This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1070 Tokyo falls! The fall of the empire

Lin Cheng is undoubtedly the top demon king of MSI. Seeing Lin Cheng being killed, the audience and the commentators in each language stream were very surprised.

The two Japanese commentators are also very good at it.

"Wow~~~What a beautiful shot! 400 yuan! DFM accomplished something in the first two minutes that C9 couldn't do in twenty minutes! Are any C9 players watching this game? You didn't lose the last game unjustly .”

One Cue North American champion on the spot, and the other Japanese commentator was very average.

"The Tokyo Warriors attack! Resist the invasion of the space team KT! Come on! To protect the peace of the earth!"

Lin Cheng was very helpless when he was caught this time. The opponent's first-level layout and this GANK were obviously carefully designed, which can only be said to be crimes other than combat.

There is no way. Now the whole world is studying KT, and various methods and tricks are hard to guard against. It is obviously unrealistic to not suffer any losses.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng had TP and didn't lose much because of this wave of deaths.

Peanut's Morgana saw her opponent catch the second level, and immediately wanted to enter the lower half of the DFM jungle.

However, Xiao Pao and Rui Er obtained the line rights in the early stage. Xiao Peanut found that Rui Er disappeared on the line as soon as he reached the lower river channel. He could only turn back and continue to brush his wild area.

Although the coaching assistant on the opposite side is not very good in operation, and the European server RANK is still a platinum guy with a super account, but the game idea is no problem.

In this way, Little Peanut also wasted a little time because of rushing, and KT's rhythm in the early stage was not smooth.

"Han Wanghao, you finish the brushing first. If you have the chance, come up and catch a wave."

"There are no eyes here! Come directly here later, I'll get stuck."

Lin Cheng immediately waved after Morgana came up.

Udyr on the opposite side must be brushing off, and this is an opportunity to take action against Urgot.

Morgana and the captain actually didn't have much coordination in the early stage, so Urgot, who had taken first blood, did not rush back to the city to replenish equipment. Just when Evi wanted to push the lane into the tower at the right time, he was beaten by the captain who had caught up with the level. Even the barrel exploded.

Seeing the captain coming up and giving him a Q, Urgot threw him over the shoulder with his backhand.

However, once this E skill is used, Urgot's situation becomes more dangerous.

Lin Chengjue instantly neutralized Urgot's E skill Stiff, and the fire knife struck up to accelerate, immediately pressing above Urgot.

Urgot's leg in this direction has already been passive, and he cannot move to chase the captain and use the passive of other legs.

Just when Lin Cheng placed a powder keg above to block Urgot's retreat, Morgana approached from the river.

The retreat position was blocked by a gunpowder barrel, and Evi could only try to grab some barrels from Lin Cheng.

The gunpowder barrel was clicked by Lin Cheng the moment he put it down, and he waited for a moment for the captain to raise his sword again.

The moment Lin Cheng raised his hand for basic attack, he pressed S, trying to trick Urgot into taking action.

But the other party didn't respond.

But it doesn't matter, Urgot doesn't want to take a long way to retreat, so he has to fight for the barrel.

Lin Cheng's time calculation was very accurate, and the captain once again raised the scimitar in his hand.

This time the S key was not pressed.

At the moment when the captain's basic attack took effect, the gunpowder barrel's health just decreased.

Urgot within the range of the barrel is slowed.

Morgana used her Q skill to accurately control the slowed Urgot.

Lin Cheng rushed forward and dealt fire knife damage, and destroyed Urgot with one shot.

You're the only one who knows how to shake people up, right?

Lin Cheng didn't know that when the other party shook the person just now, the barrage was applauding, and when Lin Cheng shook the peanut, the barrage started to criticize again.

Don’t talk about martial ethics!

You have to shake people to kill Evi, right? Bring a bad guy.

Lin Cheng's wave of kills seemed to sound the clarion call for KT's attack. Just half a minute later, Chaowei single-handedly killed Aria in the middle.

Although this Korean-aided mid laner who debuted in Japan performed well against Ah P, his basic skills were obviously not solid enough. In less than five minutes, he was outnumbered by more than 15 knives, and Zoe was also beaten by Lu Xi. Ahn had a solo kill.

And just at the beginning of 5 minutes, a battle broke out between the two sides in the bottom lane.

DFM's coaching assistant seemed to have gained confidence in the last game. He hid in the grass and jumped out, preparing to use the iron control skill to knock back Kai'Sa who was waiting for an opportunity to last a last strike. He wanted to cooperate with the explosion of the small cannon and take the initiative to attack.

But Effort reacted very quickly, directly Q flashed to interrupt Riel's control of the iron, and reversed W to push away the small cannon that jumped up from the rocket, leaving Riel alone to be focused on by the two men.

Riel, who dismounted, was like a turtle, and was easily killed by Kaisha.

The bottom lane had just hit a line kill, and at the end of the replay, Lin Cheng completed another wonderful operation at six minutes.

The little peanut helped Lin Cheng and the captain took the initiative and hid the gunpowder barrel in the grass in advance.

However, Urgot is a hero who is not very good at controlling the line. Evi suffered a lot of damage and gunfire negotiations from Lin Cheng due to her careless positioning.

And Urgot's Q skill was dodged twice by the captain's position. Lin Cheng had the upper hand in the fight between the two sides.

However, Evi is still the king of the top 100 in the Korean server. The most advantageous hero is Lin Cheng, who has some advantages in last hit and health.

Lin Cheng is not arrogant enough to think that he can penetrate Urgot in the early stage with just one captain.

But if he wants to develop, the opponent won't do it.

Udyr has already touched it, preparing to attack the captain again.

It happened that the captain was standing near the front, and Evi couldn't help but come up with E in advance to get a wave of blood.

At this time, both sides have reached level six. Even if Udyr doesn't come, Urgot still has a chance to kill the captain alone.

Lin Cheng spread his vision across the river and caught Udyr's figure the moment he was carried back by Urgot.

Without hesitation, Lin Cheng released Urgot's E instantly, and immediately turned around after landing.

It was this small turn that made Urgot's face-to-face ultimate move useless.

Urgot's ER combo is a sure hit for most heroes, but the captain who has the W skill is an exception.

When he moved to avoid the Hextech drill, the fire knife in the captain's hand also flew out.

There was a gunpowder barrel in the grass next to it. The captain placed the barrel at Urgot's feet, and then Lin Cheng threw a big move towards the river mouth with his backhand.

The cannon barrage slowed the approaching Udyr.

After firing his ultimate move, the captain took out his musket and fired towards the grass.

Just after the Q skill was released, Lin Cheng accurately seized the opportunity and came out.

The moment the gunpowder barrel in the grass was detonated, the captain raised his hand to attack, and the second passive refresh hit Urgot.

Then the gunpowder barrel at Urgot's feet was detonated, and the fire knife appeared in the captain's hand again.

A captain who can produce three fire knives online is invincible, and Udyr was slowed down by the barrage before he could see Urgot getting a solo kill.

And that's not over yet. At this point in time, Lin Cheng was ahead of his opponent, Ueno.

Realizing that Udyr had almost crossed the entire cannon screen, Lin Cheng turned back and pursued him.

The cannon fire that lasted for 8 seconds blocked Udyr's retreat route. Lin Cheng flashed and chased with swords and guns, and cut Udyr to the ground.

"Double Kill!"

Lin Cheng's double kill directly declared the bankruptcy of DFM's plan to hit the road, and the captain took off.

Originally, it was difficult for him to penetrate Urgot alone, but the opponent took the initiative to send a wave of double kills and immediately disconnected Urgot.

With the third-line advantage, KT, who had found the feeling of the game, also began to make heavy moves.

At 7 minutes, the Little Death ran to the middle and caught Zoe to death.

Udyr and Riel came to the rescue, but were caught by Lin Cheng and Xiaohuahua who came from behind, and Lin Cheng scored a double kill.

At 8 minutes, KT did not rush to use the vanguard. Peanut came up and used his ultimate move to cooperate with Lin Cheng to get over Urgot, who had low health under the tower.

Pioneer won, and it was KT's familiar snowball rhythm again.

This time, the KT players were particularly aggressive. While the snowball was rolling, all kinds of crazy tower jumps and inappropriate moves were made. The situation on the DFM field was precarious.

In the end, Lin Cheng became the only person to kill in DFM.

However, he realized his shame and then became brave. Lin Cheng sent out another blood and then killed twelve people in a row, which was crazy and amazing.

In just 18 minutes, before the big dragon was born, KT used the second-generation vanguard to hit the DFM high ground, and then the little reaper used the stopwatch to directly destroy the opponent.

Time freezes and explodes at base 1.

This is also the only MSI game currently to end in less than 20 minutes.

"What a cruel attack! Didn't Dalong even take a look at it?"

"This is what happens if you piss Brother Chengzi off!"

"You are the only ones who dare to sneak attack Brother Cheng at the first level? Now you know how scary the angry Brother Cheng is, right?"

"In the end, Brother Chengzi wanted to block the spring water and kill the crabs. He really got angry, 23333."

"Is this the Tokyo Warriors that Japanese commentators say?"

"Tokyo has fallen! The empire has fallen"

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