This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1493 FPX: The atmosphere in the team is not very good

Chapter 1493 The atmosphere in the FPX team is not very good

The commentators were all curious about how the solo kill occurred on the road, and the director soon gave a replay.

Originally, there was a shot of the top lane at the beginning. When the director saw Dao Mei squatting on the toilet, he thought that there would be no story at level one, so he cut directly to the bottom lane.

In order to make up for the mistake in the playback session, the director started playing the scene directly from King Qin, the sword girl, walking around the pillar.

Miller: "Let's see what happened on the top lane... Niu Bao came up to draw the line of troops first and then went to find the position of Dao Mei. He wanted to suppress the experience of three melee soldiers. This play style is correct, Niu Bao. Bao is already very detailed, this is how Seti should be played.”

As the self-proclaimed wrist king of the Commentary Cup, Miller himself is very familiar with Seti, and he did not feel that there was any problem with Niu Bao's handling.

"It's a pity that Sword Girl has gained experience. Niu Bao wants to be aggressive. Sword Girl, you dare to imitate Q and fight in front of me at level 1... Oops! The key E is missing!"

"The case has been solved! Niu Bao's E was actually dodged by Dao Mei's Q! Now if I stun Dao Mei and exchange blood, I won't lose. This is the key to Seti being chased and beaten."

Wawa: "You must be so lucky! If Sword Girl's Q is cut off by Seti's E, it will definitely be a different story."

Shinichi: "It should be said that Dao Mei did a great job with the details. Not only did she hide from Q and E, but she could also hit A again when chasing after him. He deliberately turned back in advance to deceive Niu Bao."

"Sett thought that the opponent had no more murderous intentions, but the sword girl waited until the Q skill was good and then suddenly flashed and faced Seti, and it was too late to dodge again."

Miller: "Indeed, if you look carefully at this wave, there are many layers of psychological games in it. Ordinary people are indeed not as insidious as Brother Chengzi. Not only do they play to pull the line, but they also engage in psychological pull. How could Niu Bao, a simple man, do this? ah?"

"Xiu Xiu Xiu! This knife girl has so many details"

"Single Murder by Kicking Open the Toilet Door (Dog Head)"

"Brother Chengzi is really insidious, this little turn is full of scheming"

"Can this Q avoid Seti's E?" Are you sure it's not open? 》

"His computer must be scrutinized!" 》

"Actually, Niu Bao is already very thin. Seti's line of troops was drawn in advance and a normal sword girl would never find a chance, but I didn't expect Brother Chengzi to be so thin."

After completing a solo kill at the top level, KT's idiots immediately called Lin Cheng via voice.

Little Peanut: "Oh Mo! Lin Cheng, what's the matter with you? Why have you killed me alone before I've finished killing two groups of wild monsters? That's so cruel!"

Chaowei: "Wow~~~ Are you planning to book MVP?"

"This is KT's Irelia! Irelia with skin! Let's see who dares to let go in the future!"

The assistant was throwing Q skills in the bottom lane to suppress the opponent's health, while sending an emoji of Vayne holding her glasses.

Those who didn't know thought he was the one who completed the solo kill.

Only Mr. Dai said calmly: "Nice!"

This person's attitude is a bit perfunctory.

However, considering that Mr. Dai took the initiative to let Luna go and obtained the Sword Girl Experience Card for himself, Lin Cheng decided to be generous and not argue with him.

After winning the solo kill, Lin Cheng didn't stay when he was not in good condition. He returned to where he was and bought a long sword and a mung bean bottle and immediately TPed back.

At the same time, KT sent the second wave of soldiers into the tower from the bottom lane, and Evert entered the opponent's jungle area to take a look, and happened to find the prince who was playing the red buff.

Originally, Lin Cheng was worried about the prince's position outside the blue square tower. Now that he knew that the prince was under him, the sword girl immediately started fighting fiercely.

Niu Bao, on the other hand, is very stable, and the jungler Seti has no intention of actively changing blood in the second half.

But even so, Lin Cheng did not make his opponent's life comfortable.


On the field, both sides had two melee soldiers with obvious residual health. Taking advantage of Seti's opportunity to replenish his troops, Sword Girl Q killed the remaining health soldier next to him, and slashed through with a single blow while still within the attack range.


After the Q skill cancels the basic attack, Lin Cheng immediately uses another minion with remaining health to move forward.

Niu Bao didn't intend to press forward, so Seti punched the soldier with his right fist.

But Lin Cheng was not satisfied and only had sex for nothing.

Just as Seti was replenishing his troops and retreating, two lavender blades shot out.

The double-winged blades accurately caught Seti.

White and purple marks appeared on Seti's body.


There was a flash of white light and shadow, and the sword girl's face was full of Ionia's enthusiasm, and she slashed with the sword.

Seti's pride level was almost fully stacked, and Niu Bao had already fallen off the floor the moment the sword girl suddenly came up.

Bangbang punched twice, and directly used his strong hand to crack the skull to hold the sword girl, Seti set up W and deliberately punched.

Under normal circumstances, Seti's EW is sure to hit, but only if the opponent has no movement.

Lin Cheng suddenly came up just now after watching Seti take down two minions. The sword girl carefully kept her body and her own minions on one side, which caused Seti's E skill to not activate the stun.

After a brief moment of stiffness, Lin Cheng stood up and faced Seti, who was holding up W, with his face A.


The moment the basic attack was completed, the sword girl launched a sharp blade attack directly at Seti.

The sword girl's Q skill will move a little beyond the opponent's body. Just as the face-to-face Q movement is completed, Seti strikes out with a deliberate punch from the front.

Unlike Sword Girl's W, which can damage targets behind her, as long as the opponent's position is even a little bit beyond Seti's model, deliberate punches will not be able to hit the enemies behind her.

The white energy only hit the small soldiers.


The stack of Conquerors was full, and after Lin Cheng finished his Q, he already used a backhand basic attack to remove Seti's rapidly declining shield A.

Although Lin Cheng's ultimate basic attack against Seti's front W seemed to be ineffective against the shield that was deliberately punched, but with two layers of Conquerors stacked up, Lin Cheng was really seizing every opportunity to operate.

EW will hit the combo and let go, Niu Bao turns around and runs away.

Fortunately, it was very close to the defense tower. The sword girl chased and slashed Seti twice before successfully entering the tower.

Niu Bao himself didn't expect that he would be knocked out of so many states after just adding two soldiers.

In this position, it is impossible for both sides to fight to the end. Originally, Sett would not suffer any loss as long as his W with full pride value was used to deal real damage in exchange for blood.

But Lin Cheng's operation was too detailed. Whether it was stealing A with limited attack distance or bold and careful AQ to avoid real damage from Seti's punch, he did his best.

Pushing the lane on the road and suppressing the blood volume, Little Peanut quickly smelled the smell and came over.

The gun carriage line was about to be sent into the tower.

"Can I hit you on the road? I might be overtaken."

Niu Bao tried to call Brother Coin for help.

But at this moment, Victor took the initiative to ask Ma Zaha to change his status.

"Just do it! I'm not good at TP!"

Soon, the troop line entered the tower.

Pig Girl emerges from the triangle grass.

"I'll fight! Cheng Bao, don't worry."

Seeing that Seti, who had a little more than half health, was blocked under the tower and had no room to move, Peanut's pig girl immediately started WQ.

Although Niu Bao's excellent E skill cut off Zhu Mei's Q, the damage control of the two was too brainless, and Seti was easily overtaken.

Lin Cheng took another head.

"Nais! The orange treasure is beautiful!"

"It's safe."

KT’s team voice was filled with joy.

On the other hand, FPX’s team voice is a bit dull.

Nuguri just scratched his head helplessly, not knowing what to say. In fact, he couldn't speak a few words in Chinese.

"Come on, come on! Don't be afraid! Our lineup can fight, don't be afraid of Dao Girl!"

"Niu Bao, just stay under the tower. We can support you when you come from the other side."

Only Brother Coin is still trying to encourage his teammates.

It's just that the effect is not very obvious,

While driving on the road, he suddenly collapsed. Xiaotian had a dark face and said nothing.

Luna was also pushed hard by Karma and EZ in the early stage, and the duo was not in the mood to answer.

The atmosphere in the team is not good.

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