This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1105 A superior solo kill

"Little Peanut is leaning up so early? Isn't it too early? This line of soldiers cannot be sent in temporarily. Did he think that Rambo would be red and grab it, so he came over and squatted instead?"

Before Zeyuan finished speaking, he saw Qinggangying kicking him with E skill.

"Qinggang Shadow E is up! It doesn't make sense that the troops haven't entered the tower yet... Huh? Kill him now? Wow! Can this be done in seconds? The blind monk handed over a death flash."

Cat: "Apologies! It's up to the players to explain the operations that they don't know how to do. Facts have proved that this wave still makes sense."

"I'm sorry! My, my...but it's really outrageous."

Zeyuan exclaimed in amazement: "The two KT brothers are so confident! Seeing that the Blind Monk is positioned relatively far forward, I really didn't expect that they would rush into the tower without waiting for the troops to enter the tower."

"And Little Peanut was given the super long-range Q in advance. The javelin hit the blind monk just when he was knocked unconscious by the Qinggang Shadow. The timing was perfect."

"Because Leopard Girl's target doesn't fly very fast. At such a long distance, if Qinggang Shadow hits Leopard Girl with E first and then follows Q, then the damage from Leopard Girl's W attack will be dodged by the blind monk. At this time, the soldiers If the line doesn’t enter the tower, it will definitely not be killed.”

Remember: "That's right! The timing of the skill coordination between the two people in this wave is so clever. It seems simple but in fact it tests their tacit understanding."

Cat: "Then it's uncomfortable to be on the road like this! In less than 3 minutes, all the double summons of the blind monk are gone. How can I play with Brother Orange on the other side?"

After catching the blind monk to death, Lin Cheng quickly pushed the line and returned to the city.

It's a pity that the gold coins are not enough to shine, so Lin Cheng bought a red crystal + control guard and returned to the top lane again, and the troop line was slowly advancing towards the blue side.

At this time, Leopard Girl had already gone to the lower half of the area, and Lin Cheng was a little worried about Rambo's position.

Lee Sin, who has received first blood but has no double summons, pushes forward. If the jungler is in the upper half, there is a high probability that he will come to cover.

Qinggangying first went to the partition wall to place a field of view on the river grass, and then placed an ornament eye on the grass on the side road.

No danger was found, Lin Cheng looked for an opportunity and used immortality and W skills to consume it.

Of course, Lin Cheng would not take the initiative to hand over E first.

Armut's reinforcements were constantly suppressed by Qinggangying, and he was not convinced and found an opportunity to make two waves of small losses.

Unless they can fight to the end, Qinggangying will definitely take advantage of the short-term exchange of blood.

The blind monk's line push is indeed faster, and the line of soldiers slowly moves closer to the outside of the blue square tower.

The line of troops was in front of the corner wall of the blue square river channel, and Lin Cheng fought harder, not wanting the opponent to easily push the line into the tower.

But this line of troops, Armut, couldn't stop Lin Cheng. The blind monk was kicked twice by the Qinggang Shadow but he still had to force the line.

Just when there were fewer and fewer red soldiers on the field, the blind monk only had about half of his health, while Qinggang Shadow had more than 70% of his health.

Qinggangying made another tactical sweep.

Blind Sin W sets a shield on himself to resist tactical sweep damage.

Seeing his opponent handing over like this, can Lin Cheng let him go?

In this line of soldiers, Rambo didn't even come out to help the blind monk push. Lin Cheng boldly concluded that Rambo on the opposite side was definitely gone, so he adjusted his E skill slightly to take action.

The Green Steel Shadow Hook Lock climbed to the wall in front, and the second E limit distance was used to knock out the blind monk at the edge of the grass.

When the Qinggang Shadow rushed over, the blind monk had already released his E skill in advance.

AQ landed on the ground to create an adaptive defensive shield. Lin Cheng moved forward and pressed forward and raised his hand to attack again.

Lin Cheng is also unlucky. Qinggang Shadow's passive is calculated based on the total amount of damage caused by the opponent. In the first few waves, the blind monk mainly used his E skill to consume it. Now, after eating the blind monk's E skill in the air and landing on the ground, Qinggang Shadow triggered it. It just turns into a magic shield.

The blind monk E has been spared, so this shield is actually useless.

Armut didn't give in. He stood up and hit A twice with his backhand, then mounted Tian Yinbo at close range and counterattacked with the soldiers behind him.

Qinggangying's second stage AQ goes down, and the blind monk's health seems to be very low.

However, if the target of Blind Sin's W is a hero, the CD will be halved. When Armut is about to be taken away, he will use the next shield to put on himself. The level A followed by the second stage of Q will kill the damage and cooperate with the minions to directly cripple the Qinggang Shadow. .

This injury shocked Lin Cheng.


Qinggangying flashed into the grass next to him when he finished his flat A forward swing.

Although Lin Cheng couldn't imitate Sword Princess' A dodge in his flat A dodge operation, because the Blind Monk's next basic attack happened to raise his hand and he lost his vision before completing the forward swing, Qinggang Ying was not killed directly.

Similarly, the blind monk's health bar was almost black but he still managed to survive.

The moment Lin Cheng hid in the grass and took away the hatred of the soldiers, he turned around and came out of the grass again.

At this time, the blue soldier had turned around and was attracted by the remaining red soldiers. Lin Cheng pressed his position and leaned towards the blind monk.

The biscuit had been eaten in advance, but Lin Cheng did not wait for the biscuit to restore more blood before coming out. He knew that waiting for that little blood in the grass would be courting death, because the blind monk's skill CD would be faster.

His only advantage is that his Q skill comes first.

Just now, the two of them were shopping near the grass. After coming out of the grass, Lin Cheng took two steps to activate Q Precision Ceremonial Acceleration.

Activating Qinggangying's Q will increase the attack distance by 50 yards. Before the blind monk's skill CD is completed, Qinggangying takes a step forward and launches a basic attack with an immortal effect.

The blind monk died suddenly outside the grass.

Although the minions on the blue side immediately turned around and focused on the Qinggang Shadow, the biscuit and the immortal recovery of blood allowed Lin Cheng to successfully move into the grass and draw away the aggro of the minions again.

This tragic collision ended in Lin Cheng's victory.

In fact, Lin Cheng's timing was very good. Logically speaking, it was a sure-fire solo kill.

But I didn't expect that the passive shield would turn into a blue shield at the critical moment, which made this wave of single kills full of suspense.

There is no way, Lin Cheng is not a god.

No matter how much he calculated, he couldn't have predicted that the passive would suddenly turn into a blue shield at this moment.

Fortunately, he was one step ahead, otherwise Lin Cheng would have been shown off this time.

Zeyuan: "Ah Mao's line is a little uncomfortable. If you hand over W like this, Brother Orange will get you! Qinggang Shadow E comes up! Brother Cheng wants to kill solo... Hey! Why is it a blue shield? Blind? The monk’s damage is so high!”

"It's over! Brother Chengzi seems to be showing off... Hey? He flashed into the grass to draw hatred from the minions, and he still wants to operate! Why don't you wait for the biscuit to return to health? Okay! Let's kill it alone! Brother Chengzi wants it all this time I was stunned when I was counter-attacked, so I came back because of his manipulation."

Remember: "This is really extreme. Brother Orange is leading by a flash and the red crystal was almost shown off. If he was counter-attacked, it would probably be a highlight."

Cat: "The key is that if Brother Orange kicks up, a man with a blue shield will be stunned! The Conqueror Blind Sin's continuous combat ability combined with W is still very strong, and with the help of the minions, the Blind Sin almost shows off."

Remember: "I can only say that Armut tried his best! The opponent was ahead with a red crystal + flash, and the ID was Brother Orange. He almost counterattacked. The European top laner is not as weak as we thought."

Zeyuan was angry: "What does this have to do with the European top laner? It's true that we can't say that the LEC top laner is weak, but isn't the blind monk mainly strong in this wave?"

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