This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1108 Killed by one head

Zeyuan: "The fight started in the bottom lane! Qinggangying's TP got stuck in the back position. If he runs, he will definitely be left behind. Rambo comes over and MAD wants to counterattack! He will kill the bull head first, and Ruier will guard against Qinggangying· ··Wow! Can Qinggang Shadow and Yongen cooperate like this?"

Remember: "Yongen's three kills! This wave of MAD exploded! Card's first big move in the game directly caused his own rhythm to explode. This is outrageous."

Zeyuan's tone was full of disbelief: "No! How can this Qinggang Shadow's ultimate move be used like this? Brother Chengzi deliberately flicked the cards and cannons down, right? Otherwise, he would have no reason to use a supporter. ! Brother Chengzi~~~ Is this all in your calculations? This is too perverted!"

"The E overcame Riel's control, Hex Ultimatum overcame the yellow card's stun, and then the ultimate move made the cake ready and stuffed it into Yone's mouth. This Green Steel Shadow is too perverted!"

Zeyuan seemed to feel that the two perverted descriptions were not enough, and continued to sigh: "Is this Brother Chengzi's Qinggang Ying? Such details and timing of support are really monsters... Stop talking!" The next MAD will definitely ban Qinggangying!"

"Not banning Qinggangying is committing a crime!"

Zeyuan was so loud that the barrage almost caused the live broadcast room to freeze.

"Is this the world's number one Qinggangying? There is something."

"This idea is so clear. ER avoided two controls and completed counter-control at the same time. That's awesome!"

"Fast forward to the next game, God damn it: MAD is committing a crime!"

"European viewers: Why not BAN Qinggang Ying?"

Cat: “Brother Orange’s operation is indeed very detailed, but the key to this wave is the leading TP. Although Yongen leaned down first, after all, Yongen can’t fly. If the card and Predator Rambo support first, he would have been MAD. There was a chance, but it’s a pity that Qinggang Shadow turned the tide of the battle.”

"And another key point is that Rambo hasn't reached level 6 yet, and the KT duo and jungler didn't dodge at all. If Rambo had used six or one of his ultimate moves just now, he might have killed them all."

Remember: "There's nothing to say! This is the advantage of KT having Brother Cheng. When your top laner can always lead the opponent's top laner in TP, you can fight with your opponents unscrupulously in the lower half. That's what KT is doing now." This situation will give everyone a headache."

Zeyuan: "To put it more realistically: when your top laner can hit the opponent with all his handles and all handles are ahead of TP, you can fight with your opponent unscrupulously anywhere on the map."

"It's so real! The commentator started licking it on the spot!"

"Let me tell you, KT is really like this now."

"The natural advantage of the top lane is that it has a TP lead. How can the opponent play?"

"Other teams can't beat KT in the first half, and Brother Orange is always ahead of TP support in the second half. It's torture just thinking about it."

"So, every time Brother Chengzi plays a matchup with a TP difference, the opponent has already sent it."

"MAD doesn't even know how to copy homework. Hasn't RNG already demonstrated how to fight KT? We can't beat KT under normal conditions in the top half, so we just turn the support to turn the top lane into a four-man lane."

"What you said is so reasonable, RNG must have killed KT last time, right?"

"Who can learn the key RNG style of play? Can other ADs survive like Minao? It's so blue!"

"What about Gala's ability to withstand pressure, the world's No. 1 orderr, making trouble with you?"

"Next time we face KT, let Gala play the top lane. Maybe he can withstand Brother Chengzi."


This big victory in the bottom lane allowed Xiao Peanut to easily control Xiaolong, while Lin Cheng rushed back to defend his upper tower.

At 8 minutes, the Canyon Pioneer was refreshed, and Little Peanut approached it on time.

Effort moved to the middle in advance and helped his brother push the lane and quickly reached level six.

This Pioneer MAD is impossible to watch.

The card hero itself has poor front-on combat capabilities, and the red side bottom lane duo is even worse. At this time, both of them are behind in levels and have no ultimate skills. Bringing three fellow heroes up to fight for the vanguard may be another big wave of rhythm.

MAD gave up the vanguard, but the assistant didn't intend to give up just like that.

Niutou did a wave of vision in the upper half of the area, and found that his opponent had no intention of taking over the vanguard group, so he directly showed his head and Qinggangying to force the blind monk's position.

The level 6 Bullhead's ability to jump over towers is so strong that Armut doesn't even dare to attack the line, so he shrinks into the closed grass and starts to face the wall.

After driving away the blind monk and leaving Qinggangying to eat the tapi alone, Effort swaggered into the red square field and spotted Rambo passing by.

The little assistant rushed up without saying a word, scaring Rambo so much that he jumped off the ground and ran wildly.

Effort chased after Elyoya and kept showing off his expression, which started to disgust people.

Are you the only one asking me to choose the one with a bull head? Don't run away if you can!

At this time, the card processing tower was still offline. The red side did not know the location of Yongen and really did not dare to touch this bull head with a big move. Even though he was angry, Elyoya had to endure it.

In fact, Effort was the only one in the upper half of the jungle. Lin Cheng was eating tapioca, Xiao Peanut was playing vanguard, and Chaowei moved to the lower half to cover Mr. Dai's line.

But the red side has no vision and can only let the little god of death show off.

In any case, the sight of a level 6 auxiliary running alone in the opposite jungle chasing the jungler is a bit too funny.

"Sang Hao, stop pretending! The secret is about to be revealed."

"My vanguard is about to finish. You can get it directly from the tower."

The Pioneer roared, and Little Peanut picked up the Pioneer Eye and headed up the road.

The little god of death came to the red square stone man pit from the wild area.

At this time, the bottom line of troops also entered the KT tower.

The MAD duo set their sights above the dragon pit, and after confirming that there was no one in the lower half, they wanted to take the opportunity to bully Mr. Dai.

But Chaowei very insidiously moved around from the front of the red BUFF, just not being noticed by the opponent's field of vision.

Riel's Q skill attracts the hatred of the defense tower, and the Iron Control skill dismounts to knock Kai'Sa away.

Mr. Dai's Kai'Sa hit Riel in advance with W. He adjusted his position with his ultimate move to avoid being knocked away by the Iron Control Technique, and decisively counterattacked from the tower.

Xiao Pao W sat up.

However, just when the red team's duo handed over all their cards, Yongen came out.

The moment they saw Yongen peeking out from the side, the two brothers who were rushing into the MAD tower were in despair.

They didn't dare to move at first. They waited until Riel went to the wild area and got his vision to the position of the exploding cones before they decided to launch an attack. After planning for a long time, they thought it was foolproof, but as soon as they started, something unexpected happened.

The two weaklings at level 5 raised their hands and surrendered when faced with level 8 Yongen. When the two tried desperately to switch to Kai'Sa and failed, Yongen E came out and chopped them to death with a few swords.

The upper tower, which had little health to begin with, was knocked down by Little Peanut's Release Vanguard, and Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow was released.

That's not all. After pulling out one tower, the three KT brothers continued to cover the advance of the vanguard.

MAD's upper midfielder wanted to block the vanguard from the defense tower, Rambo directly used his ultimate move to clear the line, and the card threw out a wild card.

However, the little Death God hid in the stone man's grass and read Hex's flash in advance. Just when the card issued Q, the Bullhead rushed out and completed the two consecutive hits.

Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow E kicked up in seconds, and Leopard Girl's Q skill kept up.

However, the blind monk's reaction was also very fast. W touched the card and used his big move to kick back the Qinggang Shadow who had just shot AQ, and at the same time knocked away the bull head and the leopard girl.

"Forget it, forget it! No more chasing!"

Rambo's ultimate move blocked the way, and the three of them were not in good condition to rush the tower, so they simply decided to let go of the cards with residual health.

As a result, something no one expected happened.

The vanguard had already entered the charging range. The card with remaining health had just retreated to the defense tower when it was knocked to death by the vanguard under the tower.

"Ah~~~This thing can also kill people?"

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