This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 150 Counterattack in desperate situation (please vote for me)

At 19 and a half minutes, Lin Cheng, the third water dragon, tried to go around the back, but was caught by his opponent. He could only activate the E skill to retreat at light speed. KT also chose to let go of this dragon.

It's not that KT doesn't want to try, it's that this time is exactly when the opponent's lineup is strong, and it's a bit unwise to go to the river to fight on terrain like the river when the opponent's equipment still has advantages.

I have endured the humiliation and burden for so long. If I hadn't held it back now, I might have exploded.

Fortunately, it is not easy for DWG's lineup to push down the tower, and there is no way to force the Baron. They can only continue to squeeze KT's jungle resources and wait for the Baron to force the opponent to fight.

At 24 minutes, the fourth water dragon has one minute to refresh.

Corgi: "Death countdown! KT has been struggling for most of the game. The Dragon Soul team battle has to be fought even if it doesn't take the fight."

Eleven: "Of course KT hopes to get better in the later stages of this lineup. There will be no pressure once the four-piece set of Varus's output is reached, but there is no way that the rhythm of the current version is like this. This wave of Dragon Soul Group will basically declare the game. The result of the game.”

Corgi: "But do you think what did Kenan Cheng buy? He is going to fight for his life."

Lin Cheng's Kainan now comes home equipped with magic shoes, a pushing stick and a magic-binding orb. Compared to Lin Cheng's previous two-piece set, which lasted more than ten minutes, this Kainan was quite miserable. .

With just enough money left on him to buy a stopwatch, Lin Cheng took out a bottle of witchcraft mixture without thinking at all.

At this time, he can no longer consider the environmental issues of entering the field. It is better to find opportunities to deal more damage.

Since the field of view is simply impossible and there is no suitable eye position for TP to circle behind, Lin Cheng's Kennen can only run out from his own base with short legs.

The line rights at this point in time are very important. Sett and Syndra are still pushing each other in the bottom lane, and the ADs of both sides are also clearing the lane in the middle lane. Karma and the prince are looking through the river wall to the grass in the river, but they can’t get past it. He was pushed away by the blue party personnel in the grass.

There are still more than 20 seconds before the dragon is refreshed, and it is very uncomfortable for the red side to have the river view occupied by the opponent.

If you want to compete for Xiaolong, you must give up the right to the middle lane and move towards Xiaolong Pit in advance.

The three of them decisively chose to go around from the jungle area to the river entrance in front of the blue BUFF.

At this time, Lin Cheng's Kenan was already squatting in the grass behind his Three Wolf Pit, watching his three teammates pass by.

Lin Cheng: "Mark the eye position here for me."

Tusin: "There are no eyes above, but there are eyes all down the river."

Lin Cheng knew what he was doing and continued to squat there and wait for the opportunity.

KT's Shimonosuke trio has been spotted by the blue square ward in front of the blue buff, and Kuro's Syndra was also caught in the jungle.

The pig girl in the grass behind the blue BUFF leaned over, and this movement was caught by the eyes of both parties at the intersection.

Another wave of troops happened to meet in the middle.

The opponent Varus gave way to the line first. At this time, the blue team will definitely not miss the opportunity to push the line. Rambo and Senna quickly pushed the line in the middle and then moved towards the river.

Relying on the last remaining vision of the red soldier in the middle before he died, Lin Cheng saw Rambo and Senna leaning towards the river.

Everyone knows that the most threatening time for Kenan is when he moves around, but Lin Cheng has no way to move around now.

1, 2····

Silently calculating the opponent's stride.

Without a field of vision, Lin Cheng could only roughly guess the opponent's position. When he estimated that the blue team was approaching the grass in the middle, Kenan took a witchcraft mixture and rushed out.

Without any hesitation, Lin Cheng activated the already charged magic-binding orb the moment he approached the river wall.

The secret! Wan Lei Tian Lao leads!


With blind vision, Lin Cheng's Kennen ultimate flashed over the wall.

At this time, Senna and Rambo had just emerged from the grass in the river when Kenan, surrounded by thunder and lightning, seized their position.

Get electrotherapy! Cub species.

The interval between the judgments of the storm mark of Kennan's second-level ultimate move is only 0.4 seconds. Lin Cheng pressed W the moment he entered the field and stacked the first layer of marks on the two people, and then the next layer of storm marks was stacked on the judgment of the ultimate move. The two fell into dizziness.

Because the blind vision flashed over, Kenan's ultimate move was only marginal and stunned the two of them. Lin Cheng quickly rushed to the side of the two with his rocket belt, and relied on the acceleration of the magic-binding orb to adjust his position and throw the shuriken at Senna. .


Senna handed over his flash and tried to pull away, but when he was unable to escape from Kennen's ultimate move, he was stunned and died on the spot without even releasing a single skill.

Rambo released his ultimate move, but was killed by Kennen's Chidori.

"Double Kill!"

The other three people on the blue side were still fighting with the other members of KT at the bottom of the river just now. They did not expect that Kennen would steal his duo in this way.

Lin Cheng's attack was too quick. After knocking off Rambo, Ornn's second-stage sheep hit him in seconds, and Zhumei caught the big move from a distance.

In order to maximize damage, Kennen did not choose mercury shoes. He was already burned unconscious by Rambo's ultimate move, but he was caught and controlled by three people and died on the spot.

However, DWG's midfielder gave all his skills to Kennen. After Bono's Prince entered the field, Syndra and Varus were left unattended. Syndra's goddess scattered flowers and stunned the three of them. Aiming's Varus was in Karma. With the blessing of the incense burner, he went crazy with A and got three kills.

With the economy lagging behind by 6,000 and the three dragons in an almost desperate situation, KT launched a counterattack led by Lin Cheng and wiped out their opponents in a wave.

Corgi: "Kenan wanted to find an opportunity, but he didn't have vision... Flash! This is a blind vision flash ultimate! Caught! Caught by him! DWG's duo has no magic resistance at all. Senna and Rambo was killed! DWG is about to explode this time. Even though he killed Kenan to vent his anger, no one can escape."

Eleven: "This is too cruel! How dare he flash his blind vision in this situation? If he guessed wrong, KT would have been GG! But it really allowed him to capture the positions of Senna and Rambo, which happened to be The most fragile duo was caught by the drugged Kennen and evaporated immediately, and KT actually won this wave."


Continuous Caster: "Cheng!!! Hero! Absolute hero! In a desperate situation, Cheng's Kennen made extremely crazy predictions! Blind vision flash killed Rambo and Senna, and KT grabbed the edge of the cliff The only chance."

Jin Xianjun: "DWG prepared a good view in the back to prepare for Kennen's entry, but what they didn't expect was that Kennen would enter the stage with such a magical weapon coming from the sky. I originally thought that the water dragon soul was already in DWG's possession. It’s a great thing, but this player Cheng has created a miracle.”

CT: "KT takes down the dragon, and the baron can also be in the bag. With Varus and Karma, it will be very fast to defeat the baron. The situation has suddenly changed. Will DWG be overturned again?"

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