After this wave, KT players also stabilized their emotions and began to find their own playing style.

Taking advantage of the fact that Nightmare had no ultimate move, the red side pushed the line and formed a group to directly occupy the field of view in the jungle.

At this time, the initiative is in KT's hands.

When Nightmare cannot threaten the back row, only Titan can open it, but the only ones that can reach it are Braum and Bobby in the front row. When Morgana has a black shield, KT can attack whenever he wants. If he doesn't want to, it's easy. Can avoid Titan's forced opening.

After the KT players stabilized their mentality, they showed sophisticated operations, suppressing the field of view in the jungle, pulling frontal Poke, and gradually eroding neutral resources and defense towers.

RNG tried to force the attack again, but with the field of vision in the jungle completely suppressed, the blue side could only press forward. Braum and Bobby were in front, and Nightmare came in alone without a stopwatch to send it away.

Lin Cheng turned into a solid fortress, making the people of RNG a little desperate.

They simply couldn't get past Bobby to threaten the back row.

This wave of killing nightmares started, and KT teamed up to switch lines and prepare to take out the remaining outer towers of the blue side.

RNG chose the same risky decision as ten minutes ago. With few people, Udyr and Titan wanted to go behind and fight in an attempt to catch the opponent off guard.

But this kind of strange trick doesn't work after repeated attempts.

Mr. Dai did not go back to the city alone, and Lin Cheng did not get lost and go to kill the stone men. Everyone had no problem with their thinking.

The red side had already occupied the flank view, and the two RNG players circled behind and were arrested on the spot.

Nosuke gave it away, and RNG faced strong frontal pressure from the opponent.

Blue's double C tried to hold the line, but Jace fired a double shot.

Chaowei directly turned back and jumped + flashed with flying stars to kill Kai'Sa.

At this time, RNG would be completely unable to hold on if they reduced their numbers, and KT pushed forward as a team to end the game.

"So, congratulations to KT for another victory! They are already 2:0 ahead and entering the match point."

The moment the blue base exploded, Miller's voice was full of helplessness: "What a pity! This game of RNG once gave us hope of victory."

"I didn't expect that Brother Chengzi's big move in that wave of dragons not only knocked away RNG's double C, but also seemed to wake up the KT players with a hammer. KT suddenly turned back into the rigorous and invincible LCK team. There was no opportunity to make any mistakes later.”

Remember: "This is why Brother Chengzi is so important to KT! Even many KT fans in Korea regard him as the king. Brother Chengzi stood up when the team needed him most."

"Even for a hero like Poppy, even if he doesn't have as gorgeous statistics as Dao Mei, Brother Chengzi has demonstrated what core is with his performance. He has really reached the limit of what a hero like Poppy can do!"

Wawa: "Well~~~ I said before that Poppy is a hero that is difficult to carry, but from now on there will be a restriction, except for Orange's Poppy."

Remember: "Indeed! Brother Chengzi actually likes to play heroes who can C most of the time, but he can also act as a green leaf when the team needs it. This Poppy is definitely the most powerful Poppy I have ever seen in the professional arena. See With Bobby the Orange in front, his teammates feel at ease."

"I'm desperate! When the big dragon group destroyed the opponent, I thought RNG could overturn it."

"Indeed! It looked like RNG could beat them head-on, but in the end they couldn't win the next wave of team battles."

"Brother Chengzi has ruined this family! (Crying)"

"Why can't the all-China class win once? Brother Chengzi wants to destroy Chinese e-sports!"

"It's started again, right? Classic nationality kidnapping."

"I really like the commentator's saying: Bobby C can't do it."

"Let me tell you, Brother Cheng Longkeng R Flash changed everything."

"That blind field R flash is really cool."

"The most outrageous thing is that after that hammer, the little god of death stopped sending him any more, and everyone in KT became normal again."

"It turns out that Poppy's hammer can help his teammates get back into shape! We all wrongly blamed Brother Coin."

"The misunderstanding is resolved! It turns out that Doinb's house manager just wants to help Xiaotian return to the top. I cry to death!"


Returning to the lounge with a 2:0 advantage, the KT players were talking and laughing and were very relaxed.

Kang Dongxun looked very kind when he patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

"Well played."

Although the game was chaotic at first, Kang Dongxun was very satisfied with the timely adjustments made by the players behind him.

Lin Cheng took the snacks from Chi Shengxi with a smile, "Don't worry! As long as I'm here, it won't be a big problem."

It's not like popping champagne in midfield. After this game, Lin Cheng felt that even if they encountered some unreasonable games again, the players would not be panicked.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Cheng realized that the old guys at Kuro had already taught him how to deal with this situation.

His command on the court is actually what his teammates did last year.

On the other side, the atmosphere in the RNG lounge was even more solemn.

Their crazy attack in the early part of the game actually paid off, dragging KT into their rhythm, and everyone seemed to be going back and forth.

But the fight turned into being crushed, and the team members seemed very frustrated.

They really didn't give up. Even if they made mistakes, they took the initiative to fight with the opponent, but they just couldn't beat them.

The opponent's ability to adjust is too strong!

Xiaohu couldn't help but think of his LPL opponents.

It seems that there is really no team in the LPL that can compare with KT in terms of adaptability?

For example, the top four teams in the LPL Spring Split all have obvious tactical weaknesses that everyone knows about.

FPX has changed a few top laners, but they all have the same taste. In the middle lane, they are just bastard heroes who can only push the lane and run away. They have no rights in the top lane. Anyway, they just catch the top laner and they are done. Neither Brother Hanzi nor Niu Bao can resist pressure like Brother Gongzi. ability.

The same goes for EDG, just fight on the road and catch them.

As for Tao Bo, it's even more outrageous. The team's late decision-making was like shit.

If KT had such an abnormal on-the-spot adjustment ability, Taobo would not be stolen by various tricks, let alone have a huge advantage in the early stage and be overturned.

After careful comparison, Xiaohu felt a little desperate for this KT.

After falling behind 0:2, everyone knows that adjustments must be made, but the problem is that your opponent has no weaknesses, how can you adjust accordingly?

Unplug the network cable?

Soon, the third game began.

There is a clear difference in the expressions of the players from both sides on stage.

KT was very calm here, neither looking serious nor playful.

On the RNG side, it was obvious that the team members were very tense, and there was no longer the usual scenes of joking in front of the camera.

This game ended surprisingly quickly.

The RNG players who had played so many decisive games this year were crushed for the first time.

Facing a 0:2 deficit, the RNG players seemed to have lost their souls on the court under heavy pressure, with various operations and deformations emerging in endlessly.

In this game, KT's players were in full condition, and they started from three directions, almost winning the game in a devastating manner.

In the end, the time was fixed at 18 minutes and 14 seconds.

Even before Baron was born, KT had already bulldozed the opponent's base.

3:0! KT completed a sweep of all opponents in Iceland.

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