This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 112 Unreasonable Tower Jumping

Even though he was clamoring to keep the opposite tower clear of any grass, Lin Cheng was not so reckless as to rush to the tower himself.

Lin Cheng's Little Kled and Prince blocked the entrance to the Three Wolves Wild Area between the first and second red square towers, waiting for the teammates in front to come over and continue to overtake Taric.

Remember: "Kled started to charge! He fired a wave of carbine and hit the gem, but Kled didn't care about the gem and wanted to jump over the tower to kill the female spear? This is too violent, it's EQ flash again! It's dead! Kled only cooperates with one EZ's ultimate move killed the female gunner! Is this the current situation of AD?"

Cat: "It's so fierce! I spotted the opponent's duo and used Kled's horse to attack the tower. Even if Kled made a mistake in this wave, he couldn't kill the female gunner. Haru's blind monk still wanted to kill the stone man. , if you didn’t rush to the middle road at the first time, the enchantress would be dead when you get here.”

Remember: "But do we still have to jump over the tower? The blind monk has already come over. The KT guys don't feel that their health is good enough to rush into the tower again. Something will happen next. The blind monk will dodge."

Before his teammates entered the tower, Haru's blind monk emerged from the jungle intersection above and fired his Q skill from a distance.

Lin Cheng reacted quickly and saw the blind monk's Tianyin Wave.

But he can't hide. Bono's prince is behind him. If he hides from the prince, he will be killed instantly by the blind monk.

Just now, his teammates stepped forward one after another to help him fight against the tower. Naturally, Lin Cheng had to block this bullet.

Although little Kled's health bar seemed short, Lin Cheng had just dismounted and had teammates to help fight against the defensive tower. Kled's body's health was still full, making him much safer than the prince.

And now that Kled has 70 courage points, Lin Cheng feels that it is not difficult to mount the horse.

Seeing the Q skill hit, Haru activated the second Q skill without saying a word.

At this time, Lin Cheng was very calm, took out his precious musket from his crotch, and fired!

Due to the relatively long distance, only three of the scattered bullets hit the blind monk in flight.

But it was just enough for Lin Cheng, as Klie already had 85 courage points.

Lin Cheng put the precious musket back in his crotch and pointed towards the floor at the same time.

Haru's hands were quick as he flew over, and he eyed in the direction of the Three Wolf Pit. W reached over and launched a roundhouse kick, kicking Kled towards the red square tower.

However, the blind monk's second stage Q and eye R operation is not so fast that Kled can't even swing his sword.

Lin Cheng's immediate action on the A floor allowed Kled to wave his long knife when the blind monk entered the 250-yard shooting range. He performed a basic attack before being kicked away. His courage points were fully restored, and Skaar returned.

And just at this time, Tusin's Titan flashed into the tower first, attracting the hatred of the defense tower.

His teammates had no idea that Lin Cheng could mount his horse in this situation. Tusin's flash had already been handed over in an attempt to help Lin Cheng resist the tower.

Lin Cheng, who landed on the ground, ignored the remaining health of Tarik under the tower and directly launched a martial arts competition against the blind monk behind him. At the same time, he hid a flying rope under Skaar's belly.

Bono's prince paused for a moment after Lin Cheng was kicked away. EQ knocked up the blind monk who ran to the intersection of the wild area and hit him with one shot.

As soon as the blind monk landed, he was hit by Kled's dueling charge as he turned around.

Realizing that something was wrong, the blind monk finally dodged and moved into the second tower to regain his position. Kled immediately chased after him in a second-level martial arts competition, and he raised his knife to chop despite the damage from the second tower.

The second section of the flying rope exploded, and while the blind monk was slowed down, the Titan behind him, who had pinned Taric, directly used his Q skill and accurately hooked the blind monk under the second tower.

It happened that EZ killed Taric with a Q skill, and carried the damage of a tower to forward E.

The defense tower's second attack had already landed, knocking Kled off his horse again.

Lin Cheng had already chosen his position, and landed an AQ. The Titan took the damage from the second tower, and just in time to activate the shield and draw out the remaining health.

The EZ next to him used level A to remove the essence ball from the blind monk and get three kills.

After this wave was over, Lin Cheng quickly turned up the volume on his headphones and joined his teammates in the carnival.

Lin Cheng: "Three kills! Beautiful! This wave is too extreme!"

Bono: "Fortunately, CuVee is on top. I was almost scared to death just now."

Aiming: "Kled's ultimate scares me to death! If this wave explodes, it will be over."

Kuro: "We can't let Lin Cheng start a group. I just asked him to open a large group to keep people, but I didn't expect him to open under someone else's tower."

Lin Cheng: "I can't use my ultimate move on Enchantress and Blind Monk. Don't worry, everything is under control."

Except for EZ, which still had more than one-third of its health, the other four people on the KT field were more disabled than the last. They successfully retreated from the entrance of the red side Three Wolves Wild Area with the help of the old and the young.

Remember: "The blind monk's Q skill hits, Kled is very dangerous~~~ Mount up! Kled mounts up! Still want to kill, but also go up to save the blind monk, this is the Furious Knight! As long as there is a horse, I will kill Just all of you!”

Cat: "EZ got three kills, and no one from KT died. Can you believe this? No one died in this tower fight. These five people really seem to have a tacit understanding."

Remember: "Is this KT? Can you believe that five people jumped over the tower and killed four opponents in a row? It's really cruel. This tower jumping and resistance change was done too perfectly. Kled dismounted, mounted, and dismounted again. As long as the horse is here, I won’t back down.”

Cat: "I can only say that jumping the tower is like a textbook, but jumping the tower is risky. It only takes eight minutes for five people to jump the tower and kill four. It is still not recommended. The audience in the live broadcast room must not learn it. It is easy. Something happened."

Remember: "Maybe if KT had to do it over a hundred times, they would not be able to achieve such a perfect extreme tower resistance, but this time they succeeded. It can be said that everyone is outstanding in this wave."

"Fuck! Tianxiu! This wave is simply amazing."

"This is the first time I've seen an eight-minute five-and-four. This is outrageous."

"It can't be called Wuyuesi. People are killed one by one, but it's really a show."

"It's not uncommon for our black iron bureau to have five enemies and four enemies, but they usually end up being wiped out by the group."

"If Kled were my teammate, I would definitely not go up to help jump the tower immediately. I would type and start requesting interaction."

"Don't tell me, Brother Chengzi, this Kled, really looks like he's giving away, and he didn't even die like this."

"Brother Chengzi is awesome! (Broken sound) This group start is extremely reckless."

"Kuro suddenly became enlightened as soon as he returned to the LCK?"

"The reflection of a group of senior citizens shows that KT is getting better."

"Is this still an LCK team? It's so bloody."


Tangun: "Wow~~~KT! What a crazy tower-crossing operation! Is that Galaxy Battleship team back? Remember the KT team in S7 that was addicted to fighting? The KT team in this game was even more bloody than that team KT is even better."

CT: "Just changing one player, it's hard to imagine that one player can bring such a huge change to the team. The KT team in S7 was described by the senior casting machine as: loving to fight, super fond of fighting, but not strong enough in mentality. tough.

Let’s not talk about KT’s mentality. I am afraid that the desire to attack is even stronger. At least before, I never thought that any LCK team would try to jump over the tower like this in 8 minutes. The risk is too high, and the coach will not agree to it first. "

Regarding KT's mid-lane tower jump, Huya netizens saw the excitement, and it was all over with a wave of 666, while Korean KT fans were already excited.

"He's back! Everyone is here! KT is still the same powerful LCK player."

"I declare that we KT are no longer the overlord of joints, we have our own excellent top laner."

"It's said that KT only has designers in C, but it's different now."

“Although it’s thrilling to watch, it’s so exciting.”

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