This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1100 Xiaohu: Lin Cheng, come here to die!

The game between RNG and PSG started soon. The BP of the two teams was the same as that of the competition, and there was no intention to directly hide their routines.

The jungler is still Morgana vs. Udyr, and the bottom lane is still Kai'Sa vs. Xiaopao.

In the first game of BO5, both sides played very cautiously, and neither side was willing to give opportunities rashly. The situation in the early and mid-term was very stalemate, and neither side got an economic lead that was enough to influence the situation.

However, RNG's decision-making ability in the later stage was still slightly better. The second key dragon of Spiritual RUSH gradually took control of the situation and finally ended the game with the Ancient Dragon BUFF at 47 minutes.

In the Dragon Ball game, both sides had Baron gains, and the head ratio was even before the last wave. Judging from the performance of the first game, there didn't seem to be much of a gap between the two sides.

Kang Dongxun: "What do you think about this?"

Lin Cheng: "We are evenly matched, I can't tell anything at the moment."

Little Peanut analyzed more: "From the current point of view, including some previous games, I also have a feeling: that is, RNG is not very suitable for playing the early rhythm. I think this can be done in the finals."

Kang Dongxun nodded.

In fact, RNG rarely overwhelms opponents in the early stage when facing opponents with a small strength gap. The way they win the game relies more on teamfights and decision-making in the mid-to-late stage.

Including this year's LPL Spring Split, as long as the opponent's early gap is not enough to overwhelm RNG, they can often find a way to break the game in the later stage.

This style of play is a bit like T1 in last spring split, but it's different.

Last year's T1 was all about dragging and forcing teamfights in the late stage. However, this RNG actually played more proactively, and their late game style was more about rhythm and involvement, and they rarely used all their wealth to fight for 100%. 50 chance of team fight.

Kang Dongxun: "In the finals, do you think the offensive lineup can overwhelm RNG in the early stage?"

"There's a chance, but not necessarily."

Chaowei didn't dare to talk too much. RNG didn't seem to have a very good rhythm in the early stage, but they were rarely overwhelmed in the early stage. This was the tricky part.

Effort: "I think it still depends on BP. We can get a suitable hero for the top lane so that we can start the rhythm in the early stage."

Everyone generally agrees with what the assistant said.

If you want to say that this KT team is best at and has the sharpest snowballing method, it must be Lin Cheng's breakthrough in the top lane. As long as Lin Cheng is smooth, no team can block their snowball.

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng took a leisurely sip of his drink and glanced at his teammates.

"Why are you looking at me? If you worry so much, let's think about tomorrow's opponent first."

"If we are defeated by MAD tomorrow, we don't have to think about how to defeat RNG."

Everyone: "········"

The atmosphere was frozen.

Chi Shengxi almost stopped laughing.

This guy is good at ruining the atmosphere.

But when she saw other people's eyes, she decisively bit her lips and tried to hold back her laughter.

Affected by the defeat in the first game, PSG finally came up with something new in the second game: a top lane nightmare.

In RANK, single-lane nightmares are not uncommon now. The main reason is that players have developed a set of warrior equipment called Advancing Destroyer, which is very suitable for single-lane nightmares. Moreover, this hero can be used to defeat the strong top laner Lee Sin in the current version. This Over a period of time, Nightmare's winning rate in RANK has improved by leaps and bounds, and it has already vaguely risen to the position of T1 top laner.

In fact, Lin Cheng used Nightmare last year. At that time, his unlimited Tsukuyomi combined with his teammates' global rush made a deep impression on the audience.

But last year was not a mythical version. No one in the LPL and LCK regions dared to imitate Lin Cheng’s top laner’s nightmare play style.

Nowadays, the outfit of Advancing Destroyer has greatly improved Nightmare's survivability and ability to retain people when rushing into battle. Unlike before, it was not like before where he could just fly in with his ultimate to help his teammates and then wait to die.

Nightmare is a hero with strong lane pushing ability but no movement. Logically speaking, even if there is a shield that can block control, it is easier to be ganked on the top lane. However, the MSI version of the jungler gank is not strong.

In the second game, PSG reversed its previous stability and played very proactively in the early stage, continuously finding openings at the bottom.

Nightmare snowballs very well when its teammates have an advantage. In two consecutive resource team battles, Nightmare turned off the lights and RNG had to reduce its personnel first. PSG established a clear advantage early on.

RNG's forced engagement at a disadvantage accelerated the deterioration of its situation. In the end, PSG won the game relatively easily.

In fact, the PSG team has personal abilities, but the biggest problem is confusion in the later stage. However, RNG gave up its decision-making advantage in the later stage in this game. In the early stage when the equipment was obviously inferior, it has been hard on PSG, which feels a bit like hastening its own death.

Even Wanwan’s commentator said: RNG is in a hurry, what are you going to pick up this time? You can just wait. We PCS viewers all know that PSG will definitely make mistakes in the later stage.

Fortunately, this RNG didn't have a strong head. Feng Ge, who put Galio five times, was gone, and the steaks with four guarantees and one EZ were gone. In the third game, RNG directly banned and fell into an unmanageable nightmare.

In this game, RNG finally regained its dignity as the LPL hegemon, and easily leveled PSG's base in 23 minutes.

Entering RNG's match point, the situation became stalemate again.

RNG had a small advantage in the early stage, but PSG fought hard against the Baron and won the teamfight fiercely when the opponent got the Fire Dragon Soul. There was once hope of dragging the game into the decisive game.

However, at the most critical moment, there was a gap between AD between the two sides.

When Gala Kai'Sa saw her teammates being kicked off, she directly pushed four people into the field to fight back, and before she died, she hit all the damage output.

The little Shiba Inu's little cannon immediately chose W to retreat after resurrecting the armor, leaving his teammates without key output in the endgame, and forced Xiaohu's Gnar to take over the endgame.

Just because of the victory in this wave of team battles, RNG took advantage of the ancient dragon's vision, and PSG was completely eliminated after failing to grab the dragon.

At this point, Iceland's first finals seat went to RNG.

After the game, the Chinese stream interviewed Gala, who performed well, while Xiaohu accepted an interview with the Korean stream.

Xiaohu was very domineering and shouted directly to the Korean stream audience:

"Lin Cheng, come here to receive death."

"I'm waiting for you in the finals!"

As soon as Xiaohu's cruel words came out, KT fans immediately became aroused, and they all shouted for Lin Cheng to go to the finals and continue to fight against Tiger.

"Anyone who dares to say harsh words to Cheng will not end well."

"Last year, Nuguri was beaten to China just because he said harsh words twice."

"Isn't he attracted by the money? 》

"Go!" Go to the finals and smash Xiaohu to pieces"

"RNG, enjoy the last happy time, our king is coming! 》

KT fans in the Korean Open are clamoring, and domestic RNG fans are also restless, confronting KT supporters through various channels.

MAD fans are very hurt.

In a world of two people, don’t we deserve names?

We haven't been eliminated yet.

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