This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1194 Little Peanut’s Secret Pain Mask

Lin Cheng's move of pretending to have eyes really deceived the DRX personnel. The prince of Pyosik originally wanted to come up to see if there was any chance, but as soon as he got the information that the grass in the river might have eyes, he immediately turned around and left.

It is true that the prince can block his vision and go around the triangle grass on Dragon Pit EQ to catch Gwen.

However, the prince's theoretical GANK success rate without the red BUFF and level 1 Gnar is too low, even if Gwen only has half health.

More importantly, the prince was originally slow in clearing the jungle. He had to wait for the skill CD to go from Dragon Pit EQ. Regardless of whether he could catch Gwen to death, the prince would most likely explode if he dared to appear in the jungle on the top lane.

Because Galio in the middle now has no line rights, the blind monk in the lower half of the jungle can boldly invade the jungle.

This year's Little Peanut is not a newbie. When there is an opportunity to invade the wild area, Little Peanut is actually very proactive this year.

Everyone said that after a year of rehab in the LPL, the former carnivorous jungle king was back.

Although Little Peanut mainly focuses on invading jungle resources this year, which is different from the original crazy fighting rhythm, it does not mean that this style of play is not radical.

In this way, Lin Cheng slowly pushed the lane on the top lane to prevent Gnar from easily gaining experience. Kingen took the red pill and returned to half health. Although it cannot be said that he did not get any experience at all, the discomfort was really uncomfortable.

Finally, at the beginning of 3 minutes, Gwen accumulated a large wave of troops and was about to enter the tower.

"Would you like to come over and have a look? Jiawen is down below."

Just as Xiao Peanut was about to control the river crab, he saw an opportunity to hit the road.

Gnar is still only at level one, and Gwen and Blind Sin are both at level three and will definitely take action.

"Of course we have to cross over. I'll wait for you to come over and take the first move."

So, just as the troops entered the tower, the blind monk sent a signal to prepare to cross the tower.

"Hurry up! He may be promoted to second grade!"

Lin Cheng couldn't accurately judge how many soldiers his opponent had lost, but after seeing Gnar grabbing two remaining health towers and sending troops, he still felt that something might be wrong.

Now it is impossible for Gwen to be alone under the tower and not let go of the opponent's A soldier.

Fortunately, Kingen is not angry at all, and he is not afraid of Gnar getting bigger.

Finally, the little peanut came out from the blue square grass.

Gwen went face-to-face with Gnar.

"Do it!"

Blind Monk W touches Gwen to get close, and starts with E skill.

Lin Cheng had already accumulated the fourth level of Q skill charge in advance. At the moment when the blind monk attracted the hatred of the enemy's defense tower, Gwen's Q was cut with a sharp knife.

The scissors in Gwen's hand opened and closed rapidly, cutting the fan-shaped area crazily, and the center position was frantically causing real damage to Gnar.

But what a coincidence, just when the blind monk W came over, Gnar used a dart to make up for the remaining health of the minions and reach the second level.

Gnar jumped directly to the side, preparing to avoid the damage of the sharp knife.

Lin Cheng reacted quickly, and immediately moved quickly with his E skill to adjust his position. His Q knife cut randomly, and the final cut with the highest damage hit Gnar, who was jumping in the air.

Gnar landed, and Blind Sin just launched his Q at close range.

Little Peanut played a trick, using the Q skill Tianyin Wave to predict the position of Gnar's flash back.

But he thought of Kingen too high, and when he saw the blind monk's Q Gnar, he didn't even react to cross-dodge.

As a result, Little Peanut's close-range sound wave directly missed Gnar and failed.

"Hey! Forget it, let's not pursue it."

"Didn't you tell me earlier?"


Just as Lin Cheng's Gwen was about to turn around, Blind Sin had already flashed over and attacked Gnar with his basic attack A.

You know, Little Peanut has already taken advantage of Gnar's Q to slow down. Lin Cheng didn't expect that he would dare to dodge to chase Gnar behind the tower.

He wants to take me with him!

Lin Cheng realized something was wrong.

"Brothers, wish for your own blessings!"

Gwen turned and ran away without looking back.

It's not that Lin Cheng is betraying his teammates. Gwen is sprinting on the CD. After just completing the QE, it is obviously impossible to cross the tower to follow the DPS. If he goes forward, he may get a double kill.

Although Gnar has cut off a lot of HP, the blind monk's Q skill with the highest damage has been used up. Peanut's flash forward does not make sense.

The blind monk flashed past and found that the damage was obviously not enough. It was too late to go behind the tower, and he was quickly killed by the defense tower with the cooperation of Gnar.

Zeyuan: "Here he comes! KT's three-minute catch! This Gnar is only level one. If he dies, it will be a disaster! Little Peanut doesn't even bother to fight crabs and he just comes here. This is his love for Brother Chengzi." ·····Are you in Gan Shen Mo?”

Just now, he was about to praise Little Peanut's thinking, but after seeing his operation, Zeyuan's voice suddenly rose.

"What does this flash mean? Isn't this a gift?"

Xiaomi: "Ah~~~This? There seems to be something wrong with this operation."

Zeyuan: "It's outrageous! Peanut's wave is too outrageous! It's okay if the Q in the face is so crooked! The flash at the back is simply a gift. Gwen's QE is already handed in and it's obvious that he can't follow the output. You pull it out and don't let Gnar. It’s over once the eating tower goes offline!”

"What does it mean to flash forward and forcefully deliver? Even if the blind monk didn't come, Gnar would have been crushed. As soon as he came, he immediately revitalized the opponent! This is because he is afraid that Brother Orange will be too comfortable in the top lane, right? Give your teammates some points. strength?"

As he spoke, Zeyuan couldn't help but laugh out loud after thinking about it: "Haha! Now Gnar has double BUFFs. Brother Chengzi doesn't know if he wants to tell the coach now that he wants to play jungle. ?”

The barrage has already raised a lot of question marks.


"What a pinch! The senior colonel just talked about Little Peanut's love for Brother Chengzi, and this is the result?"

"This operation is really outrageous! Just follow your words, right?"

"Ueno is going to break up, it's a yes!"

"Send a human head + double BUFF, this scene of wolf walking is so familiar! The recipe of the Pain Mask is exactly the same."

"What is this? Peanut is starting again?"

"This is how batch students are, they are like gods and ghosts, and when they eat, they are like silver."

"Come clean! He wasn't acting in Lao Gan Daddy last year, he sounded so real."

The director quickly gave the replay, and it turned out that he was really in a hurry.

Gnar's E didn't move far away when he had no minions and only had a short jump. Originally, it was almost a sure kill for Gwen to cut the Lee Sin first and then Q. It just makes this move look stupid.

The director was very engaging and immediately gave Lin Cheng's first-person perspective.

Lin Cheng was a little surprised when he discovered that his teammates were operating the meal. Later, he did not realize that he was being persecuted. Instead, he started teasing:

"Mo Ya? Han Wanghao, did you think that the way I gave you first blood just now was so handsome? Come here and take a look, too?"

The KT fans at the scene originally sighed with regret because of this tower jump, but they also burst into laughter after hearing the real-time voice playback.

Since Lin Cheng is still so relaxed, they have no reason not to believe that their own players can come back.

It's only two heads, so it's not a big problem.

As long as Lin Cheng can still smile, there is no reason for fans to put on a stern face, right?

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