This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1245 Somewhat personal grudges

Junri: "The lineups of both sides have been determined! It's a pity that Yasuo is not played by Cheng Zi, but KT's lineup style is really fierce! I won't tell you about the pull, I will definitely kill my opponent when I rush in."

Yutong: "The lineups of both sides seem to be two extremes. On T1, Jess + Tsar + EZ have very long hands and need to be pulled. On the other side, KT has very short hands and needs to be all in. It all depends on how they play during the laning period."

"If T1 has an advantage in the early stage, then there will be a lot of room for three long hands + Rambo to stand in the field of vision, but if KT has an advantage in turn, this lineup will rush in and kill indiscriminately."

While the game was loading, the players from both sides were still having final discussions.

Little Peanut: "The lower lane is more stable in the early stage. I will brush up to cover Lin Cheng's line. Don't be too aggressive."

Mr. Dai: "Let's develop safely in front, Xiang Hao, don't be too aggressive."

Effort: "But I'm not good at last-hitting! I'll be very annoyed by the opponent!"

Lin Cheng: "Don't be cowardly! First spread the opponent's ashes before finishing the attack."

Little Peanut: "Lin Chengqi, please don't instigate me randomly, stay safe and develop in the bottom lane and wait for the group fight."

Taurus + Senna is actually a very abstract combination. Fortunately, the opponent's AD is an EZ that is not very capable of suppressing it. Otherwise, Taurus would have been very uncomfortable if he had to hit the last hit.

In fact, Lin Cheng's suggestion is not a big problem. It does not necessarily mean killing the opponent. This combination requires Senna to be responsible for harassing the opponent and putting pressure on the opponent. Otherwise, the pressure on the Niutou's last hit will be very high.

However, when Senna is consumed in the lane, she cannot give the female tank a chance to easily hit her, which will test the details of the players.

Senna's longer hand + recovery + consumption than the hero lane can give headaches to most ADs who are strong in lane, but the weakness of this hero is also very obvious, as brittle as paper, and the lane will really be opened up and fight to the death. Na can even be regarded as the weakest hero.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Blind Monk chose the main system of precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Joy, and Perseverance, and the secondary system of resolute: Wind of Resurrection, and Firmness.

In this version of the game, Jace is not very good at fighting against the blind monk. The blind monk has a very strong close combat ability. Unless Jace can suppress the opponent's health in advance, Jace will easily suffer a loss in the fight.

The reason why Canna took advantage of Jace when she saw the possibility of Lee Sin taking over was mainly to maximize the long-hand poke ability of the T1 lineup, and Jace is also the hero Canna uses the most.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng and Chaowei went to the middle and upper lines respectively, while KT's duo and Jiao Yue went straight to the bottom line and hit the grass.

This season, no matter which AD appears in T1, they like to let the support level 1 be the bottom lane bush keeper to grab the lane advantage. Knowing the opponent's habits, the three brothers of KT went straight to the bottom lane to see if they could catch the keeper support.

"Squat down here and wait."

The three brothers entered the grass and squatted down. After waiting for two or three seconds, a jewelry eye appeared under their feet.


Evert, who was standing on the edge of the upper grass, didn't even think about it before he dodged directly into the middle grass.

Teammates were shocked!

You have no vision and are not afraid of five people in the grass?

Fortunately, Evert was right.

There are no bullets in the gun on the other side.

The blue side really only had one support person come over to do the ward, and the female tank was knocked into the air.

Mr. Dai didn't expect his support to be so fierce. Senna and Jiaoyue both started to prepare to remove their eyes. When they found out that their teammates had fallen on Mr. Dai, they quickly learned the W skill and threw Endless Stay.

But the skill connection is still slow.


Keria landed and dodged, but was not controlled by Senna.

The first wave of support from both sides exchanged flashes.

Junri: "Ah what??? What do you mean by the bull-headed Q flash? The damage of these three people is not enough, right? The female tank was also scared out of the flash!"

Yutong: "This is really scary! Keria's first reaction when she saw the bull head Q flashing was that there were five people behind the bull head. In fact, even if he eats three people like Senna W, he might not be able to kill him, but after all There is still a certain danger in the ignition of the cow headband, and cross-flash is no problem.”

Junri: "I can only say that Evert's Q Flash has some personal grudges! Otherwise, there is really no reason to be so fierce."

As the people from the middle and lower half of the two sides met one after another, Lin Cheng's blind monk touched the grass on the upper river.

When encountering a level one blind monk in the wild, he would definitely hit Jace casually, but he didn't capture Canna's position.

Soldiers from both sides arrived, and Jace appeared after the soldiers.

Canna may have guessed that the blind monk would be hiding in the grass on the side road, and Jace deliberately positioned himself in the direction of the river.

Lin Cheng stood at the edge of the grass in the river and observed it, and learned the Q skill. Tianyin Wave flew over from the river and hit Jace next to the soldier.

Lin Cheng walked out against the wall of the upper river channel, trying to see if he could deceive Jace's Q.

Canna retreated, trying to distance himself from the blind monk's second Q.

As soon as Lin Cheng saw his opponent's movements, he immediately pressed forward and activated the second phase of the echo attack before the Q skill was about to enter CD.

The blind monk flew over and landed flat on the ground, and immediately pulled him sideways into the grass next to him.

Canna retreated to the grass on the lower side road. Although Jace would not attract the hatred of the red side's minions in this position, the blue side's three long-range soldiers hit the blind monk and were immediately pulled away by Lin Cheng.

After Jace fired a shot to the face, he retreated and moved A, switching to the beating mode Q to slow down the blind monk and pull back.


When Jess pulled away, the blind monk's body lit up with golden axes, which were just stacked with Conquerors.

Although he also got two Qs from Jace's dual form, Lin Cheng still had a small advantage in terms of blood volume, and Jace was still a little short of reaching the full stack of Conquerors.

More importantly, just after the two sides separated, Lin Cheng's Q skill became better again.

Seeing Lin Cheng turn around, Canna pulled away and wanted to follow him to grab the thread.

Blind Monk suddenly reacted and shot Tianyin Wave.

Canna was already on guard, and Jace turned back almost as soon as the blind monk raised his hand.

But what Lin Cheng predicted was the position where his opponent would turn around, and Tianyinbo hit again.

The blind monk kicked him forward.

"Brothers! I won the laning match!"

As soon as this Q hit, Lin Cheng knew that he had won the battle.

With the second stage of Q's killing damage, the blind monk with a full stack of Conquerors landed and crippled Jace with two kicks. Canna switched to cannon mode in time and accelerated to run back.

After taking a look at the opponent's health bar, Lin Cheng resisted the urge to cross with a flat A.

Jace was already on drugs. He flashed A and was sure to survive. He had already made a profit by crippling his opponent.

Junri: "Hey! Is the top lane so fierce? Canna is going to be outdone... Fortunately, Brother Orange didn't pursue him, but how can Jess fight in the lane with this amount of health? He has to pay TP! At level one on the top lane It’s cracked.”

Yutong: "To be honest, no one can beat the blind monk with two Qs at the first level. Canna is a little careless, but I have never seen a blind monk who learned Q at the first level in the competition. I can only say that he is confident. If When the blind monk's second Q is empty, he will be suppressed by Jess using his long hand."

Junri: "No! How come this blind monk Q is so accurate? This prediction turns out to be really cool."

Live broadcast room barrage.

"Brother Chengzi, the blind monk is too tough! The top lane is over."

"This is the first time I've seen a level 1 blind monk learn Q in a competition."

"Junbao's eyes were full of disbelief: Impossible! Blind Monk Q is not that easy to hit!"

"Trivia: This year's Major's blind monk in the Interpretation Cup has a level one face-to-face crazy empty Q."

"The blind monk with two Qs at level one is invincible, right? I feel like no hero can beat him."

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