This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 125 He gave too much (please vote for me)

Regardless of the increasing number of barrages in the live broadcast room, the two chatted while waiting in line for the game to start.

Although the age difference is nearly four years, they are both playing in the LCK for the first time, so they still have a lot of topics to talk about.

Keria: "Brother, do you know Crisp?"

Lin Cheng: "That support person from FPX? I've heard of it but I don't know him. What's wrong?"

Keria: "I chatted with him last time and found it quite interesting."

Lin Cheng: "He is Chinese, and he doesn't speak Korean like me. How can you chat?"

Keria: “We communicate in English.”

Lin Cheng was silent. He didn't know how good Liu Qingsong's English was, but Keria's English was really at the level of a construction site.

He still remembers the words Keria posted on the public screen when they first communicated: you fiora is good.

Can these two people communicate in English?

Lin Cheng thought for a moment: "I'll teach you a few Chinese words, and you'll be able to connect with him next time."

Keria was pleasantly surprised: "Really? I heard that Chinese is difficult to learn."

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Those are all prejudices. As far as I know, FPX players only need a few simple words to communicate with each other."

Keria was very interested: "Okay, okay, you can teach me, and next time I will double queue with him."

Lin Cheng: "Well~~If he carries, you just say to him, 'Daddy loves you'."

Keria: "Dad~~Dad~~love~you!"

Lin Cheng: "Yes, this sentence means nice. If you have nothing to do, you can talk to him more. If he behaves badly, you can say 'shabi' to him."

Keria: "Sha~~~bi! What does this mean?"

Lin Cheng: "This means cheering. Whenever you are at a disadvantage, remember to say this to encourage him. The same goes for 'brainless'."

"Shabi~~brainless~~shabi~~brainless! Shabi! This sentence is quite easy."

Keria repeated it several times seriously and felt that she had gained a lot.

Lin Cheng was also very measured and did not teach him too much vocabulary. He knew the team culture of FPX in advance. Liu Qingsong would definitely not be angry because of such words.

The big guys in the live broadcast room didn't know what they were talking about at first, but when they heard Keria started to use swear words, they immediately exploded.

"Damn it! Brother Chengzi is so bad, he taught Keria to swear."

"Keria is such a lovely young man, Brother Cheng is no longer a human being."

"I understand Korean. He is teaching Keria how to communicate with Liu Qingsong."

"Keria thought it was a good thing to say, and she studied it so seriously, haha."

"Isn't there another classic FPX phrase called "Xi Ba"? Oh~~~it turns out he knows it."


The double queue time in the Korean server's King's Game is usually relatively long. The two chatted for almost five minutes and still couldn't find the game.

Keria: "Brother! I received a tweet saying that I am your fan and asking what kind of person you like."

Lin Cheng: "??? Why do you ask this?"

Seeing that Lin Cheng didn't speak, Keria continued: "Brother, just tell me. This person rewarded me with 100,000 Korean won. I will be embarrassed if you don't answer."

Lin Cheng deliberately told this innocent young man: What is 100,000 won? Come to Douyu and take a look at the anchors here. There are anchors who rewarded 100,000 yuan to show their face. Are you embarrassed?

100,000 Korean won is equivalent to about 600 RMB. It would be nice for a well-known anchor in China to say "Thank you, boss" to you.

However, there seems to be nothing to hide from this kind of question. Lin Cheng simply said: "Well~~~Didn't he ask me what kind of person I like? I like women."

Keria opened her mouth, as if nothing was wrong?

As a result, at this time, a new reward message appeared in the upper left corner and a voice announcement sounded, asking Lin Cheng what kind of woman he liked.

Keria: "What kind of woman do you like?"

Lin Cheng: "I like beautiful women."

As soon as he finished speaking, Keria's Twitch live broadcast room sounded a tipping prompt again.

Keria: "Brother! Can you be more specific?"

Lin Cheng changed the subject: "Am I not specific enough? Just stop gossiping."

Keria sighed: "I don't want to either, he gave too much! He rewarded me three times in a row."

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Okay, Minxi remember to treat me to dinner next time."

Keria agreed immediately. Lin Cheng thought about it and answered the question seriously for the first time:

"In addition to being beautiful and having a good figure, the girl I like also needs to be gentle. I can't stand her being too fierce."

"The other thing is to be kind and treat the elderly and children well."

"Hmm~~~ It would be nice if I had long hair. Although short hair is not impossible, long hair is more in line with my aesthetics."

"Oh, by the way! You better know how to cook, because I can't."

Keria had the mentality of a crowd-pleaser, and said with a smile: "Who wouldn't like the kind of girl you mentioned? Brother, just think about it, don't really ask for it, otherwise you will easily stay single for the rest of your life. "

Lin Cheng: "·····"

Why is this person speaking so honestly?

When Lin Cheng translated what he just said in Chinese, Douyu's barrage exploded.

"Damn it! Is your condition like this a dream?"

"Beauty, good figure, gentleness, kindness, these are all the best qualities of a woman. Why don't you go to heaven?"

"It's outrageous that you still need to know how to cook. Aren't all men cooking now?"

"Little K is right, Lin Cheng is destined to be single."

"Stop daydreaming. Isn't it good to just live with your two-dimensional wife?"

"That's right, I'm so happy dating my wives every night. Let me think about it, it's Sister Pao's turn today."

"Sister Pao is mine! Draw your sword, Zaizhong!"


After being ridiculed by Douyu's barrage for a long time, they finally entered the hero selection page, and the two began to have a serious conversation about hero selection.

Lin Cheng: "The opponent has chosen Li Qing, which jungler do you choose? Do you want the whole spider to join us in the jungle?"

Keria: "I want to choose Gragas. I have been practicing this hero support recently, and the jungle can also be used."

Lin Cheng was a little happy: "Okay, how about my top laner Yasuo? Wine Barrel Yasuo is a perfect match."

Keria's hand shook. Others didn't know it. He knew very well what kind of urinary properties Lin Cheng's Yasuo had.

Lin Cheng's operation is fine, but he is too happy to play Yasuo. No matter how big the advantage is, he can kill you suddenly. When the two of them play in duo queue, Lin Cheng basically doesn't win much when he gets Yasuo.

Of course, it's not completely absolute. When someone on the opposite side hangs up, it's not difficult for them to win even if Lin Cheng uses Yasuo.

Keria smiled reluctantly: "It's better not to, brother, the opponent's top laner hasn't even been released yet, so it's not appropriate to take Yasuo first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the opponent took the first step and locked Nall.

Lin Cheng was delighted: "Haha! Opposite Gnar, I, Yasuo, are just right."

Keria was silent for two seconds, "Brother, I want to go to the toilet, how about we get there first?"

Lin Cheng: "???"

Steal some monthly tickets, guys, it’s so bleak, it should be on the shelves next Friday

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