This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1178 We are all wives, not afraid of making mistakes

I don’t know what’s going on recently. I had dinner with Zhiyan a few days ago. Zhiyan’s wrist was burned and Lin Cheng somehow earned a kiss.

Today, my wife's fingers were burned and Lin Cheng earned another kiss.

According to this law... Lin Cheng secretly glanced at Zheng Shiyan, who was immersed in processing ingredients. He always felt that this sister seemed dangerous.

Yes~~~But according to Sister Siyeon’s temperament, it will be very difficult for her to take the initiative to kiss her.

It might even be very, very, very difficult.

Putting aside the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind, Lin Cheng knew that his little wife was thin-skinned and it was not easy for her to take the initiative to kiss him, so Lin Cheng did not make fun of the kiss.

"The ice cream seems to be melting too fast. I'll get a bowl to catch it."

"It's okay now. Please help me get another ice cream. I kind of want to eat it."

"What about this?"

"You ate."

"...Let's do it, Sister Shuyan!"

"Go get it for me! Don't bother Sister Shuyan."


Lin Cheng stuffed the melted ice cream into his mouth, stood up and rinsed his hands.

"Sister Shiyan, would you like some ice cream?"

"Don't eat."

Zheng Shiyan refused without raising her head.

Lin Cheng didn't seem to hear him, "Then let me get you some chocolate ice cream?"

Just as Han Shuyan got out of the RV with the little girl, Enxi happily gnawed on the new ice cream, her big eyes narrowed into slits.

"Uncle, this is delicious."

"Really? Come and give uncle a bite."

After saying that, Lin Cheng opened his mouth and leaned over.

"No! Uncle will eat it all up for Enxi."

The little girl laughed and ran away. Lin Cheng's criminal record was so bad that even the little girl started to be wary of him.

Instructing Enxi to be careful where she steps, Han Shuyan sat down next to Xiao Tong with a smile.

"Sister Shuyan."

Xiao Tong lowered his head, feeling a little guilty for no reason.

Although even more extreme things had happened with Lin Cheng, it was the first time she mustered up the courage to kiss Lin Cheng. Even though Han Shuyan probably didn't see it, Xiao Tong still felt a little uncomfortable.



Han Shuyan pinched Xiao Tong's nose lovingly, "It is Cheng's blessing to be forgiven by our little Tong."

Xiao Tong pursed her lips and said nothing, suddenly feeling jealous of Lin Cheng for no reason.

Sister Shuyan is so good, why is this guy so lucky?

Lin Cheng brought the ice cream and was about to hear what the ladies were talking about when they were chased away by the two women.

He didn't care, and took the little girl to the other side and handed the chocolate ice cream to Zheng Shiyan.

"I told you I wouldn't eat."

Lin Cheng opened the ice cream package with a smile, "Sister Shiyan, aren't you jealous? Are you taking advantage of Xiaotong's jealousy? This is not like my sister Shiyan."

Zheng Shiyan raised her head and glanced at Lin Cheng expressionlessly.

Enxi couldn't understand what the two said, but she could feel the intimacy towards her mother in Lin Cheng's tone.

So good!

The little girl was so happy that she flew up, showed a big smile to her mother, and then happily licked the ice cream in her hand.

"Now! If you don't eat, I will feed you."

Seeing Lin Cheng's attitude of not giving up, Zheng Shiyan could only helplessly take the ice cream that was fed to her mouth.

Lin Cheng smiled.

In fact, he couldn't guess what Sister Shiyan was thinking at all, but he always had to seize the opportunity to express his love for her.

This woman was already cold enough, and he had to find a way to warm her up.

Seeing Lin Cheng smiling, the little girl Enxi also smiled happily.

Seeing her daughter's happy look, Zheng Shiyan finally couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the lunch took a long time to prepare, but everyone was very satisfied with the meal. It was really a pleasure to enjoy the meal under the shade of the trees with the cool breeze.

However, it was troublesome to clean up while camping for hot pot. Lin Cheng, who took over the dishwashing duties, finally finished it at half past four.

The three girls took Enxi to play flower cards on the mat, while Lin Cheng set up a tent nearby.

This time, everyone was not going to spend the night in the car. Lin Cheng specially prepared a tunnel tent, which was just enough for everyone to rest inside.

The tent frame was very heavy. Lifting it from the car was like lifting an iron, but it was very convenient to put up. It didn't take long for Lin Cheng to set up the tent.

Seeing the little girl happily getting into the tent and rolling around, Lin Cheng smiled happily.

"It's finally done! What should we do next?"

The three women looked at each other, and Han Shuyan smiled and said, "It's time to prepare dinner."

Lin Cheng: "???"

Did he remember that he had just finished lunch before setting up the tent?

"The external lighting conditions of the RV were not very good, so we thought it would be best to finish dinner before dark."

Mainly because there were so many of them, it was not convenient to prepare dinner for so many people in the RV, so the three women had decided to prepare dinner in advance before it got dark.

Thus, for the first time in Lin Cheng's life, he had to prepare dinner right after lunch.

Fortunately, no one was hungry, so we just had some instant noodles for dinner, and then sat on the mats to chat and enjoy the coolness.

It's getting dark.

"Look! There are really stars!"

Probably because it was far away from the city, there was no obstruction from the haze, and even before the sky was completely dark, the few stars in the night could already be seen.

"Uncle! That star is so big! What star is it?"

"That's Venus. It's also called Chang Geng Star at this time."

Xiao Tong interjected: "Chang Xinxin? Which eunuch author named it?"

Lin Cheng: "...Maybe."

I have to say that it is really a very romantic thing to take the whole family to watch the stars together. While chatting leisurely with Xiao Enxi and his wives, Lin Cheng lay on his back on the mat with his hands behind his head, feeling a kind of feeling in his heart. Indescribable satisfaction.

The sky gradually became very dark, and Han Shuyan asked.

"Would you like to turn on the light?"

"No! Just look at the stars, right Enxi?"

The little girl naturally catered to Lin Cheng's words unconditionally. She raised her hands and said crisply: "Uncle is right!"

Xiao Tong joked: "This little flatterer! Everything your uncle says is right, right?"

The little girl smiled innocently.

"Let's all lie down! It's great to lie down and watch the stars."

At Lin Cheng's call, everyone lay down.

But the mat was only that big, and Lin Cheng felt someone kicked him when he lay down.

"Ouch! Who is dissatisfied with me?"

"Sorry, it's me."

Han Shuyan's smiling voice came.

Just apologize and that's it?

So what do you want the police to do?

Lin Cheng chuckled and prepared to grab Han Shuyan's feet to tease her.

Subconsciously turning his head, he could vaguely see two pairs of jade feet beside him in the darkness.

Which one is the eldest wife?

Why! do not care.

Today is different from the past. She is her own wife, so she is not afraid of making mistakes anyway.

At this moment, Lin Cheng was full of pride.

Lin Cheng boldly caught a small foot.


Xiao Tong exclaimed.

Han Shuyan asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I was bitten by a mosquito."

"It seems like there are indeed mosquitoes. Go put on your stockings. It happens to be a bit cold at night."

Xiao Tong didn't know how to answer the question. Could she still say that it wasn't a mosquito just now?

However, this conversation made Lin Cheng excited.

Long live the big wife!

Sister Shuyan really understands me.

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