to the top lane, I saw Gnar's AQ replenishing the remaining health soldiers.

At this time, Varus leaned against the grass, raised his hand and shot an arrow.

The moment the arrow left the string, Lin Cheng turned around, and Varus retreated into the grass.

Just now, Lin Cheng was stuck in the attack gap of the long-range minions and launched a basic attack. The moment the exclamation marks lit up on the heads of the three long-range minions on the red side, Varus lost his vision.

And at the moment when the minion's hatred was blocked, Lin Cheng had already used the E skill Evil Arrow Rain.

The evil spirit arrows falling in a circular range hit three ranged soldiers and slowed down Gnar at the same time.

Then Varus stepped back and pressed forward.

AoE damage skills will not attract the hatred of minions. Gnar is slowed down, and Varus chases into the attack range in two steps.

After all, Fudge is also the top laner in North America. He is also a radical in the LCS. He subconsciously turned around and wanted to cooperate with the minion A to play Varus.

But Varus's basic attack with the effect of cluster blades raised his hand too quickly, and Lin Cheng took a step back to prevent Nnar from throwing the darts.

The attack range of level one Gnar is only 400, which is too short!

Moreover, when Fudge turned back, he was still within the range of the evil spirit's arrows. Lin Cheng took a step forward and knocked out the third basic attack of the bush blade, and successfully hid in the grass, taking away the aggro from the minions.

After a wave of blood exchanges, Gnar's darts couldn't be thrown. Lin Cheng finished Congren's three basic attacks and E skill damage, but only took a little minion damage.

Watanabe: "Ouch! I was hit by a third of my health when we met on the road! This wave of blood exchange Fudge is so rough. I went back and took three full blows from Varus but didn't even get an A out."

Huainan: "It should be said that Brother Chengzi played well! Fudge was pulled and numb! He not only pulled the opponent, he also pulled the minions. The details of this blood exchange are too strong."

Wawa: "Although we have never seen top laner Varus, obviously Fudge has not been seen in North America. Isn't it really effective for Brother Orange?"

"The blood pressure is up! Is Jiang Zi being pulled?"

"The opponent's top laner: I can't touch him! It's cool to be silent!"

"I'm so wet! This pull is the top laner's dream!"

"Go and call 369 to come over and learn how to pull!

"Let me tell you! If Jiubao had this pulling skill, he would have killed the White Crescent Man last year!"

"Brother Chengzi is too thin!"

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