This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1332 Kill all those brats

The sudden pause stunned KT players on the field for a moment.

Lin Cheng looked at Xiaohuahua immediately.

Did your kid unplug the network cable?

Little Peanut smiled sheepishly.

"Why did you look back just now?"

"Ah~~~I thought you were already changing shoulders, so I wanted to deal damage and kill Wukong first."

"Wow!! If the opponent has double BUFFs, it might be more uncomfortable for me to line up."

“Those who are able work hard, come on!”


Lin Cheng sighed and accepted Xiaohuatai's explanation.

Sometimes he himself will make such mistakes. In fact, it is very common for professional players to make mistakes when carrying towers.

Isn't it possible that Little Peanut is really playing him?

Of course, there's nothing Lin Cheng can do if he doesn't accept it.

Couldn't he take advantage of the timeout to beat up the little peanut?

In fact, Lin Cheng was used to the occasional mishaps from little Peanut. Not everyone could make almost no mistakes like him.

During the pause in the game, tactical exchanges are not allowed. Lin Cheng can ask Xiaohua Peanut about his mental state when he jumped the tower just now, but the two cannot discuss the next tactical arrangement.

After learning the reason for the timeout from the referee, Lin Cheng turned to look at the audience curiously while chatting with his teammates about what to eat for dinner.

The audience at T1 seemed very happy?

In fact, T1 fans cheered when Little Peanut was killed just now, and Lin Cheng faintly heard some restlessness through his headphones.

To be so happy with an ordinary kill, these T1 fans are so hopeless.

This situation also illustrates the fanaticism of T1 fans.

Lin Cheng didn't know that if he was killed, the T1 fans at the scene would be happier.

After all, he is Tan Za's biggest problem.

Even many of the ladies who expressed love in the private messages on his social account are T1 fans. It’s hard to say whether he really likes Lin Cheng or is a beauty trap.

The staff tinkered in front of Faker's computer for a while, and the players from both sides sat there for a few minutes before the game finally started again.

Wanwan in the commentary box took a long breath.

"Fortunately, I was really worried that there would be a long pause... Hey! They still want to kill Brother Chengzi!"

After the pause, Lin Cheng had already withdrawn from the defense tower when Xin Zhao was killed, and turned his head slightly to avoid the blind monk's Q skill.


Oner is very fierce, and directly uses E to dodge and slow down to kill Jace.

This wave shows the ferocity of young people. Generally, the veteran jungler will not try to kill Jayce again when the blind monk sees that his top laner has low health, but Oner has a fierce momentum.

The T1 fans at the scene were so excited that their jungler was so bloody. They cheered suddenly and Lin Cheng could hear the sound through his headphones.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Some T1 fans shouted this at the scene.

Even if E flashed, Oner gave Lin Cheng an expression like Vayne holding her sunglasses on the spot.

Lin Cheng was very calm in his heart. He was not frightened by the blind monk's E-flash, and he manipulated Jace to pull him back as much as possible.

The blind monk came up, and Jace remained in the hammer form while retreating and fighting.

Jace's Conqueror is also fully stacked. Lin Cheng pulls the two-step cannon form, reduces the blind monk's double resistance with basic attacks, activates W Super Charge Ghost Animal Walking A, and connects with a face-to-face electromagnetic oscillation.

After Canna's residual health monkey triumphantly recovered, it was delayed at the end to avoid giving Jace a chance to replace himself.

When Oner flashed up just now, Canna had no intention of chasing after her, but seeing her little brother's attitude, she couldn't help but follow.

The blind monk was forced to dodge, so he had to make sure Jace was forced to dodge too.

Even if this wave really can't kill him, it's okay to dodge. After Jace fails to dodge to level 6, the monkey will have a chance to kill alone.

So Canna followed behind to apply pressure. When she saw Jace handing over the Q skill in the form of a cannon, the monkey waited for the CD of the E skill to finish and then jumped out. The AQ knocked out a large amount of Jace's health with one stick.

But Lin Cheng refused to dodge, and pulled back to point A towards the monkey.

Canna was also very stable. After the monkey's remaining health AQ was played, he retreated to the grass nearby. Lin Cheng's Jace hit the A and did not forcefully explore the grass.

At this time, the red line of soldiers has arrived. Lin Cheng still shook his head and walked A blind monk even though his blood volume was very low.

After all, Monkey waited until his E skill improved before approaching. At first, it was Jace, a level 4 full conqueror, and level 3 blind monk who were fighting, and now Oner's HP isn't that good either.

Oner fired another Tianyin Wave.

If this Q hits, Jace will die!

However, Lin Cheng's Jayce's high-frequency A move just turned around and dodged the sky sound wave at close range.

The blind monk missed both Qs, and the situation was not right.

Seeing a large number of red soldiers surrounding him, Oner turned around and retreated.

Lin Cheng, on the other hand, turned around and pursued with one-fifth of his health.

But this amount of health is basically just a matter of the monkey blind monk's basic attack.

The two T1 brothers fought back.

Just when Lin Cheng was approaching, the blind monk suddenly turned around and touched his eyes to get closer, and slapped the floor with his E skill.


The monkey hiding in the grass flashed out and struck Jace almost to death.

But Lin Cheng's reaction was truly outrageous.

The blind monk's movement of turning back and touching his eyes was relatively obvious, and Lin Cheng had already pressed the Q electric energy surge that had finished cooling down again.


The moment the blind monk slapped the ground, Jace Q stepped away, and at the same time, an acceleration gate appeared at Jace's feet.

The ball of light suddenly expanded.


Although the monkey flashed out and knocked out Jace with a stick, Lin Cheng flashed Q and E and turned around to snipe, hitting both of them accurately.

The bloody monkey died suddenly on the spot.

Accelerate and follow one step, the gun form equals A, and then Jace's hammer form launches Sky Leap.

The blind monk fell to the ground.

"Double Kill!"

Lin Cheng immediately showed an expression like Vayne holding her sunglasses, which was obviously a response to Oner just now.

Remember: "Lee Sin's E dodges and Jace needs to be kept, but it's not easy to kill Jace if he dodges. He should be able to force a dodge... why don't you dodge? Brother Chengzi really wants to use it."

Wanwan: "Don't dare to chase! Brother Chengzi flashes and pinches... Wow!!! Sneak attack! What a cool QE dodge! The damage from the blind monk's E skill is dodged! Double kill! Brother Chengzi looks so good! I got back all the little peanuts I gave you this time!”

"grass! What a handsome Jesse! 》

"Why is my Jace used as a toy by the blind monk? Can he double kill?" 》

"There is a person who is visibly happy and jealous!" 》

"Wanwan: Brother Chengzi is awesome!" 》

"The Blind Monk Against Heaven, both Q's are empty!" Just kill any one of them"

"I thought Brother Chengzi would demonstrate the high-end operation of flashing and dodging the blind monk's second stage Q, but I didn't expect that he would hide after moving out of position."

"One thing to say, Jace's Q flash and E are so cool! 》

"Is this Flash QE?" 》

"The cliff is Q flashing E. Brother Chengzi can play low-end operations like flashing QE?" 》

"It's not difficult to flash Q and E, right?" Isn’t it enough just to have hands? 》

"This is really not true, other players basically don't play like this"

"Dazzling Dog, come and learn Jace's skills!" 》

"Call Brother Long!" Are you the one who barked the dazzling dog? 》

on site.

Originally, T1 fans were cheering and shouting when they saw Lin Cheng being chased, but the sudden reversal caused the scene to fall silent for a moment as if it was suffocating.

Then, bigger cheers broke out.

However, the group creating the momentum changed, and KT fans began to criticize.

"Cheng!!! Kill me!"

"This is our trump card! Ula!!"

"Kill all those brats!"

T1 fans in the red area were silent, while KT fans in the white area were rejoicing. The atmosphere at the scene was very distinct and very different.

My happiness is your sadness.

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