This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1327 Teammates’ road to the Grand Championship

Lin Cheng honestly watched two episodes of TV with Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong. The little wife took the initiative to create a private space for the two of them. As expected, Sister Shuyan was completely defeated again.

Han Shuyan acted coquettishly and begged for mercy from her boyfriend, and Lin Cheng became even more proud.

Men are easily influenced by their senses. Sister Shuyan's gray-silk beautiful legs were crossed and rubbed, and she frowned pitifully and begged for mercy. Lin Cheng instantly stacked his blades with a deadly rhythm to trigger the conqueror, and almost repeated his old tricks.

There's nothing you can do about it, man.

If you catch a coward, you won't be able to hold on to the fire.

It's just like playing a game. From the beginning of the laning, you find that the opponent's top laner is a paper tiger. Lin Cheng may face the second tower and cut off his face early.

This fierce and aggressive suppression made Lin Cheng feel awesome.

Sister Shuyan's timid appearance also gave Lin Cheng a sense of accomplishment.

What does it mean to be invincible?

What is the strongest top laner in the world?

Of course, the overwhelming sense of accomplishment is one thing, but Lin Cheng still feels sorry for his girlfriend.

Amidst Han Shuyan's slight anger, Lin Cheng soon hugged Sister Shuyan and settled down to chat about lovers' topics.

He likes to talk to Han Seo-yeon in a relaxed atmosphere.

Sister Shuyan likes to listen to Lin Cheng talk about the daily life of the club, and also likes to tell Lin Cheng interesting things at home.

Whenever this happens, Lin Cheng always has the urge to immediately take this woman home to see her mother.

He proudly told his mother that this woman was his daughter-in-law.

Mom will definitely be crazy about it.

I spent two comfortable days at home. Unfortunately, because Sister Shuyan was at home, Xiao Tong did not give Lin Cheng a chance to get too close, so Lin Cheng, who originally wanted to thoroughly study the flexibility of his little wife's body, could only return with regrets. club,

On August 5, KT swept LSB with a score of 2:0, leaving only the last BO3 summer regular season to end.

The LCK Summer Split has a total of ten weeks, but there are only 18 BO3 games to be played in the entire season, so KT only has one game in the last two weeks of the schedule.

During this period, in addition to free training, Kang Dongxun will arrange for the players to watch his own team's game videos, or watch his team's games, including LPL games.

Because the version of the playoffs is different, too many training matches now are actually not very meaningful. Letting players think more from God's perspective is actually a kind of technical and tactical preparation.

The news agency's rival T1 defeated DRX cleanly in the ninth week of the game, successfully improving its record to 11-6 and ranking third in the standings.

T1's 3-6 record before they kicked off their coach was really ugly. If there was a promotion and relegation mechanism, fans might have been worried about relegation. But in the second round, they kicked off their coach and went on to win eight games in a row, which drove fans to a climax.

T1 has defeated all opponents except KT in the second round. According to T1 fans: No one knows how strong T1 is now! Even they don't know it themselves.

Only KT has a chance to test the true strength of T1.

This face makes the LCK audience extremely uncomfortable.

The arrogance of T1 fans in the past is still vivid in everyone's mind. If T1 really overthrows KT, there will probably be a terrifying resurgence.

Accordingly, the last news agency battle of the regular season has attracted more and more attention.

KT’s final game with a perfect 100% winning rate in the regular season?

T1’s revenge game after facing KT’s eight-game losing streak?

Or is it the arrogant battle of T1 fans to close the coffin?

Full of attractions.

August 12th is the opening day of the tenth competition week of the LCK Summer Split. This summer’s second news agency battle is about to begin.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Lin Cheng got up from bed in a daze.

Last night, Zhiyan dragged her to play Monopoly with her two sisters, and she didn't rest until almost four in the morning. When she woke up, her head was still dizzy, and it took a lot of effort for Lin Cheng to get out of the comfortable bed.

Even forgetting to wash up, Lin Cheng took the cat food and went downstairs.

Peanut and Davet are already feeding the cat.

"Yo! Did you two get up so early today?"

Lin Cheng leaned over, rubbed his eyes and knelt down to watch the two feeding the cat.



Lin Cheng looked drowsy as he watched Mr. Dai feeding the cat strips with dull eyes.

The tiger-spotted Pip Pian Pian Pian Pian Pian Pian Pian Pian Pian Pian Pian, who was closest to him, came up and meowed at Lin Cheng's feet.

"Are you hungry? Wait a minute."

The cat food in Lin Cheng's hand came in a long can, which was somewhat similar to the package of Cobic potato chips. He opened the lid and shook it casually.

"Huh? Why not?"

After opening the lid of this kind of cat food jar, there was still a layer of plastic sealing inside. Lin Cheng only opened the outer lid and weakly shook the jar, leaving the two people next to him stunned.

Little Peanut couldn't help but ask: "What did you do last night? Why can't you open your eyes?"

"Nothing to do, I'm very energetic."

Lin Cheng muttered as he mechanically shook the can and tried to pour the cat food out.

Mr. Dai grabbed the jar and prepared to help unpack it.

Little Peanut stretched out his hand.


Lin Cheng spread his hands, and Little Peanut dropped a few pieces of cat food into his palm, and pointed at the tiger spots at Lin Cheng's feet.

"You feed it first!"

Without thinking much, Lin Cheng threw all the cat food in his hand into his mouth and started chewing it.

Little Peanut: "???"

Mr. Dai: "???"

Tabby: "???"

I asked you to feed the cat, but why did you eat it yourself?

Ignoring the two people's dumbfounded looks, Lin Cheng smacked his lips, "It tastes terrible!"

Mr. Dai opened the cat food can and handed it over.

The two looked directly at Lin Cheng, fearing that Lin Cheng would raise his neck and pour the cat food into his mouth.

Fortunately, Lin Cheng just didn't wake up, and his brain wasn't broken yet.

He forced himself to pour the cat food in front of Tabby, and mechanically rubbed the back of Tabby's neck.

Mr. Dai reminded: "I have to play T1 today, why don't you go catch up on your sleep?"

"It's okay. The little T1 can handle it easily. I can hit it casually with my eyes closed."

Lin Cheng's eyes were really closed when he said this.

"Okay! It doesn't matter whether we win or lose in the regular season. We just need to win the playoffs and the World Championship."


The two ignored him, high-fived each other, and then concentrated on feeding the cat.

After all, winning or losing today's game has no impact on KT. Now everyone is not so obsessed with defeating T1. KT is the big BOSS this season, why should they be afraid of a defeated player?

Although this KT team was called the Avengers to T1 when it was formed, times have changed now.

Now Mr. Dai's only goal is to win the S competition.

He has won the LPL and LCK league championships, MSI, Demacia Cup, and Kespa Cup. He is only one S-level championship away from achieving the club Grand Slam.

The same goes for little peanuts.

Even though Little Peanut is a Grand Manya winner, he has also won many championships.

From a club level, apart from the intercontinental competition, Little Peanut is the only one that lacks an S competition championship.

The intercontinental competition has been cancelled, and if you insist on saying so, this kind of team competition can also be excluded from the scope of the individual championship, just like no one denies Lin Cheng's honorary championship.

In other words, if KT can finally win the championship this year, all members of the team will be considered players who have won the championship.

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