This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1162 T1 fans’ harsh words

The next day, Lin Cheng slept in until about ten o'clock before getting up.

I glanced at the sunshine outside the window, it was another nice day.

He ran to the window and stretched out. Looking at the scenery outside the window and recalling the story that happened last night, Lin Cheng couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

Although the two wives jointly drove him out in the end, it was really exciting to bully the eldest wife in front of the younger wife.

The key is that Sister Shuyan thought Xiao Tong didn't know about it the whole time, and her shy and nervous reaction was really interesting.

Under the tacit concealment between Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong, Han Shuyan was still kept in the dark about the fact that Xiao Tong had noticed.

After washing up slowly, Lin Cheng went to the kitchen next door.

At this time, there was no one in the house. The older one went to work and the younger one went to school.

After turning on the microwave to heat up the breakfast prepared by Sister Shuyan, Lin Cheng enjoyed it leisurely alone in the living room.

While having breakfast, Lin Cheng contacted Park Ji-yeon and agreed to have dinner together in the afternoon.

In fact, according to Ji Yan, the two of them had missed so many times. Lin Cheng should contact her as soon as possible when he returned to Seoul. However, Lin Cheng came back yesterday and really couldn't bear to leave his wives at home, so he postponed it until today.

After breakfast, Lin Cheng stayed at home and surfed the Internet to pass the time.

First, he checked the most frequently visited channels on Youtube and found that Miss Zhixiu was still missing. Lin Cheng was so angry that he unfollowed that channel.

Mahle Gobi! I really don’t think anyone cares about the crappy commercial you shot, right?

At worst, Brother Cheng will stay at Sister Shiyan's house from now on.

Isn’t it just a cooking video for office workers? Isn’t Sister Siyeon much prettier than Miss Jisoo? Not to mention the new models.

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng felt relieved and went to the DC forum as usual.

Although this forum is somewhat similar to the domestic trend of carrying bars, there are still some differences.

In addition to being an e-sports toilet, this forum is also very professional. It doesn't matter if many people in China don't go to the forum, but most people who are involved in the Korean e-sports circle will leave their footprints on the DC forum.

It has been a few days since KT won the championship. The discussion on KT's championship here on the Korean Open has gradually subsided, and has been replaced by an all-out war among fans.

This time the rhythm is slightly different from the previous one.

In the past year, the fan rhythm in the LCK has been mainly concentrated between the KT and T1 fan groups, and there are also times when KT fans take advantage of the entire LCK.

But this time, it's a battle between T1 and the entire LCK fans.

"T1 A bunch of clowns, can't beat the classics and get angry"

"These dead ducks in T1 have really tough mouths. Even if they are like this, they can still jump out and scream?" 》

"This group of guys is really interesting. In the spring split, they caught moles and took the blame for their teammates. MSI guided the country and set the pace. If they couldn't explain it, they started to read the family tree."

When visiting the forum, Lin Cheng was a little confused at first when he saw that there were overwhelming shouting matches between T1 fans and fans of other teams.

what happened?

Aren't KT fans and T1 fans arguing with each other a few days ago? Why did T1 start to be attacked from both sides in a few days?

Generally speaking, KT, which has outstanding performance in the LCK in the past two years, is actually the easiest to stand on the opposite side of other teams, just like RNG before the S8 World Championship.

But the situation in LCK is different from LPL.

Even if RNG fans jump again, there will be other new and old fan groups of similar size to check and balance. There are many diving fans among starch pigs, extremely fans, sanity fans, and even old 59e60e.

The mutual criticism between these groups has also led to the diversity of voices in the competition area to a certain extent. In this case, it is impossible for the LPL to have one fan group that can dominate everyone.

But the LCK is different. Before last year, no group could check or balance T1's lawless fans.

Because before S10, all LCK world championship honors only came from two clubs, T1 and Samsung.

Three S championships and two MSI championships are the foundation of T1 fans. However, Samsung has not been able to cultivate too many die-hard fans due to a series of operations such as disintegration, reorganization, name changes, and investor changes. What’s more, Samsung’s honor is more serious than T1. Not enough.

This creates a unique arrogance among T1 fans in the LCK.

They look down on other teams and they look down on the fans of other teams.

It's not just the LCK, they also look down on teams from other regions. Even though the barbecue stalls in recent years have almost been demolished, T1 fans still have their arrogance engraved in their bones.

T1's Korean fans don't pretend to be dead, and they have a long history of going against the wind.

S8 did not go to the World Championship. After the LCK was wiped out that year, T1 fans jumped out and cursed the other three teams bloody.

These guys will embarrass us LCK by going to the World Championship. If SKT went to the World Championship...

This argument is so classic. Those who didn’t know better thought that SKT in S8 dominated the LCK. In the end, it was because SKT all had diarrhea that they didn’t go to Incheon.

S9 was double-killed by G2. T1 fans blamed G2 for being careless in playing games and beating the master to death with random punches. G2 will definitely lose if they fight again.

S10 did not go to the World Championship. T1 fans said it was because there was a mole in the team. Everyone from the coach to Faker's teammates were moles.

Even though KT won the world championship last year, domestic T1 fans still ridiculed KT.

In their words, if T1 hadn't been in turmoil within itself, nothing would have happened to KT. If T1 had been the No. 1 seed, they would have definitely won the championship that year.

The key is that these arguments are not weird. Many T1 fans think this way.

This shows how tough T1 fans are.

It's the same this time. T1 fans were crazily badmouthing KT before KT won MSI. Naturally, KT fans will take advantage of it after winning the championship.

Then, T1's die-hard fans started looking through the family tree again.

"The glory of LCK was achieved by us T1, what qualifications do you KT have? 》

"Isn't it just an MSI?" There are two of them at our base. 》

"KT is just a temporary glory! History has proven that the glory of LCK can only be protected by T1, and KT in S8 is likely to be this year's replica. 》

"What's more, the core of KT is Chinese and is not worthy of representing our LCK division. 》

"Chinese people, get out!" Support all Korean classes! 》

"In the end, the glory of LCK still depends on us T1.

Not only were they harsh on KT fans, T1 fans even dragged other teams into trouble.

"From KZ in the past few years to KT and GEN·G later, which one didn't embarrass the LCK when they went out? Throughout the LCK, our T1 is on C! 》

"Now the LCK team should be grateful for the glory brought by Faker. We have conquered the country. 》

T1 fans dismissed the efforts of everyone in the other teams. Naturally, everyone was offended by such words, which is what Lin Cheng saw.

Not only fans of the two news agencies, but many fans of other teams also participated.

The entire LCK is besieging T1 fans!

An unprecedented crusade.

Thanks to the exaggerated number of T1 fans, they were still competing against the entire LCK after a few days.

From last year to this year, such a bad record was still able to carry out the whole world's headwinds, which shows how tough the fans of this team are.

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