This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1084 Zigzag roundhouse kick

It was originally a 4-on-3 situation for RNG in seconds. Commentators in various language streams thought that RNG won this wave.

However, Lin Cheng suddenly entered the field and kicked Kai'Sa away, directly reversing the situation. RNG's double C was exposed to the firepower of the cannon and the blind monk, which already doomed the red side to suffer in this wave of team battles.

Moreover, the animation effect of Blind Sin's R in the air cannot be seen. Kai'Sa was suddenly kicked away almost when Lin Cheng flew into Lucian's face, and the replay effect looked very cool.

A one-for-four team battle was played, and KT no longer had to wait for the second-generation vanguard. They gathered directly and pulled out the outer tower of RNG's middle lane.

However, after the outer tower was pulled out, because KT personnel returned to the city for repairs, RNG came back to control the newly refreshed second-generation Pioneer.

It's very rare that KT didn't get a single vanguard.

But this did not affect the situation. In fifteen minutes, KT had already led more than 3,000 in economy, and most of these economies were concentrated on the small guns.

Although the opponent has a lot of control, it is actually very difficult for RNG to really threaten the cannon in a team battle.

Of course, the premise is that Mr. Dai does not switch to pilot mode.

After knocking down one of the opponent's towers, KT began to vigorously invade the jungle field of vision.

Tianfei Xiaopao is in the middle. Generally speaking, opponents don't dare to compete with KT in the middle.

But RNG still has the active style of LPL. Xiao Ming didn't think much when he caught a female tank who was using vision, and just hooked up.

Galio gave the big move, and Udyr followed up.

But there is a stopwatch on the little Death God. The damage of these three people is impossible to kill the female tank. When Kai'Sa comes to make up for the damage, Xiao Pao and Olaf also arrive.

The red side gave too many skills to the female tank. Olaf used his ultimate to charge forward like a god of war.

The four members of RNG did not dare to be tough, and finally left the body of Titan behind.

Just then, Lin Cheng asked Lucian for a wave of blood, and almost killed Xiaohu alone again. KT's teammates in the middle teamed up and switched lanes, easily destroying the red top tower.

At this point, RNG's three towers and one tower have all been destroyed, and the field of vision in the jungle has been reduced by nearly half. The jungle area beyond the connection between the three towers and two towers is the high-risk area for RNG's field of vision.

At 17 minutes, the third dragon is about to be refreshed.

Knowing that the opponent has a vanguard, KT prepares to push the troops forward first.

As a result, the little Death got lost and wandered alone in the flanking jungle area, trying to line up the opponent's true ward in front of the Titan.

RNG didn't even give 30 yuan. When the female tank AQA beat the control guard to only one health bar, Wei inserted another control guard behind.

Because each person can only insert one control guard at the same time, the control guard in front of Effort disappeared.

You won’t even give me 30 yuan?

The little Death God had a very bad temper and directly pointed the E skill Zenith Blade at Titan.

The female tank was originally positioned in the grass behind the row of blue buffs, but now her position is pointed next to the Three Wolf Pit.

Titan counter hooks.

Although KT's teammates are not far apart, the female tank's E makes it difficult for their teammates to follow.

This is the RNG jungle area after all.

If it is an LCK team and the field of view is compressed and the Japanese girl is so fierce, the red side may give in to this situation.

However, RNG does not lack the spirit of the LPL team to dare to fight. Even if there is not enough vision information, Kai'Sa's ultimate move flew over the moment Titan counter-hook.

Titan gives control.

Galio's wolf head flew away.

Udyr rushed up with a turbo alchemy tank.

Even though KT's people came very quickly, Effort's position was too deep, and the Japanese girl who didn't have a stopwatch was quickly beaten.

RNG did not want to continue fighting in the jungle, which is a terrain that is conducive to Victor's performance. The female tank ran away in seconds, and did not give KT a chance to keep anyone.

"Forget it, forget it! Stop pursuing me! It's dangerous to pursue him any further."

Effort is the calmest only when he is in the spring water. As soon as the screen goes dark, he turns on the sage mode to calm his teammates down.

It was as if the person delivering it just now was not him.

In fact, the assistant is like this. He dares to act in any situation on the court, but he is very humble after every review.

"Coach, I understand."

"I shouldn't have hooked randomly if I didn't have teammates this time. I won't do it again!"

"I'll pay attention."

Every time I say I can’t do it, I end up doing it the next time.

Being able to obtain the title of Death means that Effort is not a good person.

The little god of death made a wave, and it happened to be when the third little dragon was refreshed.

RNG directly formed a group of five people in the middle to push back the troops, and then Udyr released the Canyon Herald.

There is no other way, KT can only give up the river position and return to defend the middle.

KT attaches great importance to the importance of the middle tower. Even though this one is the blue side's drawing fire dragon, they still choose to protect the middle tower first.

As long as the middle tower is there, not only will the vision be better, but the people guarding the middle can also support the jungle before the opponent.

Of course, the situation of the little Death just now does not count, and his teammates can't fly when he points to that position.

When all members of KT returned to defense, although the vanguard was knocked out, they still managed to save a tower with very low health.

RNG took advantage of the situation to stop the river and RUSH lost the dragon.

KT was interrupted from the Dragon Soul rhythm, and RNG fans got better.

"It's so funny! The other side's assistant is showing it off, right?"

"The thing about Effort is that you never know how many people are behind him because he dares to hit anyone he sees."

"Pluto and the God of Death, these two assistants are really sleeping dragons and phoenixes."

"Don't be embarrassed! Xiao Ming is still very strong when he doesn't give it away."

"It's done! Get the vanguard, break the tower, get the head, and control the dragon! The RNG mission is completed."

"It seems that KT is not that strong. Why was it that the previous team struggled to kill everyone?"

"Please look at the economy, KT is almost 5,000 ahead."

The loss of a dragon did not affect the players' thinking. KT continued to operate steadily, just like they have done in the past.

Although there are no casualties for the time being, RNG also found that the pressure on the field of view is too great, the jungle area is constantly being encroached, and the river crab cannot control it.

Just when Victor cleared the line on the wing in the 21st minute and showed his presence, Olaf was spotted in the jungle again. The three people in front of RNG suddenly formed a group and approached KT's middle outer tower in a group.

Just when the opponent was closing in on the tower, Victor handed over TP, and Lin Cheng also arrived from the flank.

This wave of KT is going to fight, and the three people on the front will press forward.

The red side can only choose to retreat. They are not all together, and Wei is still in the wild area behind.

"Keep them! Don't let them go."

The female tank is great.

Since the three RNG players stood relatively apart, Effort chose to attack Kai'Sa.

Kai'Sa's Purification CD flashes decisively at any moment to avoid the solar flare.

Seeing the blind monk pressing from the right, the RNG duo was forced to retreat to the path next to F6.

Little Tiger's Lucian ran up from the grass in the river.

Titan's ultimate move has been given to the cannon that jumped up from W, but Kai'Sa did not dare to output it because of the blind monk's pressure.

Just when the RNG duo retreated into the path next to F6, Blind Monk Q Tian Yinbo hung on Titan.

Lin Cheng waited for two seconds before activating the echo strike.

Titan used his backhand to hook, trying to cut off the blind monk's second Q.

At the same time, Kai'Sa's W uses the void to search for the enemy.

Lin Cheng's hands were very fast, and he inserted his eyes at the speed of light in the air. When he passed the F6 wall, the blind monk made a figure 7 and touched into the F6 pit.

Titan's hook and Kai'Sa's W failed one after another.

The red side loses the blind monk's vision.


Lin Cheng decisively flashed to the corner of the F6 pit wall and kicked Kai'Sa out.

The R flashing out from the shadow is too difficult to prevent, and Kai'Sa didn't flash, so it would be useless even if the plug-in was renewed at the last minute today.

Kai'Sa was kicked towards the river, knocking Lucian away.

The mighty Victor has arrived.


Victor decisively flashed his ultimate move, setting up a gravity field and firing lasers at the same time.

The golden magic circle lights up, and Galio prepares to appear as a hero.

But it's too late.

In conjunction with Japanese girl flash control, Mr. Dai flashes and outputs.

When Galio's ultimate move came down, RNG's two ADs had been knocked out.

The red side relies on Lucian and Kai'Sa to deal damage, and this endgame is destined to be a defeat.

Lin Cheng killed the Titan beside him, and his teammates easily melted Galio.

Remember: "Victor turns T! RNG must retreat quickly...Ka'Sa's flash is forced, alas! Brother Orange comes with a Z-shaped roundhouse kick! It's over! This wave of RNG is going to explode!"

Cat: "0 for 4! The baron is gone! Ouch! How dare you force the middle tower in this wave? Although it seems that there are only two people in the middle of KT, the blind monk is right next to it."

Wanwan: "RNG sent it! I was kicked to pieces by Brother Chengzi twice with roundhouse kicks!"

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