This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1067 Male ketone is contagious

After the interview, Lin Cheng and his teammates left the competition venue and prepared to have lunch at a nearby restaurant.

There was only one game for KT today. Since the opening game was at one o'clock at noon, everyone only ate some bread to fill their stomachs before the game. By this time, they were all hungry.

Of course, Kang Dongxun, the traitor, had already had lunch because he didn't have to play in the game, so he was excluded from the dinner list by Lin Cheng.

Is the coach amazing? A person who eats alone must be prepared to be isolated in advance.

Generally speaking, to experience the folk customs of a place, it is natural to taste the local food.

I had been locked up in a hotel before, and the menu provided by the hotel was relatively fixed. The dinner party with RNG two days ago was also at a French restaurant, so everyone never tasted the traditional local food in Iceland.

Chi Shengxi took the lead, and everyone found a small restaurant with a classic style on the street.

The decoration of the small restaurant is very warm. There are still two tables of guests in the restaurant at this time. Since the dining table is not big, everyone is divided into two tables.

"Talaru ensku?"


Lin Cheng looked surprised when he saw Chi Shengxi communicating with the clerk in English.

When the clerk left, he moved next to Chi Shengxi.

"Sister Sheng Xi, what do you mean by 'Tat Ansgu' just now?"

"That's an Icelandic saying, I was asking the clerk if he spoke English."

"You actually know Icelandic?"

Lin Cheng looked adoring, and even the other friends looked at Chi Shengxi in wonder.

Chi Shengxi smoothed her bangs from her forehead and said, "I know a little bit. You guys are locked up in the hotel for training. I will learn a little Icelandic by myself if I have nothing to do."

Most Icelanders speak fluent English, but some people do have difficulty expressing themselves in English. After all, Icelandic is a dialect here. It is important to ask the other person if they speak English before talking.

Lin Cheng suddenly became interested, "Sister Sheng Xi, if I meet a beautiful woman in Iceland and say hello, how should I say 'hello'?"

Chi Shengxi glanced at Lin Cheng.

Are you speaking human language?

Although Lin Cheng was not formal, Chi Shengxi said to Lin Cheng when he saw everyone looking very interested:


Chi Shengxi's final voice was long and nasal, and everyone thought the accent was a bit strange.

Lin Cheng looked at her again and again: "Don't fool me, you don't speak English, right?"

This pronunciation is very similar to the English Dying. It feels like asking Lin Cheng: Are you about to die?

Apart from occasionally trying to trick Lin Cheng, Chi Shengxi was not so shady and explained the pronunciation characteristics of Icelandic to everyone.

Most of the Icelandic intonations are very light, but the pronunciation of many unique nouns is very convoluted. Some time ago, a volcano erupted in Iceland. When the American reporter was reporting the news, he was driven crazy by the Icelandic name of the volcano in Iceland, and his tongue twitched. I read the knot for more than twenty seconds without being able to read it clearly.

"Well, how about introducing yourself? My name is Lin Cheng. How should I say it?"

"Hey Lin Cheng."

Lin Cheng was happy when he heard this, "Hey, Lin Cheng? Master? That's a good description!"

Chi Shengxi didn't know why Lin Cheng was so happy, "My father is what I mean in Icelandic."

Little Peanut understands Chinese and knows the meaning of the pronunciation of "ye". He also laughed across from Lin Cheng, "Hey, hey, Han Wanghao! Lin Cheng, hey, hey, Han Wanghao!"

"You're a piece of shit! I'm Lin Cheng! I'm Lin Cheng."

It was obviously a very nutritious thing, but the two of them started talking to each other as if they had found a common language.

Men's happiness is often that simple.

"Sister Sheng Xi, how can I tell you that you are beautiful?"

Chi Shengxi couldn't help but look at Lin Cheng again.

Is this guy learning Icelandic really ready to go out and strike up a conversation?

"Su Aimiao is so angry."

Seeing that everyone wanted to follow suit, Chi Shengxi quickly waved his hands and glanced at Lin Cheng: "Don't go out and say this nonsense. This expression is not commonly used, because Iceland is a country with a high level of female boxing. Say this sentence. With the connotation of seduction, if it were in the workplace, this sentence would already be considered sexual harassment."

The matter involved women's rights, and the other idiots who were practicing their pronunciation quickly shut up.

Lin Cheng didn't take it seriously, and said to Chi Shengxi with a smile: "Na, Su Aimiao is so angry."

Chi Shengxi rolled her eyes at Lin Cheng.

"I told you not to talk nonsense. If you get beaten up when you seduce a girl when you are out, don't blame me. When the time comes, you will be in the hospital and you will really have to ask the coach to play in the game."

"Don't worry! I'm not stupid!"

Lin Cheng waved his hand: "Let's talk about it as our own people."

Chi Shengxi: "·······"

You can’t understand the words, right? I told you that this sentence has the meaning of seduction, and you should not say it nonsense.

Without thinking, Lin Cheng turned around and lifted Little Peanut's chin with his fingers.

"Peanut butter, Su Aimiao is so cute."


Little Peanut slapped Lin Cheng's hand away. He hated people saying he looked like a sissy.

Little Peanut hit a snag here, and Lin Cheng shamelessly teased other teammates.

"Zhixun, Su Aimiao is so angry."

"Xiang Hao, Su Aimiao is so angry."

"Smile for me! Don't be so shy."

Chi Shengxi was stunned.

He's so horny!

Lin Cheng was quite serious when he said this to her, and he looked like a keto maniac when he harassed his teammates.

Thinking of the last dinner party with RNG, Chi Shengxi wondered if Lin Cheng had been led astray.

broken! Be careful not to let them get close to RNG players next time.

Androsterone is contagious!

Of course, Koreans don’t actually discriminate against male ketone. Even the famous Orange LS is male ketone.

But Lin Cheng had a girlfriend, and Chi Shengxi felt that she couldn't let such a tragedy happen.

Everyone frolicked for a while, and finally the waiter brought the food ordered by Chi Shengxi.

Due to its geographical environment, Iceland has been called a wilderness for centuries. Its products are basically mutton and seafood, and the cooking methods of traditional food are also very rough.

It is said that Chi Shengxi ordered traditional Icelandic food on the recommendation of the clerk, including lobster, sheep head, lamb chops and whale meat.

The lobster and lamb chops were normal, but everyone was shocked when the lamb head came next.

Half of the sheep's face was left bare on the plate, with a ferocious face and half-open eyes. It seemed that the death was not peaceful.

Not to mention, although it looks scary and the chef's cooking techniques are very rough, with almost no seasonings except salt, it tastes really good.

Everyone enjoyed the meal quite happily. Although the food sounded a bit dark, it actually tasted pretty good.

Just when Lin Cheng forced the sheep's eyeballs into Little Peanut's mouth, Chi Shengxi looked at him with furry eyes.

What's going on?

Is Sister Sheng Xi interested in Brother Cheng?

When Chi Shengxi saw Lin Cheng feeding Little Peanut, his thoughts were:

What a handsome young man, but it's a pity that he will be completely bent at some point.

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