This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 12 Who is playing me?

Lin Cheng didn't expect that Yasuo would choose to enter the field at this time. Is it really difficult for Yasuo players to resist the temptation of the dotted line?

Only the bull's head was being beaten, and Zoe next to him still showed Yasuo's weakness to show respect.

After a short delay, Akali fell asleep in the cloud formation, but her position before falling asleep was still clearly visible to the opposite party.

Zoe pulled out the flying star to the side and behind.

Since eating flying stars while sleeping will cause additional real damage, Lin Cheng can only hope that the opponent's skills will be misplaced or his teammates will raise a hand if Yasuo does not throw the wind wall in advance.

Qijiang is also very interesting. Originally, he had been OB beside the wine barrel after throwing away his skills. At this time, he took the initiative to stand in front of Akali and wanted to help block the flying stars.

At this time, Jace's figure suddenly appeared from above, raised his hand, and launched his EQ cannon.

Mr. Mingkai subconsciously took a step up, and then he suddenly remembered that the most important thing at the moment was the skill to block Zoe.

So the wine barrel quickly stood back.

However, before the barrel could fully return to block the angle of the flying star, Zoe's flying star had already crashed down, grazing the side of the barrel and hitting Akali behind her.

Most of Akali's health bar suddenly disappeared.

Almost in no particular order, Jace's cannon fired over. The wine barrel wanted to block the downward movement of the meteor, but it also happened to be out of the way for Jace to fire the cannon. This heavy cannon hit Akali directly on the head. .

Akali died suddenly on the spot.

Lin Cheng was stunned in front of the computer.

Who is playing me?

Yasuo was at the side and didn't let me release the wind wall and ran to make a bull's head. The wine barrel made a snakeskin move in front and perfectly made the angle of the two hidden arrows.

Although you occasionally encounter some delirious teammates in RANK, the cooperation between Beer and Feng Man this time is too satisfying.

As soon as Tianfei Akali fell, Jace directly switched forms and beat her up. The second company, working with the bull head, broke Yasuo's leg on the spot as he just started to rub against the ground.

It's okay if Yasuo dies, but the key is to hand over a death flash, allowing Zoe to pick up the flash and cooperate with the bull head to keep the wine barrel behind him.

After a wave of fighting, the blue side played one for three.

Wanwan: "Akali got a bubble. Her teammates need to help block the flying stars. As long as Akali is alive, she can't win in a 3V3 match. Well~~~~Yasuo chose a bigger bull head. This choice is very poor. Jess also rushed over. Wow~~~ Akali was instantly killed. The barrel moved so strangely that none of the skills were blocked. If Akali dies, both of them will die. This wave of blue Fang’s cooperation is simply shoddy.”

After a pause, she herself felt a little happy: "As long as there is a slight mistake in the movement of the wine barrels, Akali will not be killed, but it happened to perfectly get out of the way of Jess and Zoe's ballistic trajectories. Maybe he knocked his opponent It’s a bit complicated, I don’t know which floor the factory director is on?”

"This wave of midfielders and junglers teaming up to persecute top laners is simply outrageous."

"The linkage between center and jungle makes the audience laugh to death."

"Textbook-level acting skills, moved me to tears."

"Brother Chengzi: There is a mole, terminate the transaction."

"The brewer in the factory was landed in a different place by Da Sima? The snake skin's positioning is simply too essential."

"Yasuo is the biggest mole. The wine barrel can also be said to be an operational problem. If Yasuo doesn't let go of the wind wall, make a big bull head, and then send a death flash to kill the wine barrel."

"Yasuo: I heard that Zoe on the other side didn't flash? It's okay, you'll have it soon."

"I knew something was going to happen when I saw the signal from the happy man, and sure enough,"


A small rout did not have any impact on the situation on the field. Akali, who was on the road, still had an absolute advantage against Jayce.

Although Mr. Mingkai's operation is occasionally a bit messy, his consciousness is really very good.

With Akali having a great advantage on the top lane, Wine Barrel did not think about making Jess's family even worse. Instead, he called on two assistants to fight in the grass opposite the red BUFF in the upper half of the red side and behind the red BUFF. Control guards were planted in the grass.

Coupled with the vision left by Yasuo in the upper river, it basically locked the opponent's route to target Akali in the upper half.

This made Lin Cheng very comfortable to play on top, and Akali was completely riding on Jace's face to dominate.

At sixteen minutes, a team battle broke out in Xiaolongkeng between four people from the bottom half of both sides.

Lin Cheng just happened to push his troops into the second tower of the red side's top lane. He took a few steps back and turned over TP behind the troops, thinking of going down to cover the back of the red side. As a result, after finding Akali's TP position, Jess from the top lane flashed over and hit her with a hammer. Cut off his TP.

Lin Cheng, who originally cut the screen to see what was going on, was not happy about it. He chased Jace and beat him up, easily completing a solo kill outside the tower.

On the other side, although Mr. Mingkai's wine barrel did not choose to start the group first, his ultimate move in the back was very beautiful and blew up Zoe and Kai'Sa.

Yasuo is a handsome guy who dares to go up even if a bull's head is knocked away. Of course he will not back down in this situation. He then cooperates with Luo's entry, allowing the red side to directly explode with double C, and the blue side plays 0 for 4 in the lower half.

Coupled with Lin Cheng's solo kill on the top lane, the red side directly chose to surrender after being wiped out by a wave of five people.

This is the culture of the Korean server. It is easy to surrender when the team is defeated and the disadvantage is obvious. It is far less stubborn than the scrap iron and rotten copper of the national server.

"Hmm~~ It's pretty easy to win. If you win a few more games, you'll almost be in the top 50 in the Korean server."

Lin Cheng continued to send double row invitations.

Not to mention the operation, Mr. Mingkai's awareness is really good. Whether he is doing vision protection on the road or reverse crouching, he has a good grasp of it, making Lin Cheng very comfortable on the road.

Having a jungler who can protect the top laner will make the game experience of top lane players full.

You must know that Lin Cheng had been severely trained by the military when he met the opposing African team's Ueno double platoon not long ago.

Due to the need to score points, Lin Cheng did not use some of the snakeskin heroes that he usually used. He used regular warrior heroes in four consecutive rankings. Except for one Nuo hand who performed normally and held the thigh of Mr. Dai in the bottom lane to win the game, Won MVP in the other three games.

After this wave of winning streak, Lin Cheng has already exceeded 1100 points and entered the top 50 in Korean server.

Seeing that it was almost 1:30 in the morning in Korea time, Lin Cheng thanked the factory director and prepared to go offline.

Huya Live Room.

It was a pity that Lin Cheng did not plan to continue playing Wanwan. This was the first time that she had so many viewers. She couldn't help but feel happy when she saw some comments praising herself in the live broadcast room.

"The anchor's explanation is very comfortable. I'll see you next time if you pay attention."

"Wanwan is very cute, keep up the good work."

"Today I watched OB for the first time. This guy is really strong. He has been anchoring OB for so long. Who is Brother Chengzi's most powerful hero?"

"Knife sister."

Seeing this question, Wanwan didn't hesitate: "Chengzi is the strongest sword girl in the Korean server. He is the best sword girl player I have ever seen."

"To say she is the strongest is too much. Suning's new stand-up girl is the show. Have you seen it?"

Seeing the doubt, Wanwan explained, "I watch Cheng Zi's games the most. Don't believe it, the details of Cheng Zi's sword girl are the best I have ever seen."

"Is there a show of shy men and swordsmen?"

"How long has it been since I was a shy man to play Sword Girl? I'm almost ruined playing long-handed laner."

Seeing another champion top laner appear on the barrage, Wanwan pouted:

"Forget it if you don't believe it! You'll know when he plays Dao Girl next time."

Thanks to the friends who tipped yesterday, they are all old faces.

Not much to say, this book is by no means clumsy.

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