This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1408 Speed ​​pass! The application form should be written to Cheng later.

Vayne, who had attack speed boots, moved very quickly, and when she noticed that Lin Cheng suddenly pursued Brother Khan, she decisively moved forward and locked the hook.

But Lin Cheng flashed ahead.


Vayne flashed her E skill to interrupt the Qinggang Shadow Hook Lock, and then relied on her movement speed advantage to pursue her.

Qinggangying didn't even have shoes, so he had no way to deal with the pursuit of Vayne, the attack speed shoe. He was chased all the way and died tragically under the second tower.

"In this wave of bottom lane, it's more profitable to exchange 2 for 2KT to get Xiaolong, but on DK's side, Zoe can still accept two heads... Hey! Why did he get single-killed again in the top lane?"

Zeyuan couldn't hold himself any longer, "Jin Donghe, are you with Gan Shenmo? Your teammates played well, don't let them go on the road!"

Remember: "Brother Chengzi is so cruel! I won't even sniff the thread if it's true. Is there anyone who bullies people like that? This is a competition, not a RANK!"

Zeyuan said angrily: "I really can't afford to offend Brother Chengzi today... How about Brother Hanzi choose Teemo next? He can't deny it by being invisible and offline to gain experience, right?"

"Live in Bengbu!" Teemo is too crazy! 》

"One thing to say, it's a good idea for Teemo to become invisible and gain experience"

"Brother Chengzi is really scary today, anyone in this state will explode"

"What happened today?" Brother Chengzi is really cruel and abnormal》

Lin Cheng's tactics on the road were too cruel. Brother Khan was chased to the second tower just by looking at him from behind.

The director gave me the experience panel.

Qing Gangying is the person with the least experience in the room.

Although the assistants on both sides are also level five, Qinggangying's experience bar is lower than that of the assistant.

All top laners know what this means.

This means that it’s time for many people to start showing off.

After killing Qinggang Shadow, Lin Cheng took advantage of the situation and demolished the blue side's top tower.

At this time, the 8-minute pioneer had just been born.

There is a disabled top laner, and this pioneer DK will definitely not be able to compete with him. Little Peanut comes over and controls the pioneer easily.

After destroying the outer tower, Lin Cheng did not press too hard for the time being, finally giving Brother Khan some breathing space, and Qinggangying could safely defend the line in front of the second tower.

Lin Cheng took the opportunity to steal the wild monsters in the upper half of the opponent's area to supplement his vision, and waited for his teammates to feedback their position information.

Once he confirmed that Zoe and the female tank were still online, he went out to torture Qinggang Ying.

Xu Xiu's Zoe wanted to move up twice, but as soon as he left the center line, he found Vayne sneaking into the wild area, which made Zoe dare not go there.

The blue side lacks vision. When the opponent has Ryze, DK does not dare to enter the upper half of their jungle.

Beryl's female tank came up to help Olaf grab a wave of vision, which finally made Vayne calm down a little.

But with the departure of the female tank, the Ghost King suffered a serious blow in the bottom lane.

Because Ziggs has long hands and can clear lanes very well with his ultimate move, generally speaking, it is not easy for a single player to get over the tower if he hangs the lane.

But it also depends on who the opponent is.

Knowing that there was only a lone Bomberman in the lower half of the opposite area, and seeing that the opponent had finished using his skills to clear the troops, Evert Titan suddenly flashed and hooked Giggs under the tower.

Compared with traditional AD, Syndra's burst after level 6 is much higher. Mr. Dai's set of skills directly sends the Ghost Emperor on the road.

Zeyuan: "Oops! Something happened in the bottom lane too! The hole in DK's top lane is too big. The female tank came up to help with vision, causing Bomberman to suffer a heavy blow. The Titan's first move is indeed unreasonable. If the support dares to leave, he will kill you. AD.”

Remember: "I can only say that the top laner is GAP! Brother Chengzi always radiates his advantages to his teammates, and Brother Khan radiates his disadvantages to his teammates with his generals. Originally, the lower half could be said to be 50-50, but now DK's lower half is also split. ”

Zeyuan: "There is no way! No one wants to go out on the road to support his father, but who dares to say that he can be stable against today's Cheng Zi? The key is that Cheng Zi's weird hero pool can always be used to make the opponent unable to play. character of."

"For example, KT's last move to shake Vayne onto the road now seems really promising. Qinggang Yingchun is in jail. Olaf has no stable control and can't catch Vayne, and he is also being attacked by Foye in the jungle. Ge invaded, and Zoe couldn’t move.”

In just over 10 minutes, Lin Cheng's Vayne made up 91 dollars, while Brother Khan's Qinggang Shadow only made 30 dollars.

This was the result of Lin Cheng letting his opponent's second tower grow safely for a while. You can imagine how miserable it was on the road.

Due to the death of Giggs in the bottom lane, Tapi was also a little bit depleted. Peanut released the vanguard in front of his own tower in the bottom lane.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Little Peanut is lazy too! Putting the vanguard here may not necessarily knock him out. Olaf is down there and has a chance to defend."

Remember: "The main reason is that Brother Chengzi has fun but he also has to give Mr. Dai some comfort. In the past, KT rarely put the vanguard in the bottom lane, either in the top or in the middle. Little Peanut finally decided to give Mr. Dai some warmth."

A prompt appears that the Vanguard Eye has been crushed. The enemy can see the position of the Vanguard on the map. DK quickly prepares to defend the lower tower.

However, just when the red side in the lower jungle area spotted the gathering of DK personnel, Lin Cheng's Vayne suddenly led the artillery line towards the opponent's second tower on the top road.

Qinggangying saw Wei En entering the tower and pressed forward, so he rationally abandoned the tower and left.

At this moment, Ryze's car lights came on behind the tower.

Not being able to reason with his opponent, when he saw Qinggang Ying handing over the hook lock, Chaowei immediately appeared to imprison him.

Vayne follows up to supplement the output.

Brother Khan was killed again.

The two turned around and demolished the tower.

With the teammates below attracting defense, no one paid attention to the top lane for the time being. The two of them just demolished the second tower in 11 minutes.

And DK was very decisive after discovering the top lane situation, and the female tank opened up the front to save people.

This wave of frontal 4-on-3 opportunities was seized by DK. Neither Titan nor Syndra could dodge and were left behind. Only the little peanut Foego managed to escape.

After discovering that his opponent had killed his teammate, Lin Cheng went overboard and touched the highland tower twice after demolishing the second tower.

Zeyuan: "Oh! DK was taken advantage of! Although two people were killed, Vayne is already on the high ground! It's only been 11 minutes."

Remember: "KT really did a great job with small decisions like this. Peanut's seemingly lazy approach to the vanguard was actually giving the opponent a signal to attract the opponent's defense. Ryze suddenly drove up to catch Qinggang Shadow and took it away. For the second tower, it turns out that their offensive focus is not on the bottom lane."

Lin Cheng's Vayne had too many gold coins, so she didn't even prepare her shield and bow when she returned home this time. Instead, she synthesized the noon quiver into the power of the wind, and also bought the furnace-binding axe.

The advantage was too great. Lin Cheng gave up the shield bow and used the sea monster to show off the strong wind just to show off.

Of course, if done improperly, it may be sent away.

In the LPL this year, Teacher Shai also adjusted the top laner Vayne of Guangfeng, but Guangfeng went forward and died suddenly.

After updating her equipment, Vayne's side lane was under too much pressure. After switching to the bottom lane, Lin Cheng easily took down another bottom lane tower.

If DK wanted to capture Vayne, she had to have a female tank on the scene. They finally seized the opportunity and organized a wave of multiple people to capture her.

The result was that Lin Cheng once again displayed a demon-level pull.

Vayne opened up and fought like crazy.

Qinggangying, who was the first to come up to save people, had poor equipment and was blocked by Vaien as soon as his teammates arrived. The female tank's ultimate move from a distance was dodged by Vaien's Q, and her E dodge was dodged by Guangfeng.

Without a stable means of control, the DK brothers were ready to give up.

But Zoe's super-far flying star suddenly hit her, and seeing Vayne's attractive health, they thought of pursuing her again.

The result was that something went wrong.

Vayne shook her head like a ghost, kept rolling and shooting deadly crossbow arrows from the shadows, harvesting lives crazily.

If it weren't for the timely support from KT teammates, Lin Cheng almost killed four of them in one fight.

After this wave, it was completely announced that DK had exploded across the board.

The teammates collectively transferred to the center to take out the first tower in the middle, and Vayne single-handedly took down the second tower in the bottom lane of the blue square.

The coating disappeared after 14 minutes, and the blue square outer tower was almost gone.

At 15 minutes, teammates led the second-generation pioneers to prepare to attack the middle.

Lin Cheng, on the other hand, sneaked to the side road alone, and when he caught Qinggang Ying, he beat him violently, completing a solo kill very easily.

DK's people also made Lin Cheng unbearable. Only Giggs was left to guard the middle, while the others came to the wings to catch Wayne.

The result was that Lin Cheng came to kill one by one, almost killing everyone again.

It’s a pity that I accidentally ate Zoe’s bubbles this time.

Although Lin Cheng's skills were excellent, he was still a squishie in nature. He was overconfident and did not use the mercury lace, allowing Zoe to ignite the full flying star and end his sinful life.

However, DK came to catch Vayne, and the Ghost King in the middle could not stabilize himself. Chaowei drove his men to the high ground and killed Bomber.

Under the cover of the team members, the vanguard climbed to the high ground.

Lin Cheng was supervising the battle in the spring. He had only one thought.

Since Ryze can drive to the high ground, why doesn't he drive to save me?

Sister Shuyan is supervising the battle below. I originally wanted to massacre the entire audience without dying.

This is too much! Write it down in a notebook first, and then settle the accounts later.

Regardless of Lin Cheng's resentment, his teammates continued to cover the vanguard in the face of the only remaining Zoe, dismantling the crystal and then crashed into the incisor tower.

At this time, the resurrection time was very fast. Just after the KT personnel covered the vanguard and crashed into the incisor tower, the resurrected DK personnel chose to stay.

Qinggang shadow TP circled behind.

The effect of this wave was indeed good. DK killed all the opponents at the cost of only the female tank.

But Lin Cheng's TP arrived behind him.

This time he bought mercury ties and came out.

And the female tank is also dead.

The operating space is infinite.

Facing the opponents with low health, Lin Cheng's Vayne once again showed a fatal pull.

Bloodthirsty pursuit, one arrow at a time.

From the high ground to the opponent's spring, Vayne successfully scored four kills.

Just as the troops arrived, Lin Cheng demolished the opponent's incisor tower and quickly crippled the base.

It was only a little over 17 minutes, and he stood outside his opponent's fountain and gave a thumbs up.

Seeing the high-spirited Vayne blocking the entrance of the spring, the KT fans at the scene were already going crazy.

"Cheng! Cheng!"

"Long live! VN! Long live!"

There have been so many Vayne hits in one game. Although it is a bit regretful that there is no pentakill, Lin Cheng's operation is already the ceiling in the hearts of fans.

Who is the God of Vayne?

I heard that to play Vayne, you have to write an application for him?

Go to hell!

From now on, all you have to do is write the application to Cheng!

Who has an opinion?

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