This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1252 I want to fight AD!

After a short intermission, players from both sides sat on the seats and waited for the BP to begin.

What’s interesting is that T1 chose to make substitutions.

Teddy exits and Little Lu Bu enters.

In the first game, Teddy actually played without any problems. It was purely because the T1 midfielder was beaten to pieces by KT. Logically speaking, he had relatively little to lose.

Of course, perhaps T1's coaching staff believes that T1's lack of a big advantage in the bottom lane is also a problem.

The upper midfielder can't beat him anyway, so it's better to use a more aggressive player to penetrate KT's bottom lane.

It's obviously almost impossible to beat Mr. Wear with Teddy's style, so let's go up to Xiao Lu Bu and let the bottom duo form a duo of two young people to work hard.

After all, with T1's current personnel configuration, no matter how they are arranged and combined, the top, middle and jungle can't beat KT, so it is better to think of something in the bottom lane.

It can be seen that T1's director Danny is a very thoughtful person, and he is constantly making adjustments to try to make the team more effective.

However, he ignored the emotional issues of the players.

The players on the T1 roster are almost all players who can stably start in other teams. Frequent lineup changes will only make people in the team unstable. Danny has a great time playing with the combination but does not take care of the emotions of the players. Such a team It's strange to have cohesion.

Lin Cheng joked with his teammates.

"Lao Dai! I want to play AD and settle my personal grudges with the opponent... Do you want to play top lane?"

"Okay! I want to become a top laner with a 100% career winning rate! Your statistics are even more bluffing than Lin Cheng's."

Lin Cheng was delighted when he heard this, "It's a trick! Hit it and run away. Then I will be an AD with a 100% winning rate in my career."

Little Peanut interjected: "Have you two ever thought about what if you become top laner and AD with a career winning rate of 0%?"

"Han Wanghao, don't say depressing words."

The teammates all laughed and joked.

Kang Dongxun, on the other hand, had a serious face, "You guys, be serious! Don't think of fancy things, just be serious on the court."


"If you have something to say, just say it."

"Your zipper is open."

Lin Cheng's words shocked Kang Dongxun, and he quickly lowered his head and checked the camera quietly.

Fortunately, the zipper was not opened.

Seeing the coach's actions, KT's idiots laughed under the leadership of Lin Cheng.

Listening to the laughter of the team members, Kang Dongxun silently wrote and drew in his BP notebook.

Don’t forget the national humiliation, write it down first.

Lin Cheng, this little brat, has been dancing too much lately! You have to find a chance to deal with him.


Soon, BP officially started.

The loser chooses a side. This time T1 still chooses the blue side BAN first.

The blue side's three BAN positions in the first round were given to Daomei, Qinggangying, and Gwen, which were exactly the same as the first three BANs in the first game.

There is no way, the BP pressure of any team facing KT is huge. Lin Cheng's past performance will always make the opponent's coaching staff feel numb when designing BP.

From another perspective, Lin Cheng actually also reduced the workload for the opponent coach.

Anyway, you don’t dare to let go of the heroes that threaten Brother Cheng, just copy the BAN players from other teams and that’s it.

As long as you don't overthink the extravagant hope of beating KT, you won't have a headache at all.

The first three BANs of red side KT were given to Xin Zhao, Thresh and Tahm Kench.

Different from Teddy's style, Lu Bu is better at large-core AD, so KT simply targeted Thresh and Tahm Kench, two supports with excellent protective capabilities.

According to Little Lu Bu's aggressive style, if Keria can't get Tahm Kench and Thresh, even if he has a big advantage in the bottom lane, Little Lu Bu can kill you in minutes.

Starting to choose people, the blue side snatched the blind monk.

Junri: "Let's start robbing the blind monk! The last one caused Orange Brother's blind monk to suffer a heavy defeat. T1 simply couldn't beat it and joined in. When he came up, he robbed the blind monk first."

"If you grab one of the three BANs, can you still beat me?"

Yu Tong: "Actually, this hand to grab the blind monk is still aimed at Brother Chengzi. This blind monk may be Canna. Let's see what Brother Chengzi will use to fight the blind monk later? The nightmare is still out there."

The barrage coach gives guidance.

"It's not possible. The blind monk is 100% used by rat men. The T1 blind monk uses rat men the most."

"Indeed! Canna blind monk is the best used by T1. The blind monk with a small window in ICU and non-intelligent casting smells strange when played."

"Come on! I still remember Canna, the ultimate criminal blind monk. He didn't learn the ultimate move at level 6 and came to the middle to gank. Brother Li was already on him, only to realize that he didn't learn the ultimate move and killed Brother Li."

"Is it really that outrageous? You don't even know whether you have learned the ultimate move or not?"

"Just wait until Brother Orange takes Jace and beats up the rat boy. Let's have a teaching round!"

Seeing that the blind monk was robbed, the red side locked EZ + Seti on the first and second floors.

Mr. Dai is also a good player in EZ, and Seti can start as a swing position.

The blue side backhandedly offered Bright Moon + Aphelios.

Junri: "It's very fierce! Even without Tahm and Thresh, Lu Bu still brought out his signature Aphelios. This hero is really easy to play against EZ. T1's bottom lane must be offensive. "

Yutong: "Actually, T1 can steal Yasuo's hand first. I wonder if KT will target Yasuo in the second round? Or maybe Faker is sure not to play Yasuo?"

Seeing that the opponent had snatched away the bright moon, the red side locked Rambo on the third floor.

The junglers of both sides were swapped, but Peanut had the opportunity to have a teaching round.

Second round of BAN people.

The red side KT targeted and banned the protective auxiliary Braum and Lulu.

The blue square T1 presses down the nightmare + crocodile.

The selection process began, and KT selected Titan on the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor of the blue square, the Japanese girl was sacrificed, and the card was finally determined.

Obviously, the effect of playing a big core like the Czar in the middle of the last game was not good, so T1 simply asked Faker to use cards to drive the team's rhythm.

No matter what his status is, at least in terms of experience, Faker can be said to be currently matched by few people. A rhythm hero like Card really suits his current situation.

Seeing that the opponent's card was confirmed in the middle, KT immediately decided to move Seti to the middle.

In the early stage, it is too easy for Sett to push the line of cards. The cornerstone rune brings Swift Steps, and the secondary system points out the Wind of Resurgence. The Dolan Shield card on his back when going out cannot consume Sett's blood. In the early stage, Sett can easily Wander around.

Therefore, only Lin Cheng's hero has yet to be determined.

Kang Dongxun: "Lin Cheng, do you want to play AD?"

Lin Cheng: "I'm kidding! I don't want to go out and play EZ. Coach, you can't avenge yourself."

Kang Dongxun's face darkened.

God avenges his personal revenge, although I still think about it.

"Who told you to go down and play EZ? I mean, what do you think of Lucian?"


Lin Cheng thought for a moment, "Hey! It seems pretty good! Just Lucian!"

According to Lin Cheng's line-pressing style of play, it would be too easy to get caught by choosing a short-legged warrior in this game. Indeed, Lucian is a relatively good choice and goes well with the lineup.

Therefore, Evert helped lock Lucian in the last resort.

Unexpectedly, the joke before the game came true, and Lin Cheng still played AD.

Although this AD failed to move forward to face Xiao Lu Bu.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue Square T1:

Top lane: Canna (Blind Monk, Lee Sin)

Jungler: Cuzz (Moon Goddess, Diana)

Middle: Faker (Card Master, Drizzt)

Bottom lane: Gumayusi (the solemnity of the waning moon, Aphelios)

Support: Keria (Goddess of Dawn, Leona)

Red side KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Lance Ranger, Lucian)

Jungler: Peanut (Mechanical Enemy, Rambo)

Middle: Chovy (Wrist Hao, Seti)

Bottom lane: Deft (Explorer, Ezreal)

Support: Effort (Abyssal Titan, Nautilus)

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