This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1404 Join if you can’t beat him?

In the end, Brother Khan in the spring was killed again by Lin Cheng.

Qinggangying collected 20 kills.

In order to reach this point with K, Lin Cheng AQed the opponent's main base in advance to save the real damage of the second stage of Q. Brother Han allowed the yellow card to freeze and was kicked to death by Qinggang Shadow who rushed in with E skill without any reaction.

In fact, Brother Khan doesn’t want to die.

He has already bought a stopwatch.

Unfortunately, Qinggang Shadow's damage was too high, and he couldn't even activate his meter after one kick exceeded half of his health.

When Gwen was killed, the troll was also killed by the spring water. Han Bing, who was standing outside, detonated the enemy's remaining health base with a backhand.

Zeyuan: "Despair! Brother Khan didn't want to die. He even sold the Canyon Maker and bought a stopwatch, but he never had a chance to start the watch."

Remember: "Actually, it's also my fault that Brother Chengzi was too harsh and destroyed Gwen's economy. If the economy allowed, Brother Khan could also play the same operation of resurrecting armor and exchanging inscribed swords like Little Lu Bu in Quanshui Pentakill, but he changed the equipment Even if he sells it, he can’t afford the resurrection armor, and the economy doesn’t allow him to play so showily.”

Zeyuan: "It still doesn't work! Ban Qinggangying. This Qinggangying killed 20 people in 22 minutes. It really makes no sense not to ban the next one. Brother Chengzi's signature must be respected."

After a pause, Zeyuan continued: "If I remember correctly, 20 kills of Orange Brother in a single game have created the highest single-game kill record in the four major regions this year. DK never thought of letting him go when drafting before the game. Something came out"

"Turtle!" Is this Brother Chengzi’s signature Qinggangying? 》

"Yarema!" Is this a human fight? 》

"report! Someone fried fish at the game"

"I like showing Qinggang Ying!" Next, I suggest DK release the sword girl as well》

"hateful! Still not working? 》

"Khan is really miserable, inexplicably a little distressed, 23333"

"Brother Khan's dreams at night are all about Qinggang Ying's flying kicks"

"Brother Khan may wake up from his dreams frequently in the second half of his life (Dog Head)"

A massacre ignited the enthusiasm of KT fans at the scene. Lin Cheng took off his headphones and was slightly shocked by the roar of the mountain and the tsunami in the stadium with nearly ten thousand people.

As the creator of the bloody massacre in the previous game, Lin Cheng was naturally the focus of the audience. The on-site director immediately focused the camera on Lin Cheng's face.

Lin Cheng stood up and left the game with his teammates, not forgetting to show the heart-shaped pattern drawn with a signature pen on the back of his hand to the camera again.

He smiled brightly.

Han Seoyan in the audience also smiled, her smile was subtle and gentle.

Back in the lounge, Kang Dongxun praised his fans for their performance on the field.

If KT's lineup couldn't pick up the rhythm in the last game, it would be really difficult to win.

Card and Ice's double-C team battle output ability is very poor, Nosuke is two tool men, and even Qinggangying is not a character like Sword Demon who can create a lot of AOE in team battles.

The reason why we were able to win so easily was because the team's early rhythm was so good.

Not only Lin Cheng performed perfectly, but his teammates also performed well. Kang Dongxun is very satisfied with the current state of the team.

"Lin Cheng, why are you so fierce today?"

Although Little Peanut said before the game that he would be Lin Cheng's dog, he never expected that Lin Cheng would be in such good condition today. Not only did he beat Brother Khan into confusion online, but Qinggangying's wandering rhythm took off even more.

"I told you I can do it. Han Wanghao, you just need to follow me and do the right thing at the right time."

Lin Cheng patted Little Peanut on the shoulder and deliberately emphasized the word 'right thing'.

Mainly because of past mistakes, Little Peanut also did a lot of wrong things at the right time.

For example, he blindly kidnapped Lin Cheng and jumped over the tower to give the opponent's top laner double BUFF.

Peanut butter is like that, it's like a ghost.

Even though he and Lin Cheng are now called the strongest junglers in the world, Lin Cheng always has to be wary of him suddenly starting to do something.

Of course, if you want to say that the real stupid jungler is Mr. Mingkai, Little Peanut’s idol.

In the game that created 4,396 memes, the factory director perfectly demonstrated what it means to do the wrong thing at the right time, and made the most brain-destroying operation at the perfect time.

Little Peanut couldn't hear the connotation in Lin Cheng's tone, and smiled on his face.

"You continue with C in the next move! Let's win the game 3:0."

"Come on! Get off work at 3:00."

The atmosphere in the KT lounge is peaceful, while the atmosphere in the DK lounge on the other side is more solemn.

After Danny was kicked out of T1, he rejoined the DK coaching staff. Nowadays, DK is still supervising the horse dunking, but Danny still dominates the team's tactical arrangements.

Although he received liquidated damages from T1, seeing that T1 who kicked him had a new look in the summer split, Danny naturally wanted to prove himself again in DK and make those mocking T1 fans regret it.

Danny took the time to review between games. In addition to the inexplicable rotation of personnel in T1, he is indeed a coach with strong tactical planning capabilities.

Even though it seems that T1 took off after kicking Danny out this year, in fact, T1 still follows Danny's tactics. The only thing the new coaching staff does better than Danny is the relationship within the team.

"In the next game, we switch to the blue side, and in terms of BP..."

Danny spoke quickly about his preset tactical ideas, but he was hesitant to speak when he buckled the horse.

The team members all looked ugly, and he felt that at this time, it was more important to appease the team members' emotions than tactics.

But since he has decided to delegate power in tactical arrangements, it is not easy for him to interrupt at this time.

Watching Danny ignore the emotions of his team members and arrange his own tactics, Guima sighed silently.

He has always believed that players and coaches achieve mutual success, just like SKT in the past and KT now.

After a short intermission, the second game began.

This time DK switched to the blue side and BAN first.

Interestingly, DK gave the first three BAN positions on the blue side to Dao Mei, Crocodile and Gwen respectively.

They still released the Qinggang Shadow.

The commentator called DK crazy.

The audience cheered again.

No way! Is the coach opposite us our undercover?

Zeyuan: "He's a tough guy! Let's just show off, right? Coach Danny may feel that the last Qingang Shadow's random killing was not a problem with his lineup, but that the players didn't play well, and he's going to give Qinggang Shadow another try?" "

Remember: "Did Coach Danny prepare any tricks to defeat Qinggangying? But don't prepare! Brother Chengzi specializes in tricks."

The first three BANs of red side KT were given to Xin Zhao, Jiao Yue and Blind Sin.

Starting to select people, the blue side locked Qinggang Ying on the first floor in seconds.

In the camera, Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but smile.

Zeyuan: "The misunderstanding is resolved. DK released Qinggangying and already planned to grab it. If you can't beat it, then join in, right?"

"But is this choice really good? I really can't think of anyone other than Brother Chengzi who would grab Qinggang Ying on the first floor of the blue square."

"Look! Brother Chengzi is laughing. The last person who robbed Brother Chengzi, Qinggang Ying, has already cooled down. Why are you still teasing him?"

"Brother Chengzi is smiling brightly now, but I can't even imagine how cruel he would be."

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