There was a four-day offseason after the quarterfinals. In addition to spending one day filming promotional videos, KT had a full training schedule.

The Internet has been extremely busy these two days.

When it was confirmed that three LCK teams would advance to the semi-finals, the smiles of the commentators in the Korean commentary box spread to the country and made the LPL audience break their guard.

"Seeing KR people smiling so happily is more uncomfortable than killing me"

"Like to laugh! Do you understand the value of the first buyer division? 》

"Buy these three commentators next year and make them laugh"

"It's better to buy the LCK female host"

"One thing to say, if the top four and three LPLs were in the top four, I would laugh happier than them."

"Does UP owner think I understand Bangzi language?" The raw meat was brought here》

"Let me translate it for you: Hahahahahahaha, no more"

In addition to being dissatisfied with the complacency of Korean commentators, LPL viewers are even more annoyed with the performance of the LPL team in this World Championship. Tieba Hupu Weibo is full of all kinds of condemnation and weirdness.

"There are 20 starters in the top four, 17 Koreans, so classic!" 》

"Have you expelled Brother Chengzi from his nationality again?" 》

"Next time, try hard to get 20 Koreans"

"Smiling!" We agreed before the game to take all the top four, but the top four were taken by the LCK.》

"State Power:? ? ? 》

"Hasn't EDG always been a Korean team? has a problem? 》

"Our LPL team can only play two Koreans, why can the LCK team have five? This is not fair! 》

"It is recommended that starting from next year, LCK will also stipulate that only two Koreans can be played. We will definitely win."

"I just want to ask Riot: When will the RNG resurrection tournament start?" 》

In addition, various memes and videos about the current situation of the top four are flying everywhere.

The classic scene of Jim Carrey's head-shaking trio in "Saturday Night Live" was transformed into three LCK teams, and EDG became the target of their teasing in the nightclub.

There are also starches that substitute EDG into a puppy surrounded by three lions.

Anyway, let’s put things in order first. If you lose, you’ll pretend to be dead, and if you win, you’ll lie.

October 30, the first match day of the semi-finals.

Today, DK and EDG will compete for the first final spot in the 2021 Global Finals.

The entire KT team gathered in the training room to watch the game.

It happened to be noon, and everyone was eating takeout while watching the Korean live broadcast.

"Who do you think will win today?"

"No matter who wins, it's best to play the full five games and bring out everything our final opponent has."

"Yes, yes! Coach Danny especially likes to study routines after returning to DK. When he plays training games with us, he always feels that DK is hiding something. I hope EDG will not let DK hide the routines in the finals to deal with us."

"We have reached the semi-finals and there should be no chance to hide anything, unless DK wants to hide the ticket."

The idiots had a lively discussion. They had already assumed that the winner between DK and EDG would be their opponent in the final. None of them seemed to take their semi-final opponent T1 seriously.

This is the self-confidence of a strong man. Lin Cheng had already booked the trophy and just had to open champagne with his teammates.

It's okay to tactically despise your opponent, as long as you don't enter the game and pretend to be tough.

It's outrageous to show off his expression before starting the group like Laifu did.

This is the benefit of having veterans and an absolute core in the team. Even if KT keeps winning this year, they rarely waste time in the game.

On the contrary, T1, the archenemy of the news agency, often won consecutively in one pass, and then a few young players would drift away. Suddenly, a certain game would be overwhelming, and Faker could not hold the line due to his personality issues.

Soon, the first game started.

The BP of both sides is very interesting.

Facing DK's Bomberman system, EDG came up with the combination of Jhin + Time.

In order to deal with the top lane male spear of Brother Shengqiang, Brother Khan took out the top laner Yasuo.

"Haha! Brother Lin Cheng, your Yasuo has been stolen!"

"Damn! Why can this person get the top laner Yasuo? Jin Donghe is a thief! This DK will definitely lose!"

Lin Cheng was very unhappy and cursed viciously.

Yasuo's men's gun was something he took out when he faced DK in a training match.

Lin Cheng originally just wanted to test the effect, but he didn't expect Brother Khan to steal with his backhand.

Yasuo's main focus on shooting men is his technique.

The male gun will be blocked by minions due to his basic attacks. Facing the flexible Yasuo online may cause his blood pressure to soar. A set of bursts will also be seriously injured if it is eaten by Yasuo's wind wall.

However, the male gun's early hand length and pushing line advantage are real. Yasuo's move is actually not a good choice in Lin Cheng's opinion.

In that training game, Lin Cheng played very happily online, which made Brother Khan's mentality explode. However, the result of the game was not very good. Lin Cheng had a small advantage in the early stage, but in the mid-term, he sent a wave of big teammates to directly hit GG. .

Obviously, DK reviewed that game and probably didn’t think it was Yasuo who had a problem with the male gun. They thought it was Lin Cheng’s Yasuo who had a problem.

Then Brother Khan began to practice Yasuo secretly.

After all, if EDG's top laner has a male gun, he must take it. If he prepares a strange move in advance and can hold down the male gun, it will have a great impact on the progress of the game.

Entering the game, Brother Khan's Yasuo style of play was much more stable than that of Lin Cheng. In the early stage, he chose a strategy of free lane development.

Brother Khan bites the last hit, and Yasuo plays an effective role in the vanguard group's wave with the blind monk. The two ultimate moves are violently connected and kill Prince Jiejie in seconds, allowing DK to take down the vanguard.

The early effect of DK's single Yasuo seems to be pretty good.

But immediately after EDG took out Time, it also showed its power. In the second-generation Pioneer team battle, Time's critical ultimate move revived the prince to counterattack, allowing EDG to engage in a wave of 0-for-3 team battles.

The combination of Yasuo + Blind Sin's ultimate move is really stable, and Bomberman with his ultimate move is a sure-kill.

But the problem is that time can defeat this single-point instant kill routine.

Because of the existence of time, DK was timid from behind and did not dare to rush in to find the target to focus fire. As a result, the situation gradually got out of control as EDG kept pulling them.

In the end, EDG won first.

In this game, both sides were very exciting from BP to game content. From the beginning, there were fresh routines such as top laner Yasuo and time assist, which made the audience hooked.

This is the exciting part of BO5. In addition to the personal strength of the players, the BP game and tactical reserves of both parties must also be competed.

Of course, EDG won the first game, and the LPL audience enjoyed watching it, but the LCK audience didn't necessarily think so.

The Korean net barrage is very lively.

"What the hell is Yasuo's top laner?" Is it useful except for the pioneer wave? 》

"Who taught Khan to use Yasuo to fight Graves?" What a genius

" # Khan status # "

"Khan's Yasuo's proficiency is too low, not as good as Cheng's Yasuo"

"Don't be embarrassed! Cheng’s Yasuo’s light theory is world-class in laning”

"really! It’s a pity that Yasuo is a community-level player after he has passed the lane. Even the elders in our community can’t send him to the group.”

"Delete the previous comment, Cheng will be so angry when he sees it, KKKKK"

"The second seed of LCK is actually T1, and DK's bottom lane strength is too low."

"If it's Guma+Keria, you can definitely play with EDG in the bottom lane"

"1557 Can you please be quiet?" DK’s second seed was won by strength, not by you guys”

"EDG Nice!" ! ! come on! 》

"Dog Korean Rape!" 》

"Zhongza, get out!" 》

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