This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1259 Shock Wave Leader

After winning the game, Lin Cheng took off his headphones and complained.

"Wow~~~ I had a chance to get five kills, but you went too far, Lao Dai."

Lin Cheng scored four kills on Lucian in the last wave. Unfortunately, when he killed the first person, Mr. Dai killed Jiao Yue. Looking back, Lin Cheng felt that he had missed the opportunity to kill five.

Facing Lin Cheng's accountability, Deft refused to accept: "It's obviously you who stole my pentakill, okay? How many times have you robbed us of our pentakill this season? Tell me for yourself."

Lin Cheng was angry, but didn't know how to refute.

After all, according to the system prompts, Mr. Dai really hit the kill half a second earlier than him.

I just hate that I didn't kill fast enough.

Little Peanut ignored the intrigue between the two and hugged Lin Cheng's shoulders with a smile, "Lin Cheng, is my crucible cool this round?"

"Handsome! Han Wanghao is so handsome!"

At first, Lin Cheng wanted to complain that Xiaohuahua was a bad bastard, but now he decided to act according to the prevailing situation.

Just praise when you should, Brother Cheng is a real person.

Little Peanut's two crucial crucibles were given too well. The control chain of Card Card, a hero who deals cards at fixed points and connects to female tanks, is a bit unsolvable. If Lin Cheng is defeated, KT's team fight will be really difficult.

Although Rambo is the team's only source of AP damage and the first one to use Crucible is a bit abstract, but after all, the game is won, and Little Peanut can be washed even if he uses Infinite.

Little Peanut was very confident: "I knew the opponent wanted to start a fight. During the team battle, I kept looking at him and preparing to release the crucible. Is his hand speed good?"

Mr. Dai had something to say again: "Ha! Are you so proud of your hand speed? What did you solve in the last wave?"

It was the last team fight where KT had a huge advantage. Mr. Dai accidentally moved and was backhand stopped by the Japanese girl's ultimate move.

When the stun effect was about to end, a light suddenly flashed on EZ's body. Although KT had already won the team battle, the commentator still didn't hold back at that time.

What hand speed is this for the elderly? You have to press Purify after all the dizziness is over, right?

However, the misunderstanding was soon resolved. After carefully looking at the status bar, everyone discovered that EZ had not purified it at that time, and it was Xiaohuahua who gave it to him.

The audience was even more upset.

When pressing the crucible for Lin Cheng, the delay is as high as 1.5 seconds.

What are the ingredients in peanuts?

Faced with Mr. Dai's complaints, Xiao Huahua chuckled and said, "I didn't have time to look at you just now. Didn't I use it to add blood to your mouth in the end?"

Mr. Dai: "But what you produced was a crucible, not a Macon."

Lin Cheng glanced sideways at Mr. Dai: "This is a LoL game, get out of here!"

Mr. Dai: “·······”

"Stop being wordy and come over quickly to thank the audience."

Without giving Mr. Dai a chance to fight back, Lin Cheng took the lead and walked to the front of the stage to express his gratitude to the audience.

The KT fans at the scene were very enthusiastic, cheering vigorously and waving their support boards.

T1 fans are very low-key and consciously put down their brands to avoid joining the carnival of their mortal enemies.

If it is in the online comment area, they can still output against the wind, but they will be much more honest offline.

Returning to the lounge, after waiting for a while, the staff came to notify Lin Cheng for a post-match interview.

Both games were Lin Cheng's POG, and it was another day of interviews alone.

Standing in front of the stage, he stared at the female host twice before he recognized Yin Xiubin.

It's not Lin Cheng's fault. Today, Yin Xiubin was wearing a black knee-length skirt and a black mask. Only her eyes were exposed under her long hair. It was normal that Lin Cheng couldn't tell the difference at once.

As for how Lin Cheng could tell the difference at the second glance, it was very simple, just look at the legs.

The leg shapes of the two female LCK hosts are different.

It's not like Lin Cheng, an old pervert, usually stares at people's legs. After many interviews, he will inevitably look at them twice.

Yoon Soobin: "What a beautiful victory! Defeating a mortal enemy once again has continued the record of undefeated telecom battles since his debut. Let's first hear Cheng's thoughts on the victory."

Lin Cheng: "Well~~Although I have never lost in T1 before, but after thinking about it carefully, today seems to be the first telecom battle with an audience since my debut. I worked hard with my teammates and achieved good results. I am in a good mood. Of course it’s good.”

Yoon Soobin: "Guilty! What I just want to say is that it has been three years since KT fans last witnessed the victory of the news agency war at the scene. I believe the fans must be very happy now."

As if in response to the host's words, KT fans at the scene burst into cheers.

The last time KT fans witnessed the victory of the News Agency War in person was in 2018. In 2019, KT lost completely against SKT. Although Lin Cheng later joined the team and reversed the situation, fans were unable to support them on site due to the epidemic.

In the footage of the live broadcast, there was a support board for a KT fan in the audience.

The big KT team logo on the board was painted as a cartoon giant, and there was also a small T1 team logo under his feet.

Next to it it says: Times have changed! Now we are the boss of the news agency.

Obviously, this is a mockery from KT fans to T1 fans.

In the past, T1 fans could often be seen mocking KT's brand at news agency battles. KT fans often didn't have the confidence to fight back. After three years, they finally got the chance.

Seeing the support board on the big screen, the KT fans at the scene shouted excitedly.

Three years! Do you know how we have spent these three years?

Fortunately, all the T1 fans at the scene had already left, and those who stayed to watch the interview were all KT diehards, otherwise the director would have had to capture a T1 fan to see their expressions.

Yoon Soobin: "Wow!!! It seems that the fans are really happy. Is there anything Cheng Cheng wants to say?"

Lin Cheng waved his hand to signal the excited fans to calm down: "I would like to ask everyone to get used to this feeling as soon as possible, because we will win every telecommunications war in the future."

The audience burst into laughter and burst into even more enthusiastic applause.

Yin Xiubin: "This is a very reassuring speech. In the second game today, the Deft player finally killed Diana and successfully reached the 2000th kill in his LCK career. Did the players encourage him?"

Lin Cheng was shocked: "What? Did he kill 2,000 people?"

Yin Xiubin: "Guilty! Don't you know yet?"

Lin Cheng: "I didn't pay attention to this issue during the game. Everyone's attention was on the game."

In today's game, Mr. Dai received his 2,000th kill in the LCK. With the title of Mr. Thousand Kills in the LPL, he is the only player in all divisions with more than 3,000 kills in the league.

If you include the World Championships, Deft's total career kills have even approached 4,000, which is a very exaggerated figure.

Of course, Lin Cheng's statistics are also very impressive. He had already achieved 1,000 kills at the beginning of the summer split, which was faster than Mr. Dai's achievement of 1,000 kills in the two years of LPL.

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Yin Xiubin smiled and asked, "Will you celebrate this record with the Deft players?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Originally, I was going to go back and teach him a lesson after he stole five kills, but since it was his 2000th kill, forget it."

After a pause, Lin Cheng looked at the camera seriously: "Jin Hyukkyu, I forgive you!"

Chinese stream barrages.

"Mr. Dai:??? I need your forgiveness?"

"It's so funny! Obviously Deft killed Haoyue first, but Brother Chengzi stole four other people's heads and then beat him up."

"People are just fans who set the pace for their teammates. Brother Chengzi goes out on the field every day to discredit his teammates. It's hard!"

"Shocked! KT's number one anti-fan is actually its own core? The biggest cancer has surfaced."

"Deft's statistics are really awesome. In LCK, they killed 2,000 people."

"It's really outrageous to kill a thousand kills in two years in the LPL. Mr. Dai was too fierce at that time, and EZ jumped in the face and beat Uzi to lose his temper."

"There is also a gap between the shock waves."

"Don't be embarrassed! This year, Brother Cheng will lead the team to defend the S Championship, and Mr. Dai will no longer be a shock wave."

"Brother Cheng is really awesome! Xiaohuahua, Chaowei, and Mr. Dai were all famous shockwaves before. They won't really be led by him to clear their names, right?"

"So Brother Cheng is the leader of the shock wave (funny)"

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