After a game of dodgeball, Lin Cheng and his teammates went to the dormitory to fight. Kang Dongxun patted the suit jacket on the ground and arranged it by the car window.

Acorn, who was wearing a dirty white shirt next to him, suddenly asked: "Everyone seems to have become more active since Lin Cheng joined. Was the team atmosphere such a good one when you were in KZ?"

Kang Dongxun adjusted his cuffs and said: "It's different. The atmosphere of the two teams is different. Gorilla exists in KZ. He is a bit like a parent. Lin Cheng is better at adjusting the atmosphere in KT."

Originally, he wanted to describe it as "assimilating" his teammates, but he felt that it seemed a bit inappropriate. It was a bit like a fool assimilating a group of people.

"It can't be said to adjust the atmosphere. People in the club naturally seem more casual when talking to him."

Acorn has his own opinion, "I have watched their training more than you. Lin Cheng may have a different approach to interpersonal relationships because he is Chinese, but he has no pressure to get along with his teammates.

This group of players has been playing professionally for a long time. To put it bluntly, they all look a bit like veterans. If they were replaced by a well-behaved Korean top laner, they would not be able to integrate into the team like Lin Cheng in a short period of time. "

Kang Dongxun straightened his collar: "No matter what, everything depends on the results. If KT's results are too poor, no matter how good the team atmosphere is, it won't matter. We might all be kicked out next season."

Acorn: "····"

Can you please stop talking about such a heavy topic? Do you know how difficult it is to find a job during the epidemic?

Of course, the epidemic in South Korea has actually been under control to a large extent during this period. The number of new cases has dropped to double digits for more than ten consecutive days. Compared with the two days in early March when there were 1,000 new cases per day, it is much better. many.

After learning from domestic epidemic prevention experience, South Korea, combined with its own situation, can be regarded as providing other countries with another anti-epidemic idea that does not require large-scale city closures.

On Saturday night, in order to thank the three of them for taking care of Enxi during this period, Zheng Shiyan specially invited Lin Cheng and the others to have dinner at home.

It could be seen that Zheng Shiyan really didn't seem to be very proficient in cooking. Except for the roast beef, all other dishes were delivered by calling a nearby restaurant, but they tasted very good.

After dinner, Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan helped Zheng Shiyan clean up. Lin Cheng sat on the floor and played with his mobile phone with peace of mind. The little girl Enxi leaned next to him and watched the little penguin Bao LuLu on TV seriously.

The official action was very fast. The trailer for the second round of the opening game, which was filmed yesterday afternoon, has been posted on Youtube. In just half a day, it has already received a lot of views, and Lin Cheng also clicked on it.

The trailer begins with cutscenes of all members of KT and DWG. Unfortunately, Lin Cheng only joined in the middle of the season and did not record his own model when collecting LOL PARK models at the beginning of the season. The cutscenes seemed very perfunctory.

The others all have awesome special effects, all kinds of thunder, lightning, flames and special effects weapons, but he only has a back figure wearing a team uniform and showing his profile. This was taken at the base yesterday.

Hmm~~~ But with his good looks, even a silhouette can kill others instantly.

After the cutscene between the two players, the two team logos suddenly collided together, and then entered the interactive session.

"Cheng? He is a good rookie player, but I will let him have a taste of my strength when we encounter him. He seems to have not encountered too much pressure since he came on the court. It is time for him to feel the LCK competition and He plays RANK differently."

The first thing to appear in the video is DWG's top laner Nuguri sitting on a chair and saying "cruel words" to the camera with a serious look on his face.

Compared with the seniors from the OGN era, Niu Bao's harsh words are a bit weak. After all, he is a relatively humble player and does not speak so arrogantly.

What's outrageous is that it's obviously a trailer released by Youtube, but a series of alien avatars appear on the expanded barrage.

Because Nuguri is ridiculed by Chinese netizens for looking like an alien, this barrage was mostly posted by handsome guys from Mainland China.

Then the scene changed, Lin Cheng was sitting on a chair with his back to the camera, and only the ID on his back could be seen.

"Nuguri? He is a good top laner. I have high expectations for the pressure he said. If I face him, even if I can't win in the lane, I won't stay behind. I want him to know that I am the best in LCK. Aggressive top order.”

Before he finished speaking, the camera slowly turned from the side to show Lin Cheng's 45-degree profile.

Just in time, Lin Cheng turned his head slightly and looked at the camera, "When the time comes...please use your strength."

As soon as Lin Cheng's arrogant words came out, the barrage exploded. Korean, English and Chinese were mixed, and the most numerous ones were in Chinese.

"This look is amazing, so handsome."

"Damn it! It's been a long time since LCK had such an arrogant trash talk session."

"Nuguri was blown away as soon as she started looking good."

"Brother Chengzi talks so coquettishly, what will he do if Niu Bao beats him up?"

"It doesn't matter. The factory director has a lot of experience in talking nonsense and turning things upside down. Brother Chengzi can ask for advice."

"Is that the devil in front?"


In the video, Nuguri couldn't help laughing after hearing Lin Cheng's words, "Wow~~~ Then I have to ask him for advice. My playing style is also very aggressive, although the coach told me that I should play more as a team. , but I think I can definitely beat him with operations.”

"I'm good at operations, but that doesn't mean I only know how to play the line. As I said in the interview before, I want to get help from my teammates more than playing the line myself."

Lin Cheng curled his lips, "What fancy operations are vulnerable to a swing, I believe my teammates will give me more help.

His jungler is busy farming, my jungler is helping me gank, his solo jungler invades the jungle, my solo jungler comes up to help me squat in the bushes, the second level TP goes on the road and gives me kills, I don’t even know the lines How to lose? "

"Haha! I was laughing so hard. Brother Cheng's taste is too strong."

"It's true! The jungler and mid laner are treating me like dogs, how can I lose online?"

"It's really a bit strange. KT are all prince junglers, and the middle lane is full of bastard heroes. They are really trying to protect the top lane."

"Why does such harsh words sound so strange? But he still feels confident about it."


Lin Cheng's words are not nonsense. Cayon had a strong desire to gank last year, but this year he also preferred to farm due to the changes in the jungle. In this version where other teams in all lanes are being used as junglers, Bono and Kuro The tendency to help Lin Cheng on the road is very obvious.

Other teams give priority to helping the jungler develop and control resources. KT even has the situation where the jungler is captured at the second level and the second TP in the middle is on the road. It is really unique in the LCK.

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