This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1103 European Art of War by Sun Tzu

In fact, normally speaking, when the blind monk is released, the blue side is the best choice to grab the blind monk. Otherwise, KT will waste the BAN people in front of him by releasing the most powerful blind monk in the current version to the opponent.

But who makes Lin Cheng confident?

This MSI hasn't played Qinggang Shadow yet, and his hands are a little itchy.

I'll light up the first floor first, and you can go to the counter as you wish.

Although the LCK coach has more say than the LPL team, Kang Dongxun has always respected Lin Cheng's opinions.

Sometimes arrogance and confidence are just a thought away.

Many teams have experienced situations where the lone player in the final counter position insists on choosing a pure laning hero like Sword Princess, which ultimately leads to an unreasonable lack of lineups and puts teammates in jail together. However, Lin Cheng’s blindly confident hero is not such a character. .

On the contrary, Qinggangying is a hero who is good at coordination, but Lin Cheng has also amplified this hero's laning ability to the extreme.

Moreover, teammates also have absolute trust in Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow. Even if Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow cannot gain an advantage online, there is no doubt about his ability to radiate the map.

Seeing the blue side grabbing Qinggang Ying, MAD locked up Blind Sin + Rambo without hesitation.

KT showed Leopard Girl + Kai'Sa on the second and third floors.

In the current version, the options for AD and jungle positions are relatively limited, and they will be easily targeted if placed in the second round.

The reason why Peanut gave up Morgana, who was used the most in this MSI, was also to seek more cooperation with Lin Cheng.

The red square MAD also quickly selected a small cannon on the third floor.

The second round of BAN begins.

The red side pressed down Titan first, preventing KT from forming this MSI Kai’Sa + Titan limited-to-Iceland combination.

KT disables the clockwork with his backhand.

Clockwork can be said to be a required course for top European mid laners. There is no top European mid laner who is not proficient in Clockwork.

Of course, the only one in contention is Larsson, the midfielder of the Meat Pigeon.

The Holy Grail Clockwork of the Incense Burner in last year's World Championship shocked everyone's eyes. The visual effect of the three-piece Clockwork ultimate move that even scratched all three was really hilarious. This game also earned Larsson the title of 'European Doinb' .

But in fact, Larson is just pretending to be a bit confused, and Clockwork is indeed his specialty hero.

MAD's last BAN slot was given to Silas.

Silas was banned, and KT also thought that the opponent's support might want to get a hero like Tautou, but they didn't think that Tautou was worth targeting, and the blue side finally sent Victor to the BAN position.

Starting to select people, the fourth floor of the red square showed up the card first.

Remember: "Cards! No problem. At first I thought that my opponent BAN Silas might want to get the Bull Head, but what MAD actually wants is cards. This is Humanoid's signature hero. His card winning rate in LEC this year is very high."

Zeyuan: "And this move can be regarded as a BAN grab. MAD is also afraid that KT will get the card + Qinggang Shadow combination."

Before he finished speaking, the red square fourth floor changed the card to a bull head again, and then began to jump horizontally repeatedly.

Cards, bull heads, cards, bull heads.

The European team became happy from the beginning of BP, as if telling KT:

We, BAN Silas, just want to get cards and bull heads, what do you say?

In the end, MAD locked the card at the last second.

When the opponent was frantically displaying heroes, the voice in the KT team was very lively.

Lin Cheng: "Damn! The other side is making a fool of himself, what do you guys say?"

Little Peanut: "Beat them! Does Xiang Hao want Alistar? If you dare to show off as a hero, beat them with Alistar!"

Effort was very calm after Lin Cheng's individual guidance: "You guys should be clear-headed! Don't be emotional. Win this game first."

Lin Cheng: "Xiang Hao, look how happy the other person is smiling! They bet that you won't take Alistar. Are you still a man?"

Effort was anxious: "Lock it down! Alistar! Just Alistar!"

Listening to the silly voices in the audio, Kang Dongxun rubbed his forehead with a headache.

These guys are adults, why are they still so childish?

He knew Lin Cheng's virtues last year, but he didn't expect that his new teammates had been almost assimilated by Lin Cheng in half a year.

Little Peanut was originally a nigger.

Deft, the oldest, didn't talk much at first, but now he is often brought to the same level by Lin Cheng in order to antagonize Lin Cheng.

Effort is now on the same team as Lin Cheng, only Chaowei is a little more normal.

Talking about the uproar, the blue square fourth floor has directly locked the bull head as a response to MAD.

You guys are so smart, it depends on whether I, Lee Sang-ho, can beat you or not.

The blue side’s last choice was to light up Yasuo.

Cat: "You shouldn't choose this, right? Although there is a bull head, but the jungler is a leopard girl and it doesn't feel right to choose Yasuo."

Zeyuan: "Yasuo is indeed very easy to play cards in the lane, but to be honest, this makes no sense. KT probably wants an AD mid laner to cooperate with Leopard Girl to play stronger, but it really can't be done with mid laner Jayce! Or Yasuo My brother is fine too."

In fact, Liang Yasuo was just Effort trying to tease the opponent, but he forgot that this move also teased his own top laner.

Finally, in the last two seconds, Effort was replaced by Yone Lock on the fifth floor.

In the end, MAD on the red side did not continue to reveal the hero, and directly locked on Riel.

Zeyuan: "Ri'er? MAD came prepared. I feel like they wanted to take Ri'er from the beginning. They deliberately flashed the bull's head just now to give KT an illusion."

Cat: "Hmm~~ Riel and Niutou can be said to restrain each other online. Everyone thought it was Niutou Counter Riel at first, but later on the field the effect was not like this. These two heroes can counter each other in the bottom lane. Prevent the opponent from taking the initiative."

"It's easy to understand that Riel's Iron Control Technique is easily interrupted by the Bull Head. Similarly, as long as Riel reacts quickly enough, he can also use his E skill to interrupt the Bull Head's second consecutive attack. We have seen a lot of such operations in the Spring Split."

Zeyuan: "That's right! It's hard to say who can restrain the other between the two heroes in the lane, but Riel's role is much greater in team battles, and KT doesn't have Morgana in it. Once Riel uses his ultimate move to control multiple , Rambo’s ultimate move will destroy the world.”

"Hey! Thinking about it this way, MAD really has something. In the second round of BP, they really thought more about it. KT is too straightforward. They will grab the opponent's bull head when they show it."

I remember laughing: "Okay! After Brother Guan analyzed MAD, he also studied the art of war, right? Before the battle started, there was a psychological battle, and we started to attack with troops, right?"

Cat: "That makes sense! Is this the European Art of War?"

Zeyuan: "Hey! Be careful what you say, what is the European Art of War by Sun Tzu? It should be the European Art of War by Sun Tzu?"

Because of this wave of strange atmosphere, the barrage has begun to issue diplomatic warnings.

The lineups of both sides are selected.

Blue square KT:

On the road: Cheng (Qinggangying, Camille)

Jungler: Peanut (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Middle lane: Chovy (Demon Sealing Sword Soul, Yongen)

Bottom lane: Deft (Daughter of the Void, Kai’Sa)

Support: Effort (Tauren Chieftain, Alistar)

Red square MAD:

Top lane: Armut (Lee Sin, Lee Sin)

Jungler: Elyoya (Mechanical Enemy, Rambo)

Middle: Hmanoid (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Carzzy (Merlin Gunner, Tristana)

Assist: Kaiser (Iron Maiden, Riel)

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