This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1280 Listen to me, Dao Sister can let go

After finishing the match with Wanwan, Lin Cheng played two games and left the training room.

As usual, after washing up, Lin Cheng huddled up to the bay window to watch some videos.

Just after sitting down for a while, I received a message from Jiyeon.

What are you doing?

A smile appeared on Lin Cheng's lips.

Zhiyan knew that Lin Cheng usually returned to the dormitory at ten o'clock in the evening, and this fool always had a very accurate time when sending messages.

Lin Cheng: Get ready to rest.

Jiyeon: Are you tired from training recently?

Lin Cheng: Not tired.

Jiyeon: (picking nose)

Lin Cheng: (picking nose)

Jiyeon: (hits head)

Lin Cheng: (baring teeth)

The two exchanged expressions continuously. Seeing that Lin Cheng didn't understand what she meant, Zhiyan became unhappy.

Jiyeon: Yeah! Why don't you ask your sister? Don’t you ask me if my sister is tired from preparing the album every day lately? (angry)

Lin Cheng: Are you tired?

Jiyeon: Very tired! (unhappy)

Lin Cheng: Go and rest when you are tired. I won’t disturb you anymore! Bye-Bye!

Jiyeon: I hate it! (turning the table) (boxing)

It's actually quite fun to tease this idiot once in a while. Lin Cheng felt secretly happy when he saw Zhiyan's angry expressions.

Lin Cheng: Just kidding, Miss Jiyan has a lot of money, so just forgive me (please)

Jiyeon: That depends on your sincerity (pouts)

Lin Cheng: I am willing to sell my body! ! !

Ji Yeon:······

Seeing Lin Cheng's nonchalant reply, Zhiyan, who was lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, was speechless for a while.

She reached out and touched the snowflakes next to her, and suddenly laughed.

"This guy... Since he is greedy for my sister's body, why did he go there earlier? He didn't even know he came to see my sister."

Xuehua's belly felt so comfortable being touched by Zhiyan that she subconsciously turned over.

As a result, the kitten, which was lying on the edge of the sofa against its owner, turned over and fell directly to the floor. The little teddy next to it was startled.

Xue Hua turned over and climbed up, using her short legs to pull the edge of the sofa to look at the owner.

Zhiyan was concentrating on scrolling on the phone screen, not paying attention to Xuehua's slightly resentful eyes.

Being left out, Xuehua could only crawl onto the sofa.

Hum! As promised, wait obediently for your sister to pamper your body.

Zhiyan typed this message on her mobile phone, but hesitated for a long time and did not send it.

"No! It doesn't sound right to say that. How should I reply?"

This idiot used his beautiful legs to tease Lin Cheng under the table last time, but now he started to feel shy.

Zhiyan turned over on the sofa, thinking hard about how to reply.

When she turned over, her butt pushed down the snowflake that had just climbed onto the sofa.

The little kitten was lying on the floor a little angry. Dobby was watching the excitement curiously, but Snowflake slapped him in the face with his backhand.

Let you see!

Not seeing the furry children at home loving each other, Zhiyan quickly tapped the screen with her fingers.

But the words were written, deleted, and written, but they were not sent out at all.

Zhiyan didn't reply for a long time, so Lin Cheng sent a message.

Lin Cheng: Isn’t this sincerity enough? Brother Cheng is willing to sell his body. Do you know how many beauties covet my body?

Zhiyan quickly deleted the text she had typed before and sent a pout expression.

Lin Cheng: Forget it! I'll see you after the game tomorrow.

I sent this sentence and it took a while to get a reply.

Jiyeon: My sister, it will be inconvenient tomorrow.

Lin Cheng thought Zhiyan was saying that she would be busy tomorrow, so he simply asked: When is it convenient for you?

Jiyeon: (Humph) I won’t tell you!

Lin Cheng:? ? ?

Did this idiot misunderstand something?

Jiyeon: Oops! I almost forgot about the real thing. The 29th is our 12th anniversary since our debut. Are you free?

Lin Cheng thought for a while and replied: Is it convenient for you that day?

Jiyeon: Hey! You guy! But my sisters were all there that day! (hits head)

Lin Cheng understood.

This idiot really misunderstood just now.

The inconvenience she just mentioned turned out to be really inconvenient.

But is it convenient for her on the 29th?

There are still five days.


The next day, KT ushered in their second match against GEN·G this season.

Today’s Chinese stream commentators are Zeyuan and Xiaomi.

Different from his expectations when he explained the competition between the two sides last time, today Zeyuan seems to be very negative about the prospects of GEN·G.

Zeyuan: "I feel like KT took away KT 2:0! In the first round of the match, GEN·G was in such a state that KT was beaten to death. Now GEN·G really can't see even the slightest chance of overturning KT. possible."

Xiaomi: "Ah? Are you so pessimistic? Not really."

"This is a fact! KT's 13-game winning streak in the Summer Split is high, but GEN·G's current state is really not good. Not only did they just lose to T1, this version is indeed not very suitable for GEN·G's players."

Zeyuan's tone was affirmative: "So I can conclude that KT took away 2:0. If the two games combined exceed 50 minutes, GEN·G will be considered successful."

The barrage is very lively.

"Ban utilitarian milk! The university will accept the taste."

"There is no one-on-one defense today. The senior colonel will start the game as soon as he comes up, right?"

"It's useless. Brother Chengzi is not afraid of being in charge of the poisonous milk."

"Today is a head-on confrontation between God and God. We are all not mortals. It is impossible for God to lose all the time, right? (Funny)"

"Ze Yuan: It's my turn to win."

"The radiance of Guan Shen still envelopes GEN·G! What a deep love!"

"He really made me cry to death."

Of course, although he is infinitely optimistic about KT, only Zewon himself knows whether he has expectations for GEN·G in his heart.

After all, if he really had no expectations for his beloved team, how could he appear in the commentary box today?

Is it possible that the LPL card commentators are only paid for this game?

Soon, the players from both sides came out to greet the audience and then took their seats in the competition seats.

BP starts.

In the first round, GEN·G chose BAN first on the blue side.

The first two BAN positions on the blue side were given to Qinggang Shadow + Blind Sin.

The first two BANs on the red side are Bright Moon + Seti.

GEN·G's third-hand BAN person is hesitant.

Zeyuan: "They are considering letting Dao Mei go! GEN·G's hesitation is probably because he wants to let Dao Mei go!"

Xiaomi: "You can't, right? Does anyone dare to put Orange Brother and Dao Mei in this version? Is it too much?"

Zeyuan: "In the past two days, we saw that most of the people who hold the BAN position of Sword Girl are the red side. The blue side can grab Sword Girl. This version of Sword Girl is much better than before, and it is indeed worth grabbing."

Xiaomi: “But I don’t seem to be playing the hero Dao Mei?”

"BDD can be played!"

Zeyuan's tone was incomprehensible, "Although I haven't played much in recent seasons, BDD Blade Girl is not incapable of showing off. I still remember the second game of the 2018 MSI finals when BDD Blade Girl showed off and overturned RNG! That game I still remember the sword girl."

"And this version of the mid lane warrior is very popular. BDD used to go crazy with Seti in the middle. I don't believe that this version of Sword Girl is so strong and he doesn't practice it."

"Listen to me! Sister Dao can let go."

After a pause, Zeyuan added: "But if you let it go, you must grab it yourself later!"

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