This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1113 2:0! I don't believe you anymore

Lin Cheng completed 1-for-1 despite being forcibly captured, and the line of troops was pushed under the opponent's tower, which directly caused the development of the top laners of both sides to be further stretched.

The hero Poodle and the captain's peaceful development are both at a disadvantage. If the economy and level are suppressed in the early stage, the meaning of playing the top lane Poodle is almost lost.

Because Udyr showed up above, Peanut easily controlled the first dragon.

After Lin Cheng came back, he continued to press the line.

When the Poodle gains an advantage, it will make any top laner uncomfortable, but this hero has a success and failure mechanism. A Poodle leaning on the grass is very powerful, but a Poodle far away from the grass is rubbish.

At 7 and a half minutes, the assistants from both sides appeared in the middle to gain experience, and they seemed to have ideas for the upcoming Rift Pioneer.

As a result, the vanguard had not refreshed yet, and the two sides faced off around the river crab when they were looking at the river. Because someone took a second look at the other party and suddenly started fighting.

Peanut had just punished the river crab in the middle grass position, and Luo suddenly raised his W and forced out Morgana's black shield.

The Titan next to him immediately hooked Luo, and Morgana took control.

Because Shangzhong's teammates were not around at the first moment, although Morgana and Titan's control was sufficient, they were unable to directly drop Rakan in an instant, and Nosuke began to fight.

The blue square clockwork pushed the line from the middle to the river one step ahead, but Zoe's support range is very large in the jungle.

Super Power Zoe rushed to the side of F6, and used her ultimate move to jump back and throw hypnotic bubbles at the wall of the dragon pit, which happened to hit Udyr in the river.

Chaowei didn't use his skills, he just flashed a super-far flying star and cooperated with his teammates to kill Udyr instantly.

Although Clockwork pulled out two big backhand moves, the poodle was stuck in the river by the captain and couldn't get over. Clockwork combined with Luo simply didn't have enough damage to kill him.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Luo forced himself to sell himself and let Clockwork retreat to the tower.

On the other side, the poodle was still being chased and chopped by the captain. Zoe followed up from the river, while Titan and Morgana went around from the wild area to surround them.

With no way to retreat, the poodle was driven under a tower.

Lin Cheng kept pushing the troops forward, and the poodle under the tower had no way to survive. The four of them easily jumped over the tower and completed the kill.

After a wave of team battles, 0 for 3, the blue side's rhythm has exploded.

Remember: "0 for 3! This situation is already very difficult for MAD!"

Cat: "This decision-making problem is too big. When there is a small disadvantage in the early stage, many teams just come to look for opportunities even if they want to see the vanguard. If there is an opportunity, they will not take the opportunity."

"MAD is good. The vanguard was beaten 0 for 3 for River Crab before he could use support and reach the top lane. Moreover, it was Luo who made the first move this time."

Zeyuan: "What MAD needs to do at this time is not to rush back to the disadvantage. First of all, the players must stabilize their mentality. Facing a team like KT, you cannot mess up your position first."

In this game, Little Peanut did not help Lin Cheng release the vanguard early, but let Lin Cheng continue to contain the poodle on the top lane.

KT began to focus their offense on the bottom lane.

In 10 minutes, the red team pushed the line into the tower, and Zoe and Morgana came over from the jungle to initiate a four-pack of two.

MAD was already on guard, Udyr was crouching behind in advance, and Clockwork was also leaning down.

But KT's actions were very decisive. The moment the troops entered the tower, the assistant directly sent a big move to Xiang Varus.

Varus threw the Corruption Chain with his backhand.

Luo activated his ultimate move to prepare for counter control.

Little Peanut's hands were quick and he got the black shield before the Corruption Chain hit Titan.

Taitan took advantage of the situation and hit Luo who was opening up with a hook.

Seeing that her teammates were attracting hatred from the defense tower, Kai'Sa decisively attacked her face with her ultimate move, and cooperated with Zoe's long-distance flying star across the wall to drop Varus from the tower in seconds.

Lin Cheng also launched a cannon screen on the top lane in advance, and the barrage covering the MAD duo under the tower also blocked Udyr's entry.

Titan pulled the position to resist the damage from the defense tower, and the rest of the team focused on the fire.

Although Udyr forcibly came over against the cannon screen and let Luo Qingwu, who was still in health, pull away in pairs, the little peanut saw that the opposite side was slowed down by the captain's barrage, and Morgana decisively flashed her ultimate move to save people.

The Titan Ultimate carried the tower away, and the others crossed the defense tower and killed Luo and Udyr, who were retained by Morgana.

Clockwork arrived a step too late, and when he showed up, he saw that there was no way to save him and decisively turned around and ran away.

In this way, KT in the bottom lane made another wave of 0 for 3.

Because there was no one to defend the lower tower, KT took advantage of the situation and took out the first tower of the blue side without even releasing the vanguard. In just 10 minutes, the economic gap on the field had already reached 4,000.

MAD was obviously a little anxious and started frantically looking for opportunities to fight.

At 12 minutes, MAD Nosuke caught the Titan with river vision, and directly used all his skills to kill the little support.

But even if Varus added an arrow next to him, he still couldn't kill the Titan in time. Instead, the midfielder, who was supported by KT, played 0 for 2 again.

Two people on the blue side were killed, and KT took advantage of the situation and released the vanguard in the middle with four players, easily pulling out the first tower in the middle of the blue side.

Unexpectedly, MAD was unable to take advantage of the situation. Just one minute later, MAD took the initiative and the Titans were defeated by KT in a collision in the jungle.

When the economy is lagging behind, the most direct manifestation is that the damage is not enough. Even if the assistant is a bit out of touch with his teammates twice, MAD's explosion is always a little short of killing the Titan, and then he is counterattacked by KT's teammates.

His teammates had a big advantage, and Lin Cheng finally took the opportunity to attack.

The poodle, which was not full of health, was slowed down by the captain's two barrels in front of the tower. Lin Cheng directly pursued him with his ultimate move and used the fire knife to force the poodle to use his W skill.

Although the poodle W regained a mouthful of health, the captain used a backhand to slow down the opponent with two consecutive barrels, and charged the tower with a gunshot to complete the headshot.

Lin Cheng took advantage of the situation and ate a tower on the top lane 14 minutes ago.

At this point, KT has occupied 15 layers of tapas, and the situation is already very overwhelming.

MAD's mentality exploded, and his mentality became unbalanced and he began to actively seek fights.

However, the equipment gap is too great. Even if MAD seizes what looks like a good opportunity with its eyes closed, it always loses small-scale team battles due to the equipment gap.

Even though MAD had more people during the fight, the damage was just not enough. When KT's support arrived, they would be defeated.

This is no longer looking for an opportunity, it is not much different from giving it away openly.

In 15 minutes, KT led the economy by 7,000.

In 18 minutes, after a wave of Xiaolong team battles, KT took an economic lead of 9,000.

20 minutes, send it!

When pushed to the opponent's main base, the score was 25:1.

The captain sent out the whole team's heads.

Lin Cheng saw something was wrong.

no! You have to let your teammates die once.

"Brothers, wait for the opponent to come back to life and rush into the spring water with me. Then give some heads to the opponent. This is called human kindness."

"OK! Come here, everyone!"

"When the other side resurrects, charge together. The minions can then destroy the base."

"Listen to my command! 1, 2, 3! Charge!"

Lin Cheng's heart was very dirty. He shouted to charge but remained motionless.

However, KT's idiots are not White Lotus either.

Only one fell for it.

I saw the Titan of Little Death hook into the spring water alone and was killed instantly.

The rest of the people stood outside the spring and watched, and Mr. Dai exploded the base with his backhand.

"Hey~~~ Mo Ya? What do you mean?"

"I don't trust you anymore!"

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