This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1110: Will you be able to play when five of you fight and one is killed?

The director just finished the replay of the last wave of MAD with four packs and two bottom lanes.

As a result, just when Zeyuan finished speaking and the cannon took off, the news that the card was killed by Qinggang Shadow appeared on the field after the replay.

Zeyuan: "Ah? What's going on? Why is the card dead when it comes back?"

Cat: "What does it mean to follow your words? The colonel has started to control the winning rate in real time, right? What do you say about this wave? When is it open now?"

Zeyuan: "No! I just want to see how the card dies? Isn't it too careless to die just after returning to the line?"

The director quickly gave the replay of the previous wave.

The barrage boiled over instantly.

The operation of this wave of KT brothers killing cards is not too complicated, but the picture looks really shocking.

Lin Cheng Qinggangying came out from the grass behind the red buff and took two steps EW flash E across the entire screen and retained the card outside the tower at a super long distance.

And Yongen also moved from the first four sections of the blue square tower to the outside of the red square tower in an instant. The scene of the two people coming across the sea from thousands of miles away is very cool.

Zeyuan: "This is so cool! Is this the chemical reaction between two operating monsters? Humanoid never imagined that he would be ambushed by two people so far apart, so he really can't be blamed."

Remember: "This wave will be featured in the highlights! Although the two warriors bullied the card, it was a bit overwhelming, but with this fancy death method, Humanoid's death was not unjust."

Cat: "Hmm~~Although the two flash-killing cards seem a bit wasteful, this wave is really profitable. Rambo doesn't dare to defend the tower alone, so the outer towers in the middle can be removed."

"Fuck! What is this? It's so handsome!"

"It's so fancy! 23333."

"Card: Referee! I report the opponent for cheating and the attack distance is abnormal."

"What's even more outrageous is the senior colonel, right? He really does what he says."

"I'm reporting Guan Zeyuan for manipulating the game!"

After killing the card, this wave happened to be the artillery line again. Leopard Girl also came over and followed the two brothers in the upper and middle to lead the line and began to demolish the middle tower.

At this time, the three MAD bottom laners had no time to return to defend the middle lane. Rambo did not dare to defend alone, allowing KT to successfully pull out the outer tower in the middle lane.

Although the red side also let the small cannon forcefully demolish the next tower of KT, it is obvious that the strategic significance of the middle tower is more important.

When the opponent's mid-tower fell, KT's best snowball operation method naturally started to operate.

The KT duo moved to the middle to occupy the line, and Nosuke entered the jungle to squeeze his vision.

Without the support of the outer tower in the middle, the red side becomes dangerous from the second tower into the upper half of the jungle. The risks faced by both sides in terms of vision are not at the same level.

The main reason was that Lin Cheng always had lane rights on the top lane, so he pressed the line in front of the second tower and went into the jungle. MAD did not dare to enter the upper half of the jungle when it lost the location information of KT Ueno Assistant at the same time.

Only after the mid-range and top players have cleared the lane and teammates can provide cover can MAD's Nosuke dare to fumble into the jungle together to gain vision.

KT didn't even think about ambushing their opponents in the upper half of the jungle. After controlling the second-generation vanguard, KT moved Lin Cheng to the bottom lane.

No need to team up and change lanes, Lin Cheng easily took down the red side's bottom tower with low health by himself.

At this time, Lin Cheng no longer needed to put pressure in the jungle, and his teammates all began to arrange their vision around Qinggangying in the bottom lane.

What Qinggangying has to do is to lead the way.

With teammates covering nearby, Lin Cheng became very aggressive, constantly looking for opportunities in front of the second tower to consume the blind monk.

Lin Cheng was already in possession of the two-piece set of Greedy Nine. He casually consumed the blind monk and entered his killing line.

When he saw someone from MAD showing up to defend the line in the middle, Lin Cheng decisively pressed against the wall and took the lead with E. He almost jumped the tower alone and killed the blind monk. Unfortunately, the blind monk used his ultimate move to save his life.

However, although the blind monk survived, Lin Cheng also took the opportunity to pull out the second red square lower tower, which was already low on health.

Lin Cheng was unstoppable in the bottom lane, and the newly refreshed Tulong was naturally taken down by Peanut.

KT Earth Dragon Soul has already drawn the card.

Although there had been no casualties on the field for several minutes, the equipment gap between the two sides was visibly widening.

And KT is not in a hurry. They are not a team that just wants to slap their opponent to death when they have an advantage. Even if they rush in with a big move and attack randomly, they have a high chance of winning the team, but they still carry out their work step by step. operations.

Squeezing vision, plundering resources in the jungle, and pushing the line through cover...KT's discipline made the opponent desperate.

MAD doesn't want to sit still and wait for death. On the contrary, Riel and Rambo have been running between various lines. Even the cards are directly opened to explore their horizons, looking for an opportunity similar to the previous one.

But there was no chance. MAD couldn't find a chance to take action. The people on KT's line and in the jungle always stayed at a distance where they could quickly support.

Time ticks by.

After Baron refreshed, Lin Cheng was still involved in the bottom lane.

His teammates shifted the focus of their vision to the upper half, and Lin Cheng, who lost his cover, began to be careful.

When he couldn't see the key opponent's position from the front, he would go to the wild area to eat a toad. When he saw the opponent's personnel appearing in the upper half, he would directly face the blind monk under the fierce highland tower.

The recovery ability of Tanjiu + Shenfen is very strong. Lin Cheng carried the tower and quickly drove away the blind monk. Qinggangying took the opportunity to start consuming the HP of the defense tower again.

The red side was initially afraid that KT would move the baron, and had to constantly test and compete for the view around the baron. However, the two sides struggled for a while, and MAD's lower high ground was almost reduced to residual health by Qinggangying.

Not wanting to sit still and wait for death, the red side had no choice but to grab the edge.

The card flies directly from the high ground to the back of Qinggangying with its ultimate move, inserting the eye to let the blind monk TP.

From the front, Ruier is pressing forward with a small cannon, and Rambo is outflanking from the wild area with his Wolf Head.

MAD jumped over the wall and five people came to catch Qinggang Ying.

Lin Cheng immediately commanded his teammates: "Dalong! You go to Dalong! Leave me alone."

"We don't want to care about you, you can just hold it off."

Lin Cheng: "······"

If Riot produces a hero who can kill his teammates, let’s see Brother Cheng kill you heartless ones one by one.

Lin Cheng knew that the card flew behind him, but he didn't know that the card would ward the Blind Sin to TP, so he ran directly in the direction of the card.

The two sides faced each other, and the yellow card in Kacard's hand was thrown out.

Lin Cheng's E skill was short of CD by two seconds. He took the yellow card and saw other players from the opponent covering it.

Get up, take two steps, and quickly hook your E skill to the wall.

But Armut had long held a grudge against Lin Cheng, and the blind monk's W flashed his eyes and blocked Qinggang Ying's second E at the wall.

Lin Cheng immediately hit the blind monk, and almost killed the blind monk with two precise etiquettes.

The blind monk also found an angle to kick Qinggangying towards his teammates above him, and the Q skill Tianyin Wave was easily attached.

Riel took control, and Rambo and Xiaopao poured out the explosion.

Being besieged, Qinggangying quickly became reduced to residual health.

The blind monk activates the second stage of Q to prepare for the kill.

But Lin Cheng's hands were really steady. As the blind monk flew over in the air, he accurately pointed the mouse at Armut and pressed the R key.

The green steel shadow leaped high.

Hex Ultimatum avoided the killing blow of Blind Sin's second stage Q and bounced all surrounding enemies away.

After hitting the ground and hitting AQ with divine points and immortality, Qinggang Shadow's blood volume recovered significantly.

The blind monk died suddenly.

After killing the blind monk, Lin Cheng raised his hands and surrendered.

A white flag lit up the Qinggang shadow's head, and he went to die peacefully.

Zeyuan: "The five people from MAD are grabbing Bian... There is really no other way to do it. Even if the Qinggang Shadow Dragon is killed, it will still fall, and the blind monk has been replaced!"

"One of the five was killed! Do you know how to play games?"

Remember: "Haha! Brother Chengzi gives up when he sees fit. He kills the blind monk and shows the white flag, but the opponent won't kill him unless he surrenders!"

In fact, Lin Cheng has a stopwatch on him. After killing the blind monk, he can use the stopwatch to wait for the E skill CD, and maybe he can climb over the wall and go to the wild area to start wilderness survival.

But this is somewhat unnecessary.

Anyway, the teammate has taken the baron, and it doesn’t matter whether Qinggang Shadow dies or not. It’s better to keep the stopwatch and wait for the next wave to end the game.

This wave of sacrificing Lin Cheng in exchange for the baron allowed KT to easily push the three lines of troops into the opponent's high ground. It was the stopwatch that was saved just now that allowed Lin Cheng to suddenly dodge E to the high ground and fire the small cannon first.

Teammates immediately followed up, and MAD exploded instantly.

Finally, KT flattened the opponent's base in the 24th minute.

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