This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1187 Coming to LOL PARK again

In fact, for players, watching other people's games off the court can reveal many details that are easily overlooked on the court.

From a God's perspective, even scrap metal can point fingers at professional players. On the one hand, it really shows that bystanders understand this truth.

The new version of KT plays fewer training games than other teams, so Kang Dongxun simply organized players to watch all LCK games in the first two days of the game, and they would even watch LPL games.

Because of participating in MSI, the LCK organizers deliberately arranged KT's first week schedule in the second half in order to take care of KT, who was the last to start summer training.

On June 11, Lin Cheng got up early in the morning and did warm-up exercises on the lawn behind the base to get his body excited.

KT will make their summer split debut against DRX in an early game this afternoon.

This was Lin Cheng's first time entering the LOL PARK game after a long time, and he felt a sense of excitement that he had not seen for a long time.

After a simple warm-up, Lin Cheng jogged for nearly 40 minutes along the route from the base to the tree-lined park. After having breakfast outside, he slowly returned to the base.

After taking a shower and not rushing into the training room, Lin Cheng took the cat food and ran to the entrance of the base to feed the cat.

There are food bowls and rain shelters specially prepared for stray cats at the entrance of the base. Lin Cheng will come over to feed the nearby stray cats when he has time.

After all, everyone hangs out here, and there are some very close stray cats here. After getting to know Lin Cheng, they often take the initiative to nuzzle Lin Cheng when they see him.

Lin Cheng was too embarrassed to do it for nothing. After petting the cat a few times, he started to actively feed the stray cats here.

Over the past year, Lin Cheng has become familiar with the cats here enough to help them break up fights.

However, after Lin took his cat brother to be neutered last time, he felt that the way the two guys looked at him changed.

He always looked like he was secretly preparing to murder him.

"Hey! Don't blame me for being cruel!"

Looking at the three cats in front of him who were engulfed in food, Lin Cheng didn't care whether they understood or not, and explained in a nonchalant manner:

"You three used to fight a lot when we were eating, and I couldn't even pull you away. Look! Have you become less angry since you cut off your balls? It's great to love each other and eat in the same basin."

One of the gray and black tabby cats raised its head and meowed at Lin Cheng, and Lin Cheng automatically imagined that it was a thank you to him.

"You're welcome! Who calls me Big Brother? Not to mention cutting your balls, I will also take care of your funeral from now on."

Just as Lin Cheng was talking to the cat absentmindedly, a message alert sounded on his cell phone.

Jiyeon: My sister is coming back from Busan today! If I have time in the afternoon, I will go to watch your game.

Lin Cheng: Can you buy tickets?

The LCK summer season has started offline viewing, but due to the epidemic, only one-tenth of the seats are open. Based on the enthusiasm of KT fans, Lin Cheng is very doubtful whether Jiyan can buy tickets.

The long-awaited offline viewing of the game has opened, and the live tickets for the first two days were sold out almost as soon as they were released.

Even during the opening match, T1 fans immediately surrounded the scene. Anyway, the director searched for the camera for a long time but couldn't find any audience members to support Nong Shim.

After the game, some people questioned whether the ticket seller deliberately refused to release tickets to Nongshim fans. LCK officials also expressed aggrievedly that because the tickets were sold online, T1 fans snapped up all the tickets within two seconds of the tickets going on sale.

Let alone fans of the Nongshim team, not even the ticket seller responded.

In fact, there were scalpers in the LCK before the epidemic started. At that time, there were no electronic tickets. Popular games in which T1 participated often became the key targets of scalpers.

This scene often occurs: T1 fans who go to the venue without buying tickets and are not in a hurry just sit down and wait leisurely in the nearby cafe, and scalpers often come over waving tickets.

"Friend, do you want to cut off the money?"

The number of tickets for offline viewing this time was originally small. The organizers deliberately changed to electronic tickets not only to better cooperate with the epidemic prevention work, but also to eliminate scalpers.

But unexpectedly, with the scalpers gone, it seems harder for fans of less popular teams to get tickets.

In the past, money helped to pave the way and there were two dealers to help, but now I have to fight for tickets with countless rival fans, and the chance of getting tickets is even lower.

You don’t need to think about it to know that KT’s tickets for this afternoon will definitely be hard to get.

But in response to Lin Cheng's question, Zhiyan asked: Shouldn't there be internal votes for this kind of competition? (winks eyes)

Lin Cheng:...I'll go ask.

Zhiyan: (touching the dog’s head) Be good! Sister will cheer you on.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, KT's team bus slowly drove into the parking lot of the Grand Han City Building.

Looking up at the angular glass walls of the building in the sunshine, everyone felt a little sad.

Stepping here again after a year, it feels like a lifetime ago.

An epidemic has changed many things, and everyone has almost forgotten what life was like before the epidemic.

Of course, Lin Chengchunjue had only filmed a show here before, so he didn't have as many emotions as his teammates.

Without staying much longer, all members of KT hurried to the lounge wearing masks, preparing for their first appearance in the summer split.

"Sister Sheng Xi, I'll leave it to you."

Lin Cheng had already asked about the internal ticket situation, and Chi Shengxi said that he could take Zhiyan directly through the internal passage to watch the game.

It's a pity that today is a working day, and the wives at home go to work and go to school, otherwise Lin Cheng would have to ask Chi Shengxi to work harder.

Chi Shengxi didn't take Lin Cheng's politeness seriously, "Okay! I'll make arrangements. You play the game well and don't look bad when you get beaten up on the court."

Lin Cheng said with a smile: "Don't worry! I have already thought of an excuse. If I was beaten violently, I would say that it had been too long since I had played in front of the audience and I was a little uncomfortable."

Chi Shengxi: “······”

You are such a clever guy.

As the time approached, Ji Shengxi met Jiyeon outside the venue, and beside her was Ham Eunjung who came with her.

The two tall beauties wearing masks are quite eye-catching.

The last time Lin Cheng and Ji Yan went to Suwon to kick off the KT Wizards, Ji Shengxi was also there. They all had dinner together, and the two of them didn't seem unfamiliar. After greeting each other, Ji Shengxi took the two of them. Head to the venue.

"It's very interesting here."

Coming here for the first time, Zhiyan and Eunjing found everything new.

Except for the LOL PARK viewing hall, the three floors of the Grand Seoul Building are all LOL-related peripheral facilities, which are full of creativity.

Passing by a nearby store, Zhiyan saw Lin Cheng's team uniform hanging in a glass display window, with a very exquisitely restored player model underneath.

"Wow! This model is so cute."

"Would you like to buy one and take it back?"

Chi Shengxi gave a very constructive suggestion: "If you don't like Lin Cheng, just use his model to vent your anger."

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