This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1119 Effort: I just think they are noisy

"Wow!! I won! Lin Chengxi~~~Thank you for your mercy!"

Eunjing's voice is very sweet. It is estimated that now that she cuts her long hair short and dyes it white, it will be difficult for her to regain Rui Wenjing's domineering look.

"What the hell! Miss Enjing is so awesome, I'm willing to give in."

Longkeng War God Lin Xiaocheng would not admit that he fell under Fourth Master Xian's coquettish offensive. Hearing these words, Zhiyan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Seeing that the two were still chatting, Zhiyan quickly drove Eunjing away and sat in front of the computer to play the matching mode with Lin Cheng.

The two of them walked down the road together, with Lin Cheng assisting Zhiyan.

Zhiyan's game level is very average, and the female gun she operates is not as good as her instant sniping little prince. In addition, Lin Cheng, a high-level fighter, chose Pike, an auxiliary that requires operation, and the cooperation between the two is a bit unsatisfactory.

Lin Cheng always wanted to go up and operate despite having 150 pings. Driven by his strong strength, the two of them were paralyzed in the bottom lane in the early stage. However, bad news spread frequently to his teammates. It seemed that everyone was here to practice heroes.

When the 15 minutes are up, Ji-yeon initiates a surrender.

"Hurry up and order! Our assistant is so good."

Lin Cheng: "······"

You and I thought about going together, but I think your problem is bigger.

"Okay! Go and have a rest. It's already very late in Korea, right?"

"I'm not sleepy yet, let's go..."

"Ah! Zhiyan! Quickly pack up and get ready for bed."

"Let me play for a while longer! Ernie~~~"

"Hurry up! If you don't come, prepare to sleep on the floor."

Although Park Ji-yeon, a night owl, was still very energetic, she couldn't bear the threats from her sisters, so she reluctantly said goodbye to Lin Cheng.

Finally no longer suffering from high delays, Lin Cheng immediately started playing European server rankings to find out his skills.

In this round, Lin Cheng filled in and became a support player. He had no intention of asking for his position from his teammates. Lin Cheng always played whatever position he was assigned to.

His partner is none other than RNG player Minao.

The two cooperated well in the bottom lane. They came up to grab the second and successfully killed the opponent's duo.

Lin Cheng and Gala interacted with each other with crazy expressions.

But their ID was so eye-catching that the opposing jungler and mid laner began to frequently take care of the bottom lane.

His own teammates had almost never been here, and the opponent's jungler came, the mid laner came, and even the top laner came over. Lin Cheng finally experienced the feeling of his opponent's bottom lane being imprisoned in the game.

The result was that the two of them were stuck in the bottom lane.

And even if the opponent grabs them like crazy, their teammates in the top half are still at a disadvantage.

When 15 minutes were up, the teammates chose to surrender.

Gala sent a message: ganjindianleba (order it now)

This sentence sounds familiar.

It seems that Zhiyan just said, but there was no additional game after Gala, "our support is too bad".

Lin Cheng began to reflect.

Is this possible?

It wasn't just Ji-yeon who had problems in the last game, he also had some problems playing support?

Of course, this actually has little to do with Lin Cheng. If his teammates don’t help, anyone caught like this in the bottom lane will not be able to play the game.

The touch was not restored, and a familiar game made Lin Cheng feel a little depressed. It happened that Chi Shengxi informed the team group that it was time to have dinner.

He slowly walked to the training room, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw a white cloth wrapped around Effort's forehead.

At first glance, Lin Cheng thought it was gauze, but he soon discovered the word "Must Win" written in black watercolor pen on the white cloth.

The assistant had a melancholy look on his face, while the rest of his teammates watched the fun with smiles.

Chi Shengxi also used the camera to criticize the assistant, "Anyway, you and Wang Hao lost in the chess game. Just look away and have a more determined expression!"

Looking at this posture, Lin Cheng knew that it was probably the assistant who had been tricked.

So, he deliberately said in a sinister manner: "Hey! Are you COS Amumu? But the bandage seems to be missing, right? Isn't it too perfunctory to only wrap the forehead? At least it should be wrapped around the body."

Little Peanut: "Xiang Hao is wearing a bowl to cheer for us in advance of the finals. Stop being sarcastic."

The protagonists of Japanese anime like to wrap a piece of white cloth around their foreheads to cheer themselves up when doing something big, but Lin Cheng doesn't know why these Korean otakus are doing this.

"You nerds should stop watching Japanese anime. Don't you know that other people wrap themselves in white cloth when they go to funerals? How unlucky."


If you can't speak, you can shut up!

Effort looked at Chi Shengxi a little aggrievedly, "Can you not post the photo on SNS? Brother Wang Hao only said that he would support everyone like this if he lost, but he didn't say that he would post it online."

"Oh! It doesn't matter! Sang Ho looks very handsome."

Chi Shengxi was perfunctory while moving the camera to find the angle.

"It's indeed handsome! But I think there's something missing?"

Lin Cheng grabbed the watercolor pen next to him and moved it closer, trying to draw on Effort's face.

Naturally, the little assistant didn't want Lin Cheng to paint on his face. Unfortunately, Lin Cheng was too powerful. He hugged the little brother with his backhand and forcibly drew a square mustache under his nose.

A perfect image of a Taijun was born.

Effort's head is a bit big, and paired with this brushed mustache, it's really a comedy.

"Look! Is Xiang Hao handsome?"

After Lin Cheng showed his work, everyone burst into laughter, and Mr. Dai, who was drinking water, almost choked.

Lin Cheng also laughed heartlessly.

However, Chi Shengxi took care of the little assistant's mood and glared at everyone with a sullen face: "Don't laugh! Anyone who laughs again will not be allowed to eat dinner."

Everyone quickly suppressed their wild laughter.

"What's so funny? Is it funny?"

Chi Shengxi almost yelled these words through gritted teeth.

Because she wanted to laugh too.

At this time the coach walked in.

Kang Dongxun walked in and took a quick look and knew that everyone was bullying his little brother again, so he also joked.

"Hey! Xianghao, were you shot in the head? Or were you attacked by a fan because you gave away too much during the game?"

However, after getting closer and seeing Effort's look clearly, Mr. Kang Dongxun was stunned for a moment. He moved closer to take a closer look at the beard on Effort's face, and after a delay of two or three seconds, he burst out laughing.

"Is there no one you care about in this world anymore? The look is quite unique!"

Now everyone couldn't hold back any longer, and everyone laughed wildly.

Only two people didn't laugh.

The little assistant looked melancholy.

Chi Shengxi comforted him: "It's okay! Xiang Hao is actually very handsome like this."

Effort turned to Chi Shengxi and said, "Can you please stop posting the photos online?"

Chi Shengxi had been holding it in very hard, but when she saw his funny mustache up close, Chi Shengxi finally couldn't help it anymore.


She turned her head away and laughed.

Effort glanced at the laughing crowd with dead eyes.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

He just thought they were noisy.

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