This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1443 It doesn’t matter, I will take action

(When I opened the assistant, I found that Chapters 1437 and 1442 had been blocked again. Six chapters in a row have been blocked in the past few days. Even some previous chapters that were not driven at all were blocked inexplicably on the grounds that they were suspected of spreading bad values.)

(It feels like I’m about to enter the entire book)

Little Lu Bu started the team against the wind and instantly ignited the atmosphere at the scene. T1 fans in the audience were booing, and even the other T1 teammates couldn't help but laugh.

The host took the opportunity to ask Faker to name a mid lane opponent he wanted to face in the World Championship. However, Li Ge said that he didn't particularly care about the player and just wanted to play his own game well.

When it was DK player's turn to interview, Brother Khan also kept making flirtatious remarks.

"If we meet, I will tell Nuguri who is the second top laner in the world."

"First order?"

Brother Han pointed at Lin Cheng who was sitting on the sidelines, and said with gritted teeth: "Of course he is the one sitting in the audience. I recognize this."

The whole audience burst into laughter.

"Laughing to Death!" Say the most cowardly words with the cruelest expression》

"Brother Khan will never say that he is the number one top laner again, Ye Qingjie!" 》

"cry! What about that sweaty brother who wanted top laners all over the world to kneel down in front of him? 》

"He was beaten on the court, and he couldn't even say dirty words off the court. What can he do? 》

"Poor Brother Khan is being manipulated by Brother Cheng. He really can't beat him this year."

"Emperor Cheng is overpowering the world!" The top laners can only compete for second place in the world (funny)"

Soon, KT players appeared for interviews.

The barrage has already started, leaving the stage to Brother Chengzi.

The host obviously knew who was the prettiest and asked directly: "Just now player Gumayusi said that T1's goal is to win this year's championship. What did player Cheng say?"

Lin Cheng took the phone and shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

The understatement revealed strong self-confidence.

KT fans in the audience immediately cheered.

Lin Cheng never lets them down, whether on or off the court.

Host: "Wow~~Cheng is still as stable as a rock when it comes to Gumayusi's declaration of war. He said that T1 defeated KT in a training match. Is that true?"

Lin Cheng: "Who doesn't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year? Isn't it normal to be disconnected and go to the toilet during a training match? Maybe it's because we played too casually and gave our opponents a wrong impression."

Lin Cheng was really not talking nonsense. He would sometimes run to the toilet during training matches when he returned to the city. Despite network fluctuations and sudden jumps in the ping value, Lin Cheng would rarely call for a timeout as long as it did not affect the operation too much.

The main reason is that the results of the training matches are not important. We can overcome the ordinary small difficulties if we can. The opponents do not understand these situations and will never know the circumstances under which KT players are playing training matches with them.

However, the audience thought that Lin Cheng was talking nonsense. It seemed that T1 could at least compete with KT in training matches.

Go to the World Championship and experience a baptism, maybe you can turn around and beat KT?

This gave T1 fans in the audience confidence again.

Over the years, many low-ranking seeds in the league have gone to the World Championships to trample high-ranking seeds under their feet. Maybe T1 can really evolve successfully as little Lu Bu said?

LOL god Faker lives his fourth life?

The champagne is ready to pop!

Of course, everyone in the LCK except T1 does not want Faker to live out his fourth life.

Otherwise, they will continue to witness the top comments from T1 fans.

Host: “Of all the LCK players participating in the World Championship this year, only three are participating in the S Championship for the first time. As a veteran who has participated in the global finals for the second time, please ask the player to give some advice to the newcomers in the S Championship. "

Lin Cheng thought for a moment and said slowly: "Try hard to reach the finals, and then become the runner-up."

"Being the runner-up under us is already your greatest honor."

KT fans at the scene burst into applause and cheers.

There was a burst of boos among T1 fans.

Because the three young players participating in the S game for the first time are all members of T1.

"F*ck!" This is the confidence of God! 》

"Contempt of the King: You are only worthy of competing for runner-up"

"God drew a red line under the champion and left a motto: Do ​​not overstep it."

"This is an oracle!" Write it down quickly》

"Why is Brother Orange a God?" (funny)"

Host: "We all know that it is a pity that the players in the summer split did not get the enhanced Irelia, and FPX's mid laner Doinb used Irelia a lot in the LPL playoffs. Ya, but his Irelia playing style is very different from that of player Cheng, can you talk about this?"

Lin Cheng: "Doinb's Irelia and I? The biggest difference is that my Irelia has an extra skin."

"Live in Bengbu!" Can’t afford it? 》

"It's embarrassing, right?" Brother Coin also has an extra stone skin"

"Brother Chengzi really dislikes Doinb's outfit, and he even commented on it during the live broadcast"

"Brother Cheng: Bloodthirsty Sword Girl is a pure bastard!" 》

"Sword Girl plays like a stone man, no wonder Brother Chengzi is so weird"

"When it comes to the World Championships, Brother Coin will give those of you who look down on Meat Knife Girls a taste of their power."

The host did not forget his original intention and went through all four teams one by one. He also asked KT about the selection of champion skin.

Lin Cheng said that if possible, he would also like to have the white silk champion skin of Dao Mei.

Suddenly everyone couldn't hold back any longer.

What's this guy's hobby?

Black stockings, long legs and skin are not enough?

Are you going to collect various stocking-themed champion skins?

Are you going to have a meat-shredded knife girl skin next year?

Now Lao Se Biao's name is completely secured.

Of course, everyone also knows that Lin Cheng might not be able to get a Sword Girl in this World Championship. It is extremely difficult to get all kinds of stocking-themed Sword Girl skins.

Host: "Can you ask the KT players to talk about the teams that you think are more threatening in this year's S-League? It seems that LPL is very strong this year, EU can surprise people every year, and NA is always in everyone's mind. When you look down on them and suddenly get angry, which team from the outer division do you think is the greatest threat?"

The teammates looked at each other and signaled Lin Cheng to speak first.

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "To be honest, I don't feel any threat at the moment... With all due respect, from a God's perspective, I think the games in the outer divisions are all rotten fish and shrimps."

The audience burst into laughter.

Even the players from the other three teams sitting on the sidelines were amused by Lin Cheng.

This guy! Will you speak more tactfully?

How embarrassing would it be if players from other divisions watched the live broadcast?

As a result, Lin Cheng glanced at the players on the sidelines and raised the microphone expressionlessly.

"Don't laugh! Including you."

Contestants: "???"

The barrage was full of question marks.

"As expected of you! 》

"F*ck!" I'm so stupid! A personal attack in person, right? 》

"Xu Xiu and Brother Han's expressions are so funny, 23333"

"This is the aggressiveness of the world's number one top laner!" 》

"Everyone has been offended. Is Brother Chengzi not going to play in the LCK next year?" (funny)"

"It's a real deal!" Brother Cheng is going to leave LPL next year》

Lin Cheng hit hard in front of them and knocked out the players from the other three teams. Unfortunately, they couldn't fight back without the microphone in their hands.

KT's teammates are much more modest than Lin Cheng, saying that the LPL team is the biggest threat.

Some people think FPX is the most threatening, while others think EDG is even more threatening.

"Cried! Is Xiao Podian actually taken so seriously? 》

"After all, the No. 1 seed, EDG has a chance to play this year"

"Real starch has only one requirement: break through the top eight!" 》

"EDG's ADs after Mr. Dai are all violent. This year they finally have a Viper who can be a stable C player. We must seize the opportunity."

"really! In the past, EDG’s AD always killed them suddenly, but this team still likes to play around the bottom lane》

"Emperor Z often dies violently and occasionally explodes, the fish man is unpredictable every day, and Hope is mediocre but loves to die suddenly. In comparison, Viper has really found a treasure this year."

"Now we have to talk about the story of my uncle's 18 million cut Hu champion AD (funny)"

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